Podcast Library 2024

Episodes Details

If You Choose To Divorce, Choose Empowering Settlements with Ease with Glenn Dornfeld, Esq. (Ep. 22)

Sometimes couples choose to divorce. Though we are super pro making the relationship work, and by work we mean Thrive, sometimes couples decide they’ve invested enough into the relationship and prefer to take a different route to find their happiness.

We support our couples in the decisions they make for themselves, their family, and their life, and we help them through whatever transitions they find themselves in. Through working on the relationship, they might realize that they don’t prefer to stay together after all and choose to pursue separating instead.

If this happens while working with us, we guide them in having the most beautiful divorce process they can manage. Our goal is to minimize the heartache and trauma of this experience for everyone involved, and to assist them transition into a new life situation that works better for them and their family. We encourage divorcing with the spirit of ease, compassion and generosity.

In today’s episode I’m excited to have a conversation with Glenn Dornfeld, an experienced mediator, about the different options people have to pursue getting divorced and he nuances of getting divorced through an empowering process that leads to satisfying settlements with ease.  Hope you enjoy it!

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Glenn E. Dornfeld, Esq., is a mediator, trainer/mentor, and family/divorce attorney with a solo mediation and legal practice in Manhattan, serving both New York and New Jersey through mediating divorce cases. He is frequently asked to teach and coach mediators in various settings, is on law councils’ joint Ethics Committees, has chaired or co-chaired many mediation annual conferences, and regularly presents at them. Glenn has been awarded the Abel Award for service to the field of family and divorce mediation. You can find him at DivorceMediationAttorney.com.

Gifts from Glenn:

Aside from the free initial consultation, should a couple decide to work with Glenn he’ll give them their first hour also at no charge when they mention Emma and this Podcast Episode.

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Demystifying Women's Hormonal Journey Throughout their Life Cycle with Dr. Serena Goldstein (Ep. 21)

Hormones are a big deal! They seem to rule our life if we are a woman because so much depends on them for our cycle and reproductive life if we want children.

But aside from that aspect, they still affect so much of our health, wellbeing and how we experience our world, including the relationship with our partner… Men are affected in their own right obviously, and also when supporting their female partner.

Without going into a whole scientific or medical explanation, suffice to say that hormones regulate and control many of our body functions and development. They affect our rhythms from sleep, sex drive, hunger, motivation, body temperature, menstrual cycle, growth, metabolism, stress response and so much more.

In today’s episode I’m excited to have a conversation with Dr. Serena Goldstein to address how to support ourselves on our Hormonal Journey throughout our lifespan. We have a rich conversation covering: Identifying symptoms that might indicate a hormonal imbalance that just add unnecessary challenges to our life, what testing one might need to help identify these for proper treatment, how to use life rhythms and lifestyle to address imbalances and promote health, and what might be needed to smoothly sail through different life stages while taking personality, relationship dynamics and energetics into consideration… Hope you enjoy it!

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Dr. Serena Goldstein is a Naturopathic Doctor who guides you to trust and understand what your body is telling you. She has a diverse, deep and growing knowledge base around conventional medicine, natural modalities, energy medicine modalities, and spirituality, where she seeks to find and address the root cause of symptoms with an individualized plan that also feels like relief. Dr. Serena works with those experiencing weight gain, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, stress, thyroid, mood, and gut health issues who want to learn more of what their body is saying and needs. She has shared her expertise on outlets such as MindBodyGreen, Forbes, and Shape.com, has appeared on NYU Doctor Radio Sirius XM, written multiple research articles on mind/body healing, presented at numerous conferences, and serves as an Advisory Board Member for Natural Practitioner Magazine. You can find her at DrSerenaGoldstein.com.

Gifts from Serena:

Spirituality Medicine

Find her here:

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Connecting Health Issues to Psychological and Relational Patterns with Angela Mazza (Ep. 20)

Our patterns impact everything in our lives- from our abundance and success, to our relationship and love life, to our health and wellness…

It might be obvious that when we have poor habits that our health suffers. But what might not be so obvious is that our emotional and relational habitual patterns also affect our health and wellbeing, and other areas of our life…

Our programming and conditioning drive our patterns, inform our internal and external habits of behavior, feelings and thought… When we repeatedly do the same old, we make a grove, an impact. Depending on the nature of what we repeat, we have positive or negative outcomes…

We know that:

~ Limiting believes keep us from our potential

~ Unmet needs create uncomfortable feelings

~ Poor behavioral habits lead to breakdowns in their respective context

In today’s episode I’m excited to have a conversation with Angela Mazza, a holistic health coach, who brings awareness to how different habitual patterns, not just behavioral but also emotional and relational, can have an impact on our health and wellbeing. We discussed how not having a voice, being a people pleaser, prioritizing others first, having low self-esteem or a sense of unworthiness, being a workaholic, a perfectionist, a type-A personality, and so forth can all take a toll… I very much enjoyed this conversation as it connects so nicely with the depatterning work we’ve been doing. Hope you enjoy it too!

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Angela Mazza is the founder of Angel Holistic Health Coaching. Her specialty is in thyroid health and healing to empower her clients to reclaim their health and precious energy. A certified health coach through the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, she is trained in all life stages. Angela is also a licensed, registered professional nurse, with over 20 years experience in various settings including hospitals, home care, and most recently the NYC school system.  As a mother of three and a cancer survivor, she is passionate about empowering individuals & families to take small steps to wellness in order to prevent diseases and manage chronic conditions for living a full life.

Gifts from Angela:

Love Your Thyroid EBook

15 Thyroid Questions Answered

Find her here: 

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A Different Perspective on Habits for Overall Health and Happiness with Marvin Bee (Ep. 19)

I believe it is fair to say that we all want to be healthy and happy… And I believe it is also fair to say that we all go about being healthy and happy in our own way. Which is totally valid. Then, isn’t it curious how the health and wellness industries are in such demand? Though we are all different and we all go about our own pursuits in our own way, at the end of the day we still want information, guidance and support in this area that might not be our area of expertise.

Creating health and vitality so we can live long and gorgeous lives, requires we are intentional and invested in implemented healthy habits, routines, and approaches. It is important to have a holistic approach to our health and wellness to ensure we actually are healthy… Focusing on all the pillars involved in our health helps us in this quest:

~ Sleep, exercise, nutrition and supplementation, hydration, stress relief and mindfulness

But there are other factors to consider for our overall wellness, attention to not just our bodies, but mind and spirit as well… And all the other factors outside ourselves that impact us… All worthy of exploration as we pursue becoming our best self, creating our radiant relationship and living our best life.

In today’s episode I’m excited to have a conversation with Marvin Bee, a fellow podcaster about how to go about our own personal health journey. He focuses on removing unhealthy habits and all things not good for us in his approach to health and happiness…

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Marvin Bee is host of the popular “Uncle Marv’s Unhealthy Podcast”, where he shares his personal journey of overcoming unhealthy habits and lifestyle choices. With over 25 years of experience in the IT industry, Marvin is no stranger to the challenges of balancing work, health, and personal life. Through his own trial and error, Marvin discovered the power of functional nutrition, mindfulness practices, and technology-enabled wellness solutions. He now uses his podcast as a platform to share these insights and inspire others to take a holistic approach to their health, empowering others to break unhealthy habits and achieve lasting well-being. You can find him at Unhealthy Podcast.

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Parenting Neurodivergent Kids: Transitions, Discipline, and Connection w/ Polina Shkadron (Pt2) (Ep. 18)

Nobody ever said that being a parent is easy, especially the parent of a neurodivergent child… These children have challenges with emotional regulation, executive function skills, sensory processing, communication, social interactions, impulse control, and balance and coordination to name a few.

This is a lot to contend with as a little one and as the parent of the little one because these make managing every day routines, interactions, and achieving milestones and other accomplishments more challenging.

Parenting in general and parenting a neurodivergent child specially, take a lot of love and dedication to doing right for the specific child.

In today’s episode I’m excited to share the remainder of the conversation with Polina Shkadron, a Play Therapist, about parenting neurodivergent children. In today’s part we cover how using specific language gets better outcomes with your child, how to set good boundaries without overusing the “no”, what to do with attention seeking behavior, how to coparent, and how to smoothly do transitions… It’s packed with information on how to succeed at your parenting and create a harmonious and joyful home.

