Reenergize your life


Life is full of little wonderful surprises if we allow ourselves to see them and let them in… When was the last time you were delighted by the unexpected? Are you being flexible with your approach to life, work, schedule, perspectives? Are you letting your energy flow freely? Do you allow your life approach to energize you, sustain you, elevate you? This is how the magic happens…

Embracing the new season, we know that Spring is all about what I call:

The Five Rs – Recharging, Restoring, Renewing, Reinvigorating and Rejuvenating.

After the push of the new year, the grind and the stagnation of winter, it’s time to shake things up to refresh and reenergize ourselves and our world.

How do you keep yourself fresh and going? How do you generate your personal energy? How do you stay motivated and inspired? How do you stay productive, efficient, effective? How do you make a difference? I find these concepts so fascinating as some people rock and others totally struggle with these and their lives.

I’m forever researching, exploring and playing with these to continue to evolve myself and do my own humanness better, but also to bring more awesomeness to you. I integrate my learnings in different ways for easier consumption, assimilation and results. Hence the 5Rs’ flavor in this writing.

The 5Rs help us keep things moving in our desired direction with ease and gusto. They can be applied as we wish to whatever we wish, but here is to getting you started:

Recharge – Tweak your routine to refuel yourself. It is common for our routines to get stale or played out, or for us quit a good one soon into the new year. Spring is a wonderful time to reset ourselves with a touched-up routine that captures our current needs and the new season. This is a great time to start transitioning to warmer weather activities to reawaken us from the slumber or hibernation of winter.

Restore – Address a thorn in your back to restore flow. There are always things in our lives that are annoying, bug us, deplete us or obstruct our way. Our job is to be on an ongoing lookout to prevent allowing these things from embedding themselves and wreaking havoc, and to proactively remove any old ones in our midst. Find your current thorn and pull that sucker out!

Renew – Recommit to a good habit or investment. By definition a habit is something ingrained and not easy to get rid of. Unfortunately, we do get side tracked from good habits regardless. Renew your commitment to a good habit you desire in your life that you know supports your Journey.

Reinvigorate – Refocus on a priority. Gosh, life gets so hectic and we take on more than we should in our attempt to live the Successful life we want… Take this opportunity to refocus on your values and your priorities. Keep in mind your desire to feel Peace, Joy and Love… Put your focus on One Thing at a time to Thrive… 

Rejuvenate – Think longevity, add a new health/wellness habit. This never gets old for me! I believe I shared with you that one of my life goals is to live to 120… This means I better live a VERY healthy life. LOL I’m working on it. My self-care and wellness routine and the habits within are so amazing.

I’m in love with all the different aspects, tools, products, etc. By no means do I do my extraordinary routine to perfection. But, doing the most and best I can with it makes a huge difference in and of itself. I implore you to take this tactic seriously. It’s literally “life saving”…

I find the human condition so very interesting, with our given uniqueness, set of circumstances and what we do with them… I’m sure every single person reading this resonated with something different, took something different and will apply whatever grabbed them differently…

Our experience being the writer/creator and the reader/consumer is so varied and rich. As we are with each other in shared mediums, we are cocreating our reality… As you take what serves you from this writing and apply it to enhance and enrich your life, you are adding to our collective experience. You doing you better actually serve me as well! Heh?

This is the beauty of our experience, reality and coexistence. We are all in it together. So, let’s make it a real good one! Let’s Energize our Journey…

Share your experience by leaving a comment below! I’d love to learn which R you’ll be playing with.  

Happy Energizing!



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   Copyright (c) 2019 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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