Some people are still having the post holiday and winter blues and find this time of year challenging. When we have a personal challenge that affects everything in our life, including obviously our relationship with our partner. This Love Launch™ “mini program” is available to you through blog posts so you can nurture your relationship with ease. You don’t have to wrack your brain, here is very targeted interacting for maximum impact!
You might also want to visit our social media channels (see bottom of the page for links) as today we are starting a VDay Challenge™. So not only can you crush it with intentional power nurturing during your weekend with the Love Launch™ approach, but you can now also sprinkle your relationship with touching loving gestures everyday. Check them out!!
The Love Launch™ is a great for adding more fun, romance, connection, intimacy and flow into your relationship regardless of its status. Take what resonates for you, and fits your situation, and show your partner love. Feel free to tweak and apply the processes as you like. The point is to do more loving than usual!
When we show up with our Loving Self, when we focus on touching our partner’s heart, when we give just to give, we create Joy, Happiness, Abundance, and more LOVE. When we operate from a Loving place, feel Loving, and focus on seeing the lovable side of our partner this is where magic happens… Too often I hear partners say things like: they are not there, their relationship is too far gone, they currently hate or dislike their partner, they are embarrassed, they don’t know what to do, and a whole bunch of other “reasons” why they can’t be loving…
Seriously? We get what we put in. We perpetuate, worsen, the status quo if WE don’t do something different, stretch, transcend, take the higher road, and such. If we wait for the other to “step it up” first, and we are both waiting for the other, we are going to be waiting a long time, or not make it… I share this sentiment frequently. We have to take charge of how we choose to show up, how we choose to invest, how we choose to Be. I promise that when we do this, the rest comes along for we become more lovable, we invite more love, we inspire more Love…
So what do you say, ready to Love Launch™?
Love Launch™
During the 4 Weekends leading to Valentine’s Day (or another occasion, or just because!), you are to make a real concerted investment at nurturing your relationship. Do it with gusto and to please your partner. Put on the “dating lens” – remember you’d do anything for your partner then…? Go all out to make an impression. And, you enjoy the process as you go…
COUNTDOWN – Weekend #2
Invite your partner to “couple time” (of a length of time you think you’ll need), at a mutually agreeable time, with no distractions, and light refreshment, to Mastermind your Successful Relationship Lifestyle™.
Start nice and easy. You can add more aspects, details and richness as you get traction with some basics first. Here are areas to explore, flesh out, plan and integrate into your routine. Select two (2) to get started, and keep playing with this until you have the flow that makes your heart sing:
– Morning routine and rituals
– Staying connected throughout the day
– Evening routine and rituals
– Bedtime routine and rituals
– Couple time
– Dating
– Sexy time
– Adventure and exploration
– Joint hobbies and projects
– Getting memberships to activities that inspire you
– Getting season tix to activities that give you joy
– Planning out your vacation time for the year
– Planning out your couple stacation time for the year
– Choosing individual growth areas and supporting each other with them (that help you break your impasses and change your stuck dynamic)
– Implement ways of staying current, getting on the same page, and to effortlessly collaborate
– More Advanced: Explore and design your Legacy…
Go for the ones that are easy to integrate and have good follow through, to effortlessly build good will and positive momentum. Keep this process short and sweet. Let it be a rewarding experience. Congratulate each other once you have a plan of action. Celebrate your commitment to excel at your relationship!
Stay tuned for next week’s issue on Weekend #1 of our Love Launch™! Valentine’s Day weekend…
Complete the MetroRelationsip™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start creating your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life…
Share your experience by leaving a comment below!
Happy Masterminding!
~ Your MetroRelationship™ Assignment
Put yourself in a real good mood before you meet your partner for any relationship activity or interaction… Bring good vibes. Show-up with your Highest, most Loving, Self…
Add this to your Tool Kit…
Copyright (c) 2018 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple™ content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: