How to soak up the last of Summer

How to soak up the last of Summer

As we begin to wrap up the Summer, let’s take stock of how we’ve done with our summer professional projects, personal projects, personal development, relationship enrichment, couple fun, and summer activities- in other words, our Summer Upleveling™… This is part of how to soak up the last of Summer.

We set out to take full advantage of what Summer has to offer with its more leisure pace. To enjoy and recharge. To use this time to reset, regroup, and realign with new inspiration. To make a dent in our transformation and in creating the relationship and life we desire… 

Then we can bring that awesomeness into what’s next in our Journey this year…

As we are enjoying our last trips, outings, and activities of the Summer, let’s take a moment to soak in the joy, pleasure and abundance that is our life. Is it perfect? Probably not, and that’s ok. Our life is meant to keep improving and evolving, that’s the Journey, that’s the fun… For now, just take stock, enjoy where you are, and chill for a bit…

As we daydream, envision, and ponder about what’s next in our Best Life, let’s stay open for inspiration, new ideas, guidance, downloads, and such. When we slow down and quiet down that’s when we can connect better with our Higher Self and when we can actually hear its message and guidance… This is how we know what makes us happy, what our next move is, what to cultivate, what to play with, what to let go of, and so on… 

Be with this subtleness and let it guide you. Let it inform how to wrap up the Summer and set yourself up for a rocking last quarter of the year. Let it show you how you might get in your own way. Let it support you and have your back. Let it show you the simpler and better way, and how to make your life easier. 

When you are in a more leisure mode, you can better observe yourself and your life. Use this observation to guide how to better take care of yourself, what routine tweaks you have to make, what conversations you have to have, what boundaries you have to set, what clearing and letting go you have to do, what stepping up and cultivating to embrace. 

Use the last of Summer to be with yourself and your loved ones, to set the tone for the upcoming season, to dream and plan together. This might be the time to explore what experiences, traditions, and rituals you want to play with this Autumn and Holiday Season. 

Let the last of summer gift you its sunshine to bring forth into the upcoming season and the rest of the year. 



APPLICATION: Set some time aside during the next week to:

Take Stock and Celebrate – What you’ve accomplished and upleveled so far this year and this Summer

Enjoy and Get Inspired – Be in the moment, soak up the last of the sun, disconnect from the usual and connect more with yourself

Dream and Plan – Think on what you’d like to feel, how you’d like to be and what you’d like to create the rest of the year, make plan to get it going 

Let your Summer Upleveling™ juice you up and propel you to new heights through the rest of the year!

Gold stars for a great Summer Upleveling™

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Masterclasses

💐 If you missed our recent Masterclasses, you can still get them through our Member Center:

~ A Self-Love Strategy for Creating Your Best Life Designing and implementing your personalized self-love practice

~ Relationship Enrichment Mini Retreat Reprogramming and shifting for connecting more deeply and creating the relationship you desire

~ Feeling Stuck and Spring Cleaning is NOT Cutting it  Deconstructing and reconstructing yourself to unleash the radiance within

~ Create an Epic Love Affair with Your Partner Addressing the struggle and upleveling your relationship to create your epic love affair

~ Get Unstuck with Self ReParenting Transmuting the patterns keeping you stuck by reprogramming yourself through inner child work

~ Thriving After Infidelity™ Stop the torture that comes from discovery, get your new footing, and transform your relationship so that’s better than ever before…

They include gorgeous workbooks of transformational processes

Access HERE


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Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

3 Steps to master the art of fulfillment

3 Steps to master the art of fulfillment

One of the key characteristics of a great life is that it is fulfilling, that it has meaning. A life of insignificant tasks, strained relationships and devoid riches is an empty and unfulfilling life. This is the life that feels life something is missing, or something is wrong. That’s because it’s true. We are meant to have fabulous lives, to figure out how to and to create fabulous lives…  

A great life includes experiencing happiness in growth, being always evolving, and progressing. A stagnant life with the same old is a boring and not thriving life. There is a saying, If we are not growing, we are dying… 

On the other hand, a life of pursuing and achieving in and of itself is exhausting and just as bereft of sparkle… 

The key here is to go for a life of Happily Achieving… Meaning that we are in the pursuit of always improving, while being perfectly content with what is and not losing the forest for the tree. That our pursuit is in Alignment with our purpose and larger vision. That our Why is what gives it radiance and meaning… 

But what happens if you are totally struggling in your relationship and your life, and this concept feels like a pie in the sky

Step1- Get grounded and optimized

First things first, you have to get out of the rut. This usually has to do with poor brain and mental health… Your embodied-brain (brain structure, neurons firing-wiring, and overall nervous system) can literally be glitching out because of your personal history and its impact on your development and because of your daily habits (sleeping, eating, hydrating, exercising, managing stress, using substances). 