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Polina Shkadron is a trauma-informed speech-language pathologist, family communication and feeding expert specializing in families living with Autism, ADHD, language and literacy difficulties. She earned her Master of Arts degree in Speech-Language Pathology from CUNY Queens College where she has held the position of Adjunct Lecturer for 7 years. She also has a Master of Science degree in Nutrition Education from American University, which has transformed the feeding therapy aspect of her practice. Polina’s mission is to educate parents of neurodivergent kids to “Raise Differently” and let go of the shame and deficit-focus that often comes with traditional parenting, and some therapeutic models. You can find her at PlayToLearnConsulting.com.

Gift from Polina:

E-Book – 7 Reasons you & your neurodivergent kids experience anxiety & overwhelm

Find her also here:

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Parenting Neurodivergent Kids: Tantrums, Parenting Styles, and Self-regulation w/ Polina Shkadron (Pt1) (Ep. 17)

Is there chaos in your home because of tantrums, meltdowns, acting out, or disobedience from your child? Is your child neurodivergent? Have they been diagnosed with ADHD, autism, or other diagnoses on the spectrum?

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding roles in this human experience, as far as I’m concerned. Also, one of the most challenging ones. It is a huge responsibility to create and raise another human being… The role brings with it inherent challenges and demands, and it does even more so when we have children with special needs of some sort.

But because the role is demanding and because our child might have demanding needs, it doesn’t mean we have to struggle with it and that our family life has to suffer as a result. We can learn parenting and relationship skills, and we can totally learn how to parent children with special needs in a way that supports the child and the whole family.

In today’s episode I’m excited to have a super-rich conversation with Polina Shkadron, a Play Therapist, about parenting neurodivergent children. Our conversation was so informative that it went long and so we are doing a 2-part episode to share all the wisdom with you. In today’s part, we cover the importance of play for the child’s growth, development and wellbeing and how understanding the dynamics involved in play is beneficial for the parent-child relationship. We also cover why children have tantrums and how to manage them, and the importance of self-regulation.

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Polina Shkadron is a trauma-informed speech-language pathologist, family communication and feeding expert specializing in families living with Autism, ADHD, language and literacy difficulties. She earned her Master of Arts degree in Speech-Language Pathology from CUNY Queens College where she has held the position of Adjunct Lecturer for 7 years. She also has a Master of Science degree in Nutrition Education from American University, which has transformed the feeding therapy aspect of her practice. Polina’s mission is to educate parents of neurodivergent kids to “Raise Differently” and let go of the shame and deficit-focus that often comes with traditional parenting, and some therapeutic models. You can find her at PlayToLearnConsulting.com.

Gift from Polina:

E-Book – 7 Reasons you & your neurodivergent kids experience anxiety & overwhelm

Find her also here:

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Libido Differences, Rekindling Desire, and Sexual Satisfaction w/ Deborah Fox (Ep.16)

Do you find that one of you wants more sexual intimacy in your relationship?

Differences in libido and desire levels are common in a relationship because of how penis and vagina owners are wired differently and because of the differences in how their sexual organs work. This is especially true for heterosexual couples, but still true for all couples in that individuals bring their uniqueness to their interactions and sex life…

Partners come to their intimacy with a rich background of mental, physical, emotional, and energetic conditioning that influence their experience and desires… And that inform what style of sexual beings they are…

In today’s episode I’m excited to have a very informative and reassuring conversation with Deborah Fox, Sex Therapist, about how conditioning and other factors affect libido and desire, how partners are usually also opposite in sexuality styles and what to do about it, reasons for difficulties with female orgasms and male erectile dysfunction and how to address them, the truth about sexual satisfaction when couples have been together a long time and in older couples, and how to maintain a healthy sexual relationship to ensure a mutually satisfying sex life… This is an episode not to be missed!

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Deborah Fox, MSW, LICSW, is a clinical social worker with over thirty-five years of experience in private practice in Washington, DC. She is a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist and a Certified Sex therapist, providing individual, couples and group psychotherapy, as well as clinical consultation.

Deborah lectures on the integration of mind-body strategies into couples therapy, sex therapy, and the treatment of sexual trauma, as well as conducting small group seminars and consultation groups.

Her most recent publication is The Integration of Somatic-based Strategies into Couples Therapy, published in the Clinical Social Work Journal (Oct 2023). You can find her at DebFox.com.

