Mapping out meaningful experiences through the next 90 days

Mapping out meaningful experiences through the next 90 days

The next 90 days can make a real huge difference as to how you end up making out for the year. This is the time to regroup so you can reset your focus, targets, and desires…This is also the time to realign against your values and how you want the rest of the year to go. What kind of year do you want to have in all?

How do you want this one to go down in history? How do you want to have made your life better? How do you want to have gotten a bit closer to your Life Vision? The key is in mapping out meaningful experiences through the next 90 days…

You see, I used to be a real grinder… I can still be- I’m highly productive, can work tirelessly for endless hours, and do it without blinking an eye… The difference is that not only have I learned to work smarter and get better support, but now also I prioritize myself and my lovies a lot better and more than I ever used to.

For instance, I have embraced cultivating a Self Love Practice, that goes way beyond my already rich Self Care Practice… These have made such a massive difference in my wellbeing, health, connection, and just in my overall abundance. Not only did this help with safeguarding my energy, mental health, bandwidth, and time, but also with optimizing them…

A favorite tactic that I have truly enjoyed from this practice is Mapping Out Experiences. Since I’ve had such wonderful success with this, I wanted to highlight it here for you so hopefully it has the same beautiful impact in your life.

Because we are starting the last quarter of the year, I wanted to offer something that would have a significant impact on the flavor of your year so it’s more memorable… And usually, things that are memorable have to do with feelings, connection, memories and the like… The softer side of life…

To that end, I want to specifically focus on Mapping Out Experiences through the Next 90 Days. I’m sure you’ve heard that we are moving from the Information Age to the Experiences Age…

So, Mapping Out Experiences it is:

  • This has to do with identifying what kind of person you want to show up as in this world, and expanding your identity as necessary creating the new version of you…
  • This has to do with creating a master working list of experiences that help you stretch
    into, practice, and personify the new version of you.
  • This has to do with creating a seasonal, yearly or life bucket list to inspire you into new
    or repeat favorite experiences that bring you joy.
  • This has to do with identifying interest and pursuits and creating a cadence to engage in them, so they are consistently an inspiration and recharging source in your life.
  • This has to do with creating rituals and upgraded traditions that add more flavor,
    meaning and richness to your interactions and life flow…

Playing with any of the above will improve your life significantly… The key here is to pursue this in moderation yet playing full out. You don’t want to overload yourself and then end up shooting yourself on the foot because your life is so crammed that even the fun things are not enjoyable…

Once you have identified all the awesomeness you want to enrich your relationship/s and life with, then it’s time for Mapping Out Experiences.

Here is to wondrous and meaningful next 90 days!


CATCH THE 90 DAYS PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE: The Next 90 Days & Mapping Out Experiences

GET THE RELATED THEME RESOURCE: Connecting for Change Guidelines

APPLICATION: Complete the experience list/s that made your heart skip a bit when you read it. Which resonated most for you?

~ Review your list/s for the items you’d really like to experience or implement
sooner than later. Mark all that apply.

~ Now go back and prioritize them becoming more selective. You want to
sprinkle these into your lifestyle, not overrun it…

~ Then add one or two interests into your weekly/monthly routine following some sort of cadence.

~ Then schedule fun outings, events or other plans and experiences.

~ Finally, dust your plan with a new ritual or tradition to really take the whole thing to the next level…

Do this for the next 90 days, and keep this as part of your reset to do on a
quarterly basis… And, this is how you keep creating your Best Relationship/s and Best Life… Enjoy!

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed while we do what we are meant to do with our Journey… Make the most of it by intentionally pursuing the things that give you joy and purpose…


Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Complete the Relationship Enrichment Course to help you take your
relationship to the next level!

Whether you need an overhaul or next level inspiration, this course helps you:

  1. Break the impasse, be empowered, feel hopeful and inspired again
  2. Improve your communication and deepen your understanding of each other
  3. Change your patterns and better meet your and your partner’s needs
  4. Enrich your connection, enhance your intimacy and truly enjoy being with each other
  5. Strengthen your partnership, strive towards your Joint Life Vision, role model a radiant and successful relationship

You can access it through our Member Center, FREE with our Radiance Membership
Access it HERE

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Get it HERE

Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

Things might not be working right now but they can…

Things might not be working right now but they can…

Do you feel like life is a struggle? Are you having a hard time in your relationship? Do you find that you can’t seem to get along with your partner? That no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get on the same page?

