The concept of self-care might feel super played out, but now more than ever how we view and treat ourselves has a profound effect on our life and the life of others… Self-care is actually a simplistic notion when what we require to realize our highest wellness and levels of self-realization, our most harmonious and loving relationship/s, and our most radiant human experience, is embracing self-love…
Self-love transcends all our foibles, defenses, and patterns… It transcends hopelessness, anger, and fear, our ego… It transcends judgment… It is the way to our better existence…
As we start the new year, and we are excited for a new beginning and a new me, #ME2.0, I want to offer a simple framework for shifting our mindset, and our consciousness, around how to go about being ourselves and doing our lives…
Let’s kick off the new year right, this shift will usher in your grandest life adventure…
In today’s episode, I debunk limiting ideas about self-care and how to go about it for the upshifting self-love practice and how to easily make it a part of your life…
Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship.
~ Radiance Membership – featuring a related Masterclass for embracing self-love:
A Self-Love Strategy for Creating Your Best Life
~ Embrace a Self-Love Practice
Plan for a NEW BEGINNING and for a LIFETIME of LOVE
Beat the WINTER BLUES – When NOT Feeling Like Yourself
PLAYLIST: Successful Relationship with Emma Podcast
~ Watch our related videos on our YouTube channel
~ Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable Relationship Collaboration System for creating a strong partnership with your partner and a life you love!
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Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.