Find her also here:

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Book – Come as You Are

Article – Tuning Into The Body

Article – Prevent Performance Anxiety from Ruining Your Sex Life



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Small Big Mindset Tweaks to Succeed at Everything in Life w/ Francois Lupien (Ep.15)

Have you ever experiences stretches where you feel like nothing you do is working? That you just can’t seem to get ahead?

You might feel stuck in your relationship, can’t seem to lose the weight, your income or revenue is not increasing, your kids are getting on your nerves, and so on?

I have found that when this happens, we are in need of a refresh and reset. We might be going at things the old way that no longer give us the results and outcomes we seek. What might have worked once, no longer does. We are in need of a new approach… So, after refreshing and resetting, we can go at our new beginnings and fresh start differently!

In today’s episode I’m excited to have an energizing conversation with Francois Lupien on just what it takes to change things around. We talk about the power of our internal dialogue and how to have impactful interactions with others, how to go from victim of circumstances to creator of our own reality, how to reframe situations for more happiness and joy in our relationship and our life, and he offered a golden tactic to take things to the next level.

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Francois Lupien is a dynamic coach, speaker, and presenter whose experience includes working with Tony Robbins, Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Effective People) and as a consultant with Bob Proctor (Movie: The Secret). Achieving excellence in everything he puts his mind to, Francois has been a Tae Kwon Do Canadian champion, a Top Real Estate agent for 11 years with Remax, and a serial entrepreneur with multiple successful 6-figure businesses. He is a living example of the success he teaches. Francois is an expert at helping people uncover hidden beliefs that slow them down or stop them on their quest for success. Energetic, passionate and dedicated, he shows you how to get real results that stick and he’s here to teach you how to become more. Find him at HowToBecomeMore.com.



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Exploring Rituals to Enrich Relationships and Create Change w/ Dr. Evan Imber-Black (Ep. 14)

Rituals are a significant facet of our human experience. They enrich and give meaning to our life, and they make everything more fun- if done right!

If we didn’t have rituals, our days would just meld into each other as would our weeks, months and years… Our life would not have distinctive segments to focus on for personal care, productivity, creativity, relaxation, connection, fun and enjoyment… It would be a string of passing time without it being acknowledged and properly experienced…

Rituals help us delineate time as in our daily routine. They help us celebrate accomplishments, holidays, and other significant events. They facilitate the rites of passage and mark life-cycle transitions or milestones. They give meaning to our experience.

But they are even more impactful than this – they connect us, they give us identify, they give us family/relationship cohesiveness, they transmit legacy, they deepen our experiences. And most importantly they can serve as a mechanism for creating change…

In today’s episode I’m honored to share time with the wonderful Dr. Evan Imber-Black a prominent contributor to the Marriage and Family Therapy profession. We have a lovely conversation about the significance of rituals, their purpose, what makes a great ritual and how to create them, and how they are impactful in special family and relationship circumstances like step-families and multicultural families.

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Dr. Evan Imber-Black is the Program Director of the Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Mercy University. Dr. Imber-Black was the editor of Family Process, 2004-2011, the major scholarly journal in family systems research and family therapy. She founded and directed the Center for Families and Health at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in New York City, where she is affiliated as senior faculty.  She was also a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, NY, where she founded and directed the Urban Institute for Families and Family Therapy Training. And, Dr. Evan Imber-Black was a past president of the American Family Therapy Academy.

Throughout her internationally recognized career, Dr. Imber-Black has made major contributions in thematic areas that cut across different models of practice, including Families and Larger Systems, Family Rituals and Family Secrets. She is the author of over 80 original papers, and several books, and has received major awards for her contributions. Learn more about her here.



Book – Ritual for Our Times: Celebrating, Healing and Changing Our Lives and Our Relationships

Article – Rituals in the Time of COVID‐19: Imagination, Responsiveness, and the Human Spirit



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Refresh Your Relationship with Your Adult You w/ Cinthia Hiett (Ep. 13)

Doing the same old will continue to generate the same old. As Spring is just around the corner, it is that time of year to do our refresh for newness… When we refresh our environments, situations, and even our approach to our relationship and our life, we create the relationship and life we desire…

We are already familiar with spring cleaning, cleanses and detoxes, and possibly even clearing our spaces, our body, and our energy. But we might not be so familiar with the idea that we can apply these concepts to our relationship…