The key here is to reclaim your brain and mental health via professional support- we are here for you!, personal development work and a rich self-care practice

Step2- Take full ownership of your life

Secondly, address the biggest obstacle in your life right now. What is giving you the most angst and holding you back from your best relationship and youra best life. 

There is one caveat here- you can’t blame your partner… That’s right, you have full responsibility for creating your best relationship and your best life… 

    1. It is up to you to clean up your relationship mindset, set effective boundaries, own yourself and empower yourself. 
    2. It is up to you to communicate cleanly and clearly, to properly address concerns and needs, to apologize for your side of things and for when you make a booboo, and to make amends. 
    3. It is up to you to change your patterns, meet your needs, and increase your resilience.  
    4. It is up to you to be connected (with yourself, your partner, and others), to have fun, and to sparkle. 
    5. It is up to you to make your life work, to change what doesn’t, and to go for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

When we take full responsibility for our life and show up to it with gusto in all areas, others, including our partner, and the Universe respond accordingly… 

If you are having a strong reaction to this concept, because you have good reasons for why things are as they are, please- just take a deep breath. I have heard, seen and been part of many a story of people’s lives, including my own obviously. And I can tell you that the people that make the most progress, are the happiest, and have the most fulfilling lives are the ones that take full responsibility for their own experience… 

The more they stop talking about what their partner is doing or not doing, and the more they focus on their side of things the better their life gets… 

Now, I’m not implying you don’t have a partner, you don’t have expectations nor have collaboration with your partner, or that you don’t have an epic love affair with your partner. No, you can have it all and you can by who you are (become) and how you go about things… 

It’s actually that simple… Not necessarily easy if you are still tripping all over yourself, but with one step at a time you can. I promise. 

Step3- Embrace fulfillment

And thirdly, choose to have it all. Make a decision to go for it, no more excuses or procrastination. This is where your Purpose and Vision serve as your North Star to take your life to the next level. The earlier you activate this the easier the whole process is, but as we already established it might be challenging to connect with these if you are really struggling. It’s up to you how early you can access this and benefit from doing so… 

Once you activate your Purpose and Vision then life becomes about Aligning with these, Flowing from these, and Striving for these. 

When you live this life, you have mastered the Art of Fulfillment and you get to live your best life… 




APPLICATION: Identify where you are currently in the three steps and commit to playing full out in that step… 

Step1- Get grounded and optimized – get support and invest in your self-care practice

Step2- Take full ownership of your life – address the most present roadblock or annoyance in your life and invest in creating your successful relationship

Step3- Embrace fulfillment – take things to the next level by embracing your (joint) vision and fully going for your best life

When you have meaningful direction in your life, you live an engaged life- a life of happiness and fulfillment… 


Here is to the best Summer Upleveling™ yet! 

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Masterclasses

💐 If you missed our recent Masterclasses, you can still get them through our Member Center:

~ A Self-Love Strategy for Creating Your Best Life Designing and implementing your personalized self-love practice

~ Relationship Enrichment Mini Retreat Reprogramming and shifting for connecting more deeply and creating the relationship you desire

~ Feeling Stuck and Spring Cleaning is NOT Cutting it  Deconstructing and reconstructing yourself to unleash the radiance within

~ Create an Epic Love Affair with Your Partner Addressing the struggle and upleveling your relationship to create your epic love affair

~ Get Unstuck with Self ReParenting Transmuting the patterns keeping you stuck by reprogramming yourself through inner child work

~ Thriving After Infidelity™ Stop the torture that comes from discovery, get your new footing, and transform your relationship so that’s better than ever before…

They include gorgeous workbooks of transformational processes

Access HERE


💐 Not a member? No worries, join us with a Lifestyle Membership. This Membership includes access to our private community, full access to our Member Center and previous content, and access to upcoming Masterclasses at no additional cost, all for only $29 per month.

Enroll HERE


Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

Quantum leap into your desired reality…

Quantum leap into your desired reality…

I’m sure you are familiar with sayings such as, What you focus on grows, What you focus on you get wrapped up in, What we resist persists, and so on. We too often let our negativity bias rule the day. We are wired for survival- our ancestors benefitted greatly from our bias to look out for danger. 

