5 Ways to thrive this season


Let’s get ahead of the impact of the end-of-year hecticness by instead of anticipating stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, conflict and the like, and going into survival mode, let’s plan on Thriving during this time. Eh?

The trick is to believe that this is possible, that you can do it and that you can do your life differently for more Peace, Joy and Abundance… Yep, change doesn’t just happen you have to be intentional about it…

Here are options to consider playing with to help you get traction on this Path of Ease…

Stop the Arrogance – Being arrogant is the easiest way to get stuck in life… When we think we know it all, when we think we know best, when we think we don’t need support or help, when we think we can do it alone, when we don’t see the value provided, when we look for what doesn’t measure up instead of what is Good – we are being arrogant

When we are arrogant, we don’t allow the yumminess of life in… We get what we see… We miss out on what we refuse to see… But don’t be mistaken the Good is always there… You just have to choose to see it… Always keep a Beginner’s Mind…

Change Your Looping – We all have our patterns of operating, and dissatisfying repeating patterns in our life and in our relationship that hold us back from our Best Life… Are you aware of your patterns? Are you aware of how your patterns give your life its flavor?

Some are as simple as our daily routine, which in and of itself is actually a powerful pattern to Master… Some are as complex as repeating intergenerational history and drama… Take a step back to observe how this is relevant in your life and make a decision to create healthier patterns…

Have No Stress – Ha! I know this is easier said than done. But stress is self-imposed… We can choose how we look at things, the meaning we assign them, what we put up with, what we let in, how much we let in, how we respond, how we cope and so on. We can choose to look at “stressful things” as challenges, as opportunities…

There is opportunity for growth at every corner… It is up to us to take it on as a challenge and benefit from it. Or, we can just let a situation kick our butt… Make no mistake though. Whether you intentionally make a choice or just let things happen, you are still making a choice… Non-deciding and inaction are choices… Might as well intentionally make your choices… Might as well choose the level of stress you have in your life…

Become a Meditator – I know, I know. It seems that there isn’t an issue that doesn’t include meditating. This is because Meditation changed my life, and the life of our clients who are open to establishing a Meditation Practice… I can’t recommend it enough. It even relieves symptoms and impact of stress…

If you haven’t cracked the code on reducing stress, you can at least manage it better…  Meditation reduces adrenaline in men and cortisol in women giving the body and mind a break from its ravaging impact. Meditation has a multitude of benefits, but the one that keeps me going back for more is connecting to my Higher Self…

There is beyond awesomeness in this, indescribable really. But a simple description is that meditation provides a feeling of Oneness and Spaciousness. From this state Anything is possible…

Here is where we know everything is Ok, where we just Know, where we know our Best Self, where we can envision our Best Life, where we can dream our big dreams (and where they are not scary!), where we see the possibilities, where we get answers, where we check how to better do our Divine Human Experience™. Oh, it’s good… But, don’t take my word for it. Give it a chance, even if just for some of the other benefits…

Keep a Journal – This is my newest best friend. LOL I can’t believe that I never gave this tool a shot for myself. If you Journal, you already get it. If you don’t, by all that’s good this is the next Wellness Habit you’d be wise to take on. There is no right or wrong way of journaling. It’s a total personal experience where you get to be with You… 

The only caveat, I implore you to be mindful of not dwelling with it on the negative. Don’t use your journal to get stuck in a negative script… Use your Journal to create a better relationship with your Self… Use it as your Alter Ego… Use it however you like as long as the focus is to enrich your life, to empower you.

I encourage a handwriting journaling practice to capitalize on the added bonus of writing by hand… Plus it’s inspiring to have a gorgeously bound personal companion. If you are more of the electronic version type, my research on Journaling apps unearthed this little gem: Journey. Either way, the Journaling Practice in its different forms is extremely healing, empowering, clarifying, motivating, inspiring and so much more.

[Disclosure: I only make recommendations to services and products I use or would use myself and know are Journey enhancers. Note, where available we are set up to receive compensation from the companies that provide the services and products I recommend. We are otherwise completely independent from these companies.]

As we are approaching the end of the year, I want to help you have a Glorious Season filled with creativity, productivity, and much, much joy. Embracing enriching practices make our Journey so much more exquisite. Integrating these into our Lifestyle Design allows us to continue to expand, evolve, pursue our daring dreams and have a smooth go of it.

I find it easiest to embrace these enriching practices by creating Habits of them and integrating them into my Daily Routine… And, as I’ve been raving about, I’m even using a Habit app for easier integration and management. Highly recommend it! SO fun!!

Now is the time to even more intentionally go about our life, the rest of the year and planning the next one to come. I created the Holiday & Year-End Process™ (HYP) to guide you in this quest and keep you sanely on track. I invite you to follow it for a more peaceful and joyous end of year.

ASSIGNMENT: As you enter the richness that comes with the end-of-the-year, make sure to check out our Holiday & Year-End Process™ (HYP) to prepare to elegantly waltz into the New Year. Make it all easier by embracing a Path of Ease concept that resonates with you most right now (build it into your Daily Routine…):

Stop the Arrogance – Maintain a Beginner’s Mind…

Change Your Looping – Change your Patterns…

Have No Stress – Choose your Experience…

Become a Meditator – Create Spaciousness…

Keep a Journal – Keep your Best Company…

Don’t you just feel ready to rock it? I’m telling you these Life Design choices are literally life changing… You have to give them a shot… Enjoy!

Complete the Assignment, and share your takeaway, insights, and results with a note in the Comments box at the end! I’d love to hear how you are using this content.

Happy Embracing!





   Copyright (c) 2019 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com


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Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of metrorelationship.com a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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