That’s right, we can spring clean our connection habits and lifestyle, clean up toxic interactions, detox from blaming, controlling, interrupting, yelling, and so many other negative relationship habits, clear up grudges, misunderstandings, resentment and so much more…

In today’s episode, I have a wonderful conversation with Cinthia Hiett, also a relationship expert, who so delightfully shares how to address really being who we are, how properly adulting ensures more harmony in our relationship, how to deal with codependency, boundary issues, spouse immaturity and conflict in our relationship. And how self-reparenting is a breath of fresh air for the relationship, and the world at large…

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Cinthia Hiett is a life coach, relationship expert, author, and motivational speaker with over 30 years of experience. She holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and has taught the Psychology of Religion at Arizona Christian University among other courses. Cinthia is widely recognized as an international speaker who shares inspirational and relevant teachings, conducts biblically-based seminars and lectures on relationships, gender and conflict resolution. You can find her at CinthiaHiett.com

Find her also here:

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Explore Interconnectedness for More Harmony and Joy w/ Dr Jeffrey Dunne (Ep.12)

As we awaken to the reality that everything is interconnected and that we are all interconnected, we can relax in knowing that everything can be easier including our relationship…

Why? Because then it’s much easier to feel our connection, to relate to each other in more positive ways, to collaborate, to have compassion and SO much more…

When we embrace the idea of interconnectedness, and see how everything relates to everything else, how everything is in relationship with everything else, then we can realize that we are part of something bigger. We are all part of the same thing, Life. We are all part of the same Consciousness. We are One.

Through this interconnectedness:

When we are generous or greedy with one, we are so in all.
When we are kind or mean with one, we are so in all.
When we love or hate one, we do so in all…
And so on…

This has massive implications for self-love, partner-love, and other-love…

When we love, we love.
Let’s make this a priority in our lives…
Let’s raise our Oneness, Unity, Love Consciousness…

In today’s episode, I have an enlightening and informative conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Dunne about the concept of interconnectedness, unity consciousness, and implications for a more harmonious and loving relationship and a more sustainable future…

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Dr. Jeffrey Dunne is President of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL), an organization established in 1997 to continue the research of the effects of consciousness on physical systems carried out at Princeton University from 1979-2007.  In addition to his own explorations into the nature of consciousness through ICRL, and several decades of research at the Johns Hopkins University in fields that ranged from acoustics to data science and artificial intelligence, Dr. Dunne is an award-winning playwright and author.  You can find him at ICRL.org.



Events: Weekly Share Your Light virtual gatherings

Book: Syntropy – The Spirit of Love

Book: Nexus



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Keep the Love and Spark Alive this Valentine's and Always – Emma Solo (Ep.11)

Happy Valentine’s Day, and happy Loving today and all year around! I think we all know that if we don’t nurture our relationship that it withers and dies… This is why I love Valentine’s Day so much.

~ It serves as a reminder to step up our loving game
~ It helps us make a deposit in our love account
~ It helps us reset and recommit to our Love…

Love is always there but can become very illusive if we are not in touch with it…

All the commercial aspect of the holiday aside, this is a wonderful time to refocus on our couple goals, relationship nurturing, and connection habits.

And, depending on the status of our relationship this might be a great time to invest in taking our loving to new heights – to rekindle the spark, spice things up, and enhance passion…

In today’s episode, I fly solo for a robust episode on addressing culprits to low desire, upleveling relationship dynamics, and meeting targeted relationship needs – for connection and passion…

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



~ Do you want to have out of this world deeply connecting, engaging and super fun dates with your partner? Date Your Partner Protocol (Free Downloadable)

~ Do you want to create a stronger, deeper, more meaningful, and nourishing connection with your partner? Valentine’s Experience

~ Do you want to experience less conflict and more love in your relationship? Play with our Relationship Enrichment 2.0 retreat – pre-recorded for your convenience and FREE with our Radiance Membership

~ BLOG: Stay Connected

~ YOUTUBE PLAYLIST: Successful Relationship Strategy™



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Cultivate a Healthy Relationship with Food for Overall Wellbeing w/ Brigitte Zeitlin (Ep.10)

We are all aware the importance of food to our health and wellbeing… But I find it fascinating how there is so much intricacy to eating well and getting the proper nutrition for our body. And, how food impacts so many aspects of our life ranging from our energy level, vitality, immunity, recovery, sleep, female cycle, beauty, even our brain function, mood, and resilience and so much more… Wow!

