
Monthly Downloadable Exercise

It’s too easy to deprioritize our relationship, once we are committed but also as the year progresses… We let all the wooing, romancing, and impressing fall to the wayside. With a refresh possibly under our belts from last month, and as we want to continue to enrich, enliven, and enhance our relationship, now is the time to nurture it with more intention, liveliness, and lightheartedness. For what you nurture flourishes. This will help you nurture your partner and your relationship and have fun doing it.

From Good to Great

Action Love…

Nurturing Your Relationship

Cultivate Love for Your Relationship to Flourish

We know it’s too easy to deprioritize our relationship once we are committed. We let all the wooing, romancing, and impressing fall to the wayside.

Then it’s no wonder that connection and intimacy decline, that we might no longer be attracted to each other, or that it might feel like we fell out of love. All this can be prevented and even undone!


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