That you can’t create and sustain connection? That you can’t make headways in creating the life you want? Do you feel stagnant, stuck, hopeless? If so, you are not alone. Unfortunately, wanting to fix your relationship is a common desire. Things might not be working right now, but they can…

You want to have an amazing life but even thinking of pursuing a Life Vision feels foreign and overwhelming. You have no clue as to where to start. And thinking about living your best life feels ridiculous when your life is a struggle every day.

When you are constantly at odds with your partner. How can you possibly think of a dream life, a dream future? You don’t even know what would be in it- it is so far removed. And if you had an inkling it really just lives in dream land…

You can’t even consider going for it as you are in mostly survival mode. Yes, you have some good days and some fun times, but in all you are just grinding and surviving. You are not alive. You are not living your best life.

You are not on the same page, feeling deeply connected and having a flowing collaboration with your partner. You are not creating your joint Life Vision every day. The concept of manifesting it together is extraterrestrial talk.

When you pause to think about your life and your relationship, it feels like life is passing you by. It feels like you are incompatible with your partner- that they don’t get you and that you don’t care to get their ridiculousness.

You deeply want to fix your relationship because every conversation and interaction ends up in a disagreement, escalation, or at minimum both feel really bad- not heard, understood, gotten, valued or cherished. You keep triggering and annoying each other, you are constantly walking on eggshells, and are running on empty.

You can count on one hand how many times you were intimate in the past couple of months or had real fun together. So then, how can you possibly have bandwidth and energy for collaborating on a joint Life Vision…

I get it – even considering a joint Life Vision is the furthest thing from your mind…

What if I told you that you can come back from this disillusioned grim place? And that the way is actually quite simple, not easy but simple?

Fixing Your Relationship

The reason it’s not easy is because we love to blame our partner for what’s wrong. We focus on who they are, how they are, what they do, and not do, and so on. This is really an epidemic. When the couples we work with are stuck, it is partially because they refuse to not focus on their partner and how they supposedly ruin things…

You see focusing on your partner and how they should change- how they should stop lying, or start apologizing, or stop yelling, or start being nice, or stop being compulsive, or start being more compassionate, and so on- is not the answer.

We can’t make people do anything, we are not inside their brain and body to make them do the things we want. We can’t demand respect, understanding and niceness. This is not how we create our radiant and successful relationship…

But what I can tell you with certainty, is that you do have control over yourself and what you do… And, that when you do something different or show up differently that your partner automatically responds in kind… A different approach invites, inspires, a different response…

This is how you create change- this is how you help your partner change… This is how you create a different relationship that is the cornerstone of creating your best life. From this place you can envision and create your joint Life Vision… Voila!

Hey, I know that this is super hard to do for different reasons. It is especially hard to make our own changes and to show up differently, when our partner is doing what they do that so hurt or annoy us… But if you want to create your best life, it needs to start with you!

You can’t keep waiting for your partner to change or to do something different. You can be waiting a very long time, and that is if you even make is as a couple… You have the power, all the power, to change your relationship for you have control over what you do and what you do creates change…

It’s up to you. Do you want this relationship to work? Do you want to create an epic love affair with your partner? Do you want to create your best life? Do you want to strive for your Life Vison jointly? Well, let’s go- you can do it!


WATCH THE RELATED REEL ON IG: Your Relationship Depends on You   

GET THE RELATED THEME RESOURCE: Relationship Collaboration System


APPLICATION: How can you possibly change your relationship by yourself? The key is in fully owning all of you and showing up with your best self, as much as you can, as often as you can…

When you do this, your awesomeness will inspire your partner (and others!) to show up better themselves– and so in actuality you are both working it at the end of the day…

But when you wait for your partner as supposed to inspiring your partner, that’s when things move super slow and they are more painful than they have to be…

So, where do you start? Start as simply as possible and that is by having awareness of your self- your triggers, your sensitivities, your scripts, your stories, your wounds, your defenses, your shadows, how you show up and what you put out, your patterns, what you love, what you desire, what gives you joy, what’s fun and exciting for you, etc. Become more aware of you and learn yourself better!

How? Start with simple mindfulness practices, journaling, being with yourself, staying open and receptive… Strengthen yourself from within…

If you are at a loss for how to do this and stay the course for better taking care of and learning yourself, and how to inspire your partner- we can help

Take one action today to get you moving on your new track: Get a meditation app, get a new journal, schedule a Self Date, schedule an appointment with a couples therapist or other professional support, anything towards investing in yourself… Have fun!


