How you manage the finances in your relationship is a good barometer of your relationship health… Yes, a bold statement. The thing is that finances equal the relationship’s resources and ability to realize the couples’ Best Life… Now, I’m not claiming that you need a ton of money to have your Best Life, nor that if you have a ton of money that you are realizing your Best Life… It’s not about the amount…
What I am claiming is that how you manage the finances in your relationship is an indicator of the strength of your partnership and what kind of life you are able to realize…
When there is lack of transparency, collaboration, and partnership in money management the same can potentially be found in other areas of the relationship…
In today’s episode, I have a compelling and resourceful conversation about how to manage finances in our relationship with our partner and how to create a secure and wealthy future. And, who knew, almost anyone can become a millionaire!
Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship.
Stacy Francis, CFP, CDFA, CES, is the President and CEO of Francis Financial, a fee-only boutique wealth management, financial planning and divorce financial planning firm dedicated to providing ongoing comprehensive advice for successful individuals, couples, and women in transitions such as divorce or widowhood. With over 20 years of experience in the financial industry and great leadership, Stacy has led Francis Financial to receive numerous recognitions and awards annually. She is also the founder of the non-profit, Savvy Ladies™ and the host of the Financially Ever After podcast. You can find her at
Gift from Stacy:
~ Free Financial Help for Widows Resource Guide
~ Free Divorce Financial Help for Women Resource Guide
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Apps – PocketExpense, GoodBudget, YNAB (You Need a Budget)
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