But we no longer are so dependent on this programming. If anything, it hinders us. Any threat to the status quo and up in arms we go… We get in our own way of getting out of our comfort zone, stretching, and evolving… And this is unfortunate because this is where change occurs, how we create the reality we desire. In exploring the unknown and embracing risk is how we experience the Magic and Magnificence life has to offer… 

What if we were to do a Relationship and Life Audit, identify the things we want to upgrade, decide we are going for the next level and make a commitment to creating something different, and methodically and systematically go about creating this change? 

If we did that, we’d make strides towards creating what we set out to create. But note, this level of outward focus is not enough- it can only take us so far on its own… This is what is called white-knuckling in some circles. Things don’t come from just shear effort. What happens a lot of times is that we lose momentum and even sabotage ourselves if the inner focus is not in alignment… 

Let’s say that we are focused on creating more connection, intimacy, and fun with our partner. Let’s also say that we have unprocessed or unaddressed personal history and have fear, mistrust, unworthiness, abandonment or other unresolved issues.

Then no matter how hard we work at enriching our relationship at the conscious level, our subconscious and unconscious programming are still running the show and our triggers and defenses undermine our efforts…  

The task at hand here besides visioning, strategizing, planning, and tackling your upgrade…, is to do the inner work… 

This has to do with:

  • Addressing limiting beliefs and scripts, clarifying expectations, exploring desires
  • Owning all parts of ourselves with compassion, coming out of the closet, owning our truth
  • Becoming more authentic, being more transparent, and showing more vulnerability
  • Healing wounds, addressing hurts, and getting our needs met
  • Identifying and expanding who we are, choosing and owing our own identity
  • Aligning our thinking, feelings, and actions for a more congruent and fluid experience

This work supports what we try to manifest on the outside. When we clean up, align, and update our inside, it shows in our outside. Our health and wellbeing are in tip top shape. Our relationship becomes more loving, supportive, fun, passionate. Our career, business or other endeavor becomes more meaningful and impactful. Our life is just more beautiful all around… 

Decide what kind of relationship and life you Desire… Note, Desire literally means de sire, “of the Father”… Your desires were bestowed upon you by Universal Intelligence that created everything in existence…

So, if you feel desiring is not a great quality to have, please note it is your birth given right as a child of this Universe to want to expand, become more, thrive, flourish as everything else in nature. Even the Universe is expanding… Why wouldn’t you want to? 

Then note what about you might get in the way of you creating or achieving what you desire. What patterns do you recognize in your relationship/s and your life? What is your usual complaint about people and things? Where is the place you usually get stuck? How far can you get before things regress again or you sabotage? 

For example, you can only save so much money, you can only lose so much weight, you can sustain connection for only so long, and so on… Explore every nook and cranny of your being for these, grab as many as you can identify at this time. 

These levels make up your current success thermostat… You can only get to a certain degree of success until the program kicks in and brings you back to the preset degree…

Your job is to do your inner work to reset, reprogram, your preset to the degree of success you really Desire…  

This is how you quantum leap into the reality you desire for your relationship and your life… 


WATCH THE RELATED REEL ON IG: Quantum Leap into Desired Reality


APPLICATION: In your time of meditation or contemplation, explore who you are and who you want to become… 

Choose your Identity and identify what thoughts, feelings and behaviors might flow from this identity to start embracing the new you… 

~ Check how you need to upgrade your thinking to be in alignment with how this person would think… 
~ Set intentions to cultivate feelings this person might feel… 
~ Set yourself up with habits that align with what this person might do… 

Note what egoic responses come up and soothe and accept yourself…


Here is to the best Summer Upleveling™ yet! 

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Masterclasses

💐 If you missed our recent Masterclasses, you can still get them through our Member Center:

~ A Self-Love Strategy for Creating Your Best Life Designing and implementing your personalized self-love practice

~ Relationship Enrichment Mini Retreat Reprogramming and shifting for connecting more deeply and creating the relationship you desire

~ Feeling Stuck and Spring Cleaning is NOT Cutting it  Deconstructing and reconstructing yourself to unleash the radiance within

~ Create an Epic Love Affair with Your Partner Addressing the struggle and upleveling your relationship to create your epic love affair

~ Get Unstuck with Self ReParenting Transmuting the patterns keeping you stuck by reprogramming yourself through inner child work

~ Thriving After Infidelity™ Stop the torture that comes from discovery, get your new footing, and transform your relationship so that’s better than ever before…

They include gorgeous workbooks of transformational processes

Access HERE


💐 Not a member? No worries, join us with a Lifestyle Membership. This Membership includes access to our private community, full access to our Member Center and previous content, and access to upcoming Masterclasses at no additional cost, all for only $29 per month.

Enroll HERE


Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

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