Relationships are a funny thing. We love them, we love to be in them, but a lot of times we struggle in them. Our romantic relationship, our partnership, is one of the most important things in our life, and yet, it might seem it isn’t by how we treat it and prioritize it in our life… Sometimes our partner is lucky if they even get on the priority list… Specially during this time of year, when our plates are so full that we might feel we have less time to do more stuff in.
Naturopathic and Spiritual Approach to Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing (Ep.26)
There are times in life when we feel amazing and there are times when we don’t feel so hot… This is especially true when we struggle with our mental health and have possibly even been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. Our relationship and our life can be a real struggle if we struggle with our own wellbeing… For it is difficult to show up with our best self if we are not feeling our best. Anxiety, depression, bipolar and other mood disorders and things like OCD, ADHD, BPD, PSTD, and other diagnoses can really make it challenging to manage ourselves and our lives and how we show up to interactions with our loved ones and others…
Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 12-22 (Ep.24)
Love bringing topics and conversations to support you in your Journey. I super enjoy the conversations with colleagues, friends, and experts on topics that I believe would enrich your experience, expand your consciousness, and of course help you make the changes you are seeking in your relationship and your life. We got you!
A Different Perspective on Habits for Overall Health and Happiness w/ Marvin Bee (Ep.19)
I believe it is fair to say that we all want to be healthy and happy… And I believe it is also fair to say that we all go about being healthy and happy in our own way. Which is totally valid. Then, isn’t it curious how the health and wellness industries are in such demand? Though we are all different and we all go about our own pursuits in our own way, at the end of the day we still want information, guidance and support in this area that might not be our area of expertise.
Small Big Mindset Tweaks to Succeed at Everything in Life w/ Francois Lupien (Ep.15)
Have you ever experiences stretches where you feel like nothing you do is working? That you just can’t seem to get ahead?You might feel stuck in your relationship, can’t seem to lose the weight, your income or revenue is not increasing, your kids are getting on your nerves, and so on?I have found that when this happens, we are in need of a refresh and reset. We might be going at things the old way that no longer give us the results and outcomes we seek. What might have worked once, no longer does. We are in need of a new approach… So, after refreshing and resetting, we can go at our new beginnings and fresh start differently!
Exploring Rituals to Enrich Relationships and Create Change w/ Dr. Evan Imber-Black (Ep.14)
Rituals are a significant facet of our human experience. They enrich and give meaning to our life, and they make everything more fun- if done right!If we didn’t have rituals, our days would just meld into each other as would our weeks, months and years… Our life would not have distinctive segments to focus on for personal care, productivity, creativity, relaxation, connection, fun and enjoyment… It would be a string of passing time without it being acknowledged and properly experienced
Refresh Your Relationship with Your Adult You w/ Cinthia Hiett (Ep.13)
Doing the same old will continue to generate the same old. As Spring is just around the corner, it is that time of year to do our refresh for newness… When we refresh our environments, situations, and even our approach to our relationship and our life, we create the relationship and life we desire… We are already familiar with spring cleaning, cleanses and detoxes, and possibly even clearing our spaces, our body, and our energy. But we might not be so familiar with the idea that we can apply these concepts to our relationship…
Explore Interconnectedness for More Harmony and Joy w/ Dr Jeffrey Dunne (Ep.12)
As we awaken to the reality that everything is interconnected and that we are all interconnected, we can relax in knowing that everything can be easier including our relationship…
Why? Because then it’s much easier to feel our connection, to relate to each other in more positive ways, to collaborate, to have compassion and SO much more…
When we embrace the idea of interconnectedness, and see how everything relates to everything else, how everything is in relationship with everything else, then we can realize that we are part of something bigger. We are all part of the same thing, Life. We are all part of the same Consciousness. We are One.