How we engage with our environment, our habits and routines, and the relationship we have with others AND ourselves also impact our internal laboratory and how we make use of our food…

Using food well for our overall health and wellness, vitality, longevity, happiness, and enjoyment of life is a key aspect of creating our best life. Putting anything in our mouths to satiate hunger and get a boost of energy just doesn’t cut it.

How we go about our food and eating in and of itself is impactful as well. It’s super important to have a great relationship with food for us to get the most from our diet…

In today’s episode, I have a very informative conversation with Brigitte Zeitlin about eating healthy, wellness habits, the self-care practice, and having a great relationship with food.

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Brigitte Zeitlin, MPH, RD, CDN is a celebrated women’s nutrition coach, registered dietitian, and media personality. She has worked with hundreds of women and has become the “go-to” nutrition expert for women who want to lose weight and feel great in their bodies. Women flock to Brigitte for her renowned expertise in creating a highly personalized and practical nutrition approach for her clients. Brigitte has her Master’s in Public Health Nutrition and is a Certified Dietitian-Nutritionist in New York City. You can find her at bznutritionny.com.

Gift from Brigitte:
Wellness Jumpstart: Socially Fit

Find her here:
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PLAYLIST: Successful Relationship with Emma Podcast



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Thriving Though Transitions, Creating New Beginnings w/ Deborah Donenfeld (Ep.9)

Yes, is that time of year when we are looking for our New Beginning, to start fresh. We transition into a new chunk of time with the expectation that things will be different. That we’ll make all the changes we want to realize everything we desire…

The thing is that change and transitions can be challenging… If it was so easy to create change most people wouldn’t struggle in life and they’d go through transitions with flying colors.

We all know that is hardly ever the case. If anything, transitions are times when life gets even more challenging, when we get triggered, and when we don’t feel so good.

And, even when we go through transitions we desire like getting married, having a baby, moving to a new home, starting a new job, or a New Year – we can still have a bumpy road…

In today’s episode, I have a lovely conversation with Deborah Donenfeld about creating change and how to have our back when going through transitions…

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Deborah Donenfeld is the owner of Photosynthesis Coaching, and a life coach specializing in supporting people in midlife who are starting over. She has been coaching for over 12 years, and moved into this niche when her own life was turned upside down and she found herself in the position of navigating several big and painful changes all at once. Deborah coaches from the heart and compassionately helps her clients to work their edge and move through tough changes with grace. You can find her at PhotosynthesisCoaching.com.

Gift from Deborah:
30-45 min Complimentary Consult

Find her here:
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PLAYLIST: Successful Relationship with Emma Podcast



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Uplevel EVERYTHING by Embracing a Self-Love Practice... – Emma Solo (Ep.8)

The concept of self-care might feel super played out, but now more than ever how we view and treat ourselves has a profound effect on our life and the life of others…

Self-care is actually a simplistic notion when what we require to realize our highest wellness and levels of self-realization, our most harmonious and loving relationship/s, and our most radiant human experience, is embracing self-love…

Self-love transcends all our foibles, defenses, and patterns… It transcends hopelessness, anger, and fear, our ego… It transcends judgment… It is the way to our better existence…

As we start the new year, and we are excited for a new beginning and a new me, #ME2.0, I want to offer a simple framework for shifting our mindset, and our consciousness, around how to go about being ourselves and doing our lives…

Let’s kick off the new year right, this shift will usher in your grandest life adventure…

In today’s episode, I debunk limiting ideas about self-care and how to go about it for the upshifting self-love practice and how to easily make it a part of your life…

Listen to the Podcast Episode!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship.



~ Radiance Membership – featuring a related Masterclass for embracing self-love:
A Self-Love Strategy for Creating Your Best Life

~ Embrace a Self-Love Practice

~ Practicing Core Values



Plan for a NEW BEGINNING and for a LIFETIME of LOVE

Beat the WINTER BLUES – When NOT Feeling Like Yourself

PLAYLIST: Successful Relationship with Emma Podcast



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“Stay Connected” with Emma through her weekly Newsletter that’s full of personal development and relationship enrichment insights, resources and transformational advice.

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