Beating the Winter Blues, Starting the New Year Right (Ep.31)

Beating the Winter Blues, Starting the New Year Right (Ep.31)

This time of year might be challenging for people, what contributes to the winter blues and SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), and 3 powerful ways to beat the winter blues, experiencing depression and feeling droopy. She shares how it’s completely understandable to feel down this time of year, and what to do when not feeling well and feeling a complete lack of direction and motivation.

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Clear Unhealthy Relationship Habits and Create a Shared Relationship Vision (Ep.30)

Clear Unhealthy Relationship Habits and Create a Shared Relationship Vision (Ep.30)

Relationships are a funny thing. We love them, we love to be in them, but a lot of times we struggle in them. Our romantic relationship, our partnership, is one of the most important things in our life, and yet, it might seem it isn’t by how we treat it and prioritize it in our life… Sometimes our partner is lucky if they even get on the priority list… Specially during this time of year, when our plates are so full that we might feel we have less time to do more stuff in.

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Bring a Brand New You to Your Relationship in the New Year (Ep.29)

Bring a Brand New You to Your Relationship in the New Year (Ep.29)

Sometimes we over complicate what it takes to take ourselves and our relationship to the next level. We might think it’s hopeless, that it’s impossible, and that it’s too much work and either not worth it or that we can’t do it. We might think we have to do all the work because our partner doesn’t want to even talk about our relationship. We might feel stuck and alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Bring a Brand New You to Your Relationship in the New Year.

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Creating More Harmony and Passion in Your Relationship (Ep.28)

Creating More Harmony and Passion in Your Relationship (Ep.28)

Even though we love our partner so much, we might still find that we fight or feel disconnected often… We might attribute this to flukes, poor communication skills, our partner’s attributes and imperfections, our sensitivities or triggers, or not being compatible and wondering about our commitment to the relationship… And there might be some truth to some or all of these… But there is also something else going on as well. Something that most partners don’t usually pay attention to. And that is how they are using their Core Masculine or Feminine Energies

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Naturopathic and Spiritual Approach to Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing (Ep.26)

Naturopathic and Spiritual Approach to Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing (Ep.26)

There are times in life when we feel amazing and there are times when we don’t feel so hot… This is especially true when we struggle with our mental health and have possibly even been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Our relationship and our life can be a real struggle if we struggle with our own wellbeing… For it is difficult to show up with our best self if we are not feeling our best. Anxiety, depression, bipolar and other mood disorders and things like OCD, ADHD, BPD, PSTD, and other diagnoses can really make it challenging to manage ourselves and our lives and how we show up to interactions with our loved ones and others…

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Experiential Awareness for Repairing, Connecting and Relating Beyond Words (Ep.25)

Experiential Awareness for Repairing, Connecting and Relating Beyond Words (Ep.25)

Even though words are important sometimes they are overrated… Hence, we say things like, A picture is worth a thousand words… And in this case, there is so much more communication going on between partners than what words can say… We know we communicate in a lot of different ways, including non-verbal communication and body language… But what if I told you that those are also very basic.

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Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 12-22  (Ep.24)

Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 12-22 (Ep.24)

Love bringing topics and conversations to support you in your Journey. I super enjoy the conversations with colleagues, friends, and experts on topics that I believe would enrich your experience, expand your consciousness, and of course help you make the changes you are seeking in your relationship and your life. We got you!

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Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 1-11 (Ep.23)

Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 1-11 (Ep.23)

We are celebrating our Podcast’s 1st Year Anniversary! Super excited and proud of this accomplishment. We’ve had growing pains as we went along, but in all it has been so amazing to host these conversations and bring you curated pertinent topics to support you in your Journey. We are here to assist you with your personal development and relationship enrichment to have a Grand Human Experience.

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About Emma

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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