You can do it! You can fix your relationship! Become your most radiant self and invite your partner to shine with you…

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!


Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

Create your Life Vision through Relationship Collaboration

Create your Life Vision through Relationship Collaboration

Have you embraced that there is no such thing as work-life balance? Striving for this is just crazy making. But there is a better way, that of work-life integration. Where work is just as a satisfying part of your life when we fully engage in it, as it is purpose and value driven…

The dilemma still remains how do we get all the business of life done when we spend so much time at work and enjoying our personal time…  The solution is in Relationship Collaboration. How you and your partner share in taking care of the business of life is the key… 

For some, there might be more to all this. Where they don’t enjoy their work, don’t have a satisfying personal life, and spin their wheels managing their business of life without making much head way to boot… Yikes! 

In that instance there is so much work to be done, but for this writing I’m focusing on the managing the business of life… I’ve seen couples take different approaches to sharing in the taking care of their business of life. 

I have found that when couples insist on doing everything together or in one partner taking care of all their business, that they slow down their progress in creating their life vision. Worse yet, they don’t even enjoy their current life and might even have relationship issues because the relationship dynamics are skewed. 

Either they are “too together” all the time where there isn’t enough healthy separateness, individuality, and independence. Or, one partner is overfunctioning and feeling overwhelmed, stretched thin, alone and resentful, and the other feels left out, intimidated, incompetent, disempowered, and not valued. 

In both scenarios the partners are not tapping into the inherent synergy built into the relationship nor capitalizing on their individual strengths. They are not making the most of their partnership in life, and the relationship suffers as a result as well… 

The key is to take on a divide-and-conquer and collaborative approach. Where the partners are invested in everything going on, share responsibilities by strengths, interest, and resources, have an empowering system for being in the know and staying current, and where they get to each contribute as they desire.

This approach benefits from the partners’ differences, which are usually opposite in nature giving a fuller range of strengths to the partnership as a whole. And it engages the partners fully in creating their Vision bringing more resources- bandwidth, time, focus, energy, and such to their quest.

When the partners focus on a common vision and goals, work together to achieve them using their gifts and strengths, and stay focused while having each other’s back, the result can’t be anything other than creating their best relationship and best life… 

Start better dividing-and-conquering and collaborating with your partner to make your dreams come true. Upgrade your approach with a simple yet powerful Relationship Collaboration System and seamlessly create your Life Vision…


WATCH THE RELATED REEL ON IG: Manifesting by Collaborating  

GET THE RELATED THEME RESOURCE: Relationship Collaboration System

APPLICATION: Are you ready to create your Best Relationship, Best Life, and your Life Vision? This can sound daunting, but in really it can be super simple:

First – Decide you are going for it, for real… Don’t hedge. Make a decision to start going for it. 

Second – Decide what you are going for and get on the same page with your Partner about it- explore and combine your Life Visions… 

Third – Decide what you want to create within the next 3 – 5 years, and then narrow it down to what you want to have created within the next year. 

Fourth – Start aligning everything towards that- how you spend your energy, time, bandwidth/focus, and money. 

Fifth – Implement a simple Relationship Collaboration System where you embrace a divide-and-conquer approach, seamlessly share responsibilities, and have each other’s back… 

Note that even though this seems easy, you might get stuck in any of the steps if you and/or your partner: Have a wobbly mindset or self-esteem, have poor communication skills and tools, have unresolved issues and patterns playing out, are not feeling so hot about each other, and your lives are a bit messy or behind in some areas… 

This doesn’t mean you can’t create the relationship or life you desire. It just means that you have a little more work to do that’s all. Don’t give up before you even start. Get the support you need to keep you moving- your life depends on it…


Let’s go for our best life ever, shall we? 

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

Stop striving for work-life balance

Stop striving for work-life balance

As we move into another hectic season, some are worried about picking up the pace again and juggling changing work expectations with other preferences in their lives. Life just has a different flavor now… What was once an acceptable way of life, no longer serves us. We got a taste of freedom and now we want to embrace that more.

The problem is that we don’t know how and think the answer is in work-life balance, embracing a “quiet resignation” position… Sorry to break it to you, but that’s not it. Stop striving for work-life balance.

Work-life balance is an illusion, there is no such thing. Imagine being on a seesaw and you strike a balance- how long does that balance last? It’s a constant pursuit to be enjoyed fleetingly. We can put our energy to better use…

We think that striking that balance will allow us to have a better life, to enjoy more free time to pursue endeavors that make our heart sing. We want to put in our time and get out to enjoy our life. But isn’t our work a part of our life? We are wasting all that time if we just look at it as a black hole. If we don’t enjoy and bring our gifts to our work…

What if we were to approach this topic from, how do I create my best life and enjoy all of it? Why do we separate work from the rest of our life? It doesn’t make sense…

With industrialization and other world phenomenon we’ve learned to clock in and out. Where our work is no longer a part of our life. We consider our life to be outside of work…

But what if we were to claim our whole human experience, all our time?

What if we were to expect that our work be just as fulfilling and fun as our time not working? What if we were to expect that we could show up to our life, to any part of it, and enjoy what we were doing in the moment?

What if we were to expect that we could design how we use our time in any way we like and loved all of it? Such as working and playing whenever we want and as much as we want? What if there were little distinction between the two? What if we designed how we use our time and workflow in terms of energy flow?

I remember when I used to work for foster care agencies and feeling that I was trapped- that I had to put in time because I was hired to be there from 9-5… I got paid for being there… I got paid the same amount regardless of if my work ethic, caseload, and success rates were higher than others’…

At least some other jobs or professions provide incentives so one gets compensated for what they produce and how much value they provide. The same goes for business owners if they leverage their business model and work from their unique brilliance. Otherwise, they create a j.o.b for themselves and are in the same predicament of being tied up

I want to offer you something different than striving for work-life balance. Please, just throw that pursuit out the window. I implore you to upgrade your mindset here so you can shift into creating your best life ever.

I’m offering you instead the concept of Integration… Where you operate from Flow, where you dedicate your time to meaningful pursuits that engage your passion, skills, and brilliance. Where you use your time as you wish. Work more or less, for it doesn’t matter. There’d be little distinction in how you feel pursuing work or non-work activities. They all feel great, and you produce more than enough with minimal effort to create your best life.  

Before you come up with reasons (excuses) as to why you can’t or get hang up on the how of it, focus on first things first.

The first thing to do is to embrace this concept as a possibility… Continuing to view and do things as usual doesn’t work for creating our better life. To truly live our best life and have our best human experience, we are to fully own our life. We are to use our gifts and brilliance to its fullest potential. We are to fully engage in our life in all we do…

For when we fully show up to our life and live in the flow, we generate the amazing energy of love to then enjoy and share with our partner, loved ones and the whole world…


WATCH THE RELATED REEL ON IG: Embracing silent resignation?

GET THE RELATED THEME GUIDE: Relationship Collaboration System


APPLICATION: There is no need for the silent resignation in a pursuit of work-life balance… Instead strive for Integration where you access your awesomeness and show up with it in all you do… Then work and play become interchangeable… They both feel amazing and you can do them to any degree you choose…

KEY1 – Connect with yourself every day to access your gifts, talents, brilliance, intuition, creativity, guidance and expansiveness…

KEY2 – Set up your work situation so that you get to contribute with your awesomeness and doing things that light up your heart 

KEY3 – Set up your personal situation so that you care of yourself, pursue personal interests, and share your radiance with your loved ones

Note, following these keys might require changing our priorities, focus, habits, routines, scheduling, responsibilities, workflows, commitments, and the like…

It takes courage to go after the life we want. It takes courage engaging our partner in collaboration to create our best joint life…

Let’s set ourselves up for a rocking upcoming season and for the rest of the year!

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

Couples with young children struggle finding time for self-care

Couples with young children struggle finding time for self-care

If you are juggling taking care of small children, giving attention to your relationship, caring for your home, rocking it at work or your business, and managing other responsibilities, you probably have a hard time finding time for yourself.

Do you often feel like there is too much to do and not enough time in the day? Do you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and anxious? Do you lack proper support to boot? It is common for couples with young children to struggle finding time for self-care. 

When the partners don’t take care of themselves:

1. Their nerves are frayed, become impatient, inflexible, hypersensitive, and closed minded
2. They have a hard time having productive conversations, making decisions, and solving problems
3. They are running on empty, their health and wellbeing deteriorate, and they don’t have the bandwidth or energy to meet each other’s needs
4. They become disenchanted with one another, they lack desire and even start losing attraction for the other
5. They have a harder time figuring out ways to support each other and collaborate

Partners find themselves in a vicious cycle that is very discouraging for the success of the relationship, and the partner’s overall life…

Lack of self-care has a huge impact on the wellbeing of the partners, the relationship and the family…


Implementing More Self-care


The partners’ lack of self-care has an overarching impact on different parts of the family. Some ways in which the lack of self-care manifests:

💫 Wellbeing of the partners – Individually the partners experience an impact to physical and mental health, resilience, vitality, appearance and fitness, productivity, performance, and zest for life  

💫 Wellbeing of the relationship – There is an impasse and stuckness that permeates the relationship, poor communication and frequent disagreements and arguing, recurring issues, disconnection, lack of intimacy and suboptimal support and collaboration

💫 Wellbeing of the family – There is tension, chaos, disorganization, things falling through the cracks, difficulty keeping up with chores and preparing healthy meals, children with frequent health ailments, acting out, and/or poor grades

How can the partners do more self-care when they are already so strapped for time?


About time…


Our to-do list, responsibilities and demands seem to grow every day. Just the thought of having to find the time to add anything else to an already jammed packed day seems a laughable matter.

But it is not about finding the time, but about making the time… Making the time is a lot easier than it seems!

📣 Mindset – For starters, the way we choose to look at time, our responsibilities, our abilities, our lifestyle, our support, and so on influences how we gatekeep, prioritize and manage our time.

If we believe that we should be all things to all people, that being nurturing, loving and supportive means doing more and saying yes to everything, that we are the only ones that can take care of things the way we want them, and such, we are more likely to be burning the candle at both ends.

On the other hand, if we don’t need to prove our worth, value ourselves, play to our strengths, don’t need to micromanage, trust we can count on others, believe that others want to please us and do right by us, stay in our own circle, and such, we are more likely to not be spread too thin…

 📣 Routine – When we don’t get in our own way with a funky mindset, we are a lot more likely to create an Ideal Day routine that supports our Best Life. We are able to design our day so what’s important to us gets our attention and our best selves. And it feels like we have all the time in the world…

We are able to create a routine and a flow to our days that enables us to tackle our responsibilities seamlessly and with ease. There is a time for everything… We are not overly scheduled, we are not crammed, and we are not running around like a chicken without a head. There is gracefulness to the day and transitions built-in to allow for staying present, grounded and attuned…

 📣 Habits – And then, we add wellness, connection and success habits to the routine that allows us to take care of everything we want to take care of. When we intentionally set up leveraged habits, we get more milage out of our efforts. We become superhuman, we have more time, and we take care of a lot – seamlessly!

Being intentional in our approach to our days, buys us time!


Your Self-care Practice


Once you’ve shifted how you look at the importance of self-care and how to tackle the time concern, you can ease into integrating more self-care activities into your routine to build your rich self-care practice.

Below is a list of suggested items to sprinkle into your routine, creating habits of them to carry them out consistently:

• Meditation, Journaling, Affirmations
• Listening to inspiring content, motivation speeches, music
• HIIT, yoga, weight training, walking
• Nutritious eating, hydration, supplementation
• Connecting with loved ones
• Mani/pedi, bath, massage
Tantric meditation visualization and practice
• Soothing nighttime routine

Investing in shifting your perspective on this topic, on creating time and prioritizing self-care, and integrating more self-care activities into your routine is a must to support you in your Journey…


APPLICATION: Take a moment. Yes, you have a moment – before you jump out of bed, while you brush your teeth, when you are on the toilet, when you are in the shower, when you are nursing or giving a bottle, while you are making food, while you are folding laundry, while you are driving, etc…

Hey, I know some moms feel they don’t even have this – they skip brushing their teeth, showering, and even eating. They go to the bathroom with little ones hanging onto them. I get it. If this is you, I’m sending you lots of love and encouragement to steel a moment from somewhere – if you look, you find…

Use the moment to make a commitment to make a change – it doesn’t have to be like this!

Think on the impact of not taking care of yourself, dare to look at time differently…, and dream about what self-care activities you’d like to enjoy…

Pick one self-care activity that you will integrate into your life in the next couple of days…

You get a gold star! 🌟


We create our own hell and promote our own demise sometimes… Let’s empower ourselves and approach self-care differently… Let’s give this a good shot, as if our life depends on it – for it does!!

Wishing you much joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!



Copyright (c) 2021 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

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