Are You Showing Up in Your Relationship these Holidays?

Are You Showing Up in Your Relationship these Holidays?

The Holidays are always a difficult time of year for people for many reasons. At the risk of adding to the plethora of writing on this topic, I still feel called to share with you how you can use this time as an opportunity for change and creating an amazing life and relationship. I invite you to look at the Holidays not as something to endure, get through and manage, but as a fertile ground of new possibilities.

I ask that you put aside your usual thinking about the planning and celebrating of the Holidays, and instead look at them as a mirror of your life and relationship … Take a deep breath and hang in here with me … Let’s get down and dirty.

The way you do the Holidays, and any other celebrations, is how you do your relationship … Take a moment to think about this. I’m asking to transcend and stretch your thinking … Give this a try and remove yourself from your earthly, material, and practical perspective and engage your essence and energy. Take deep breath …

Can you see the parallel? Can you see that your MO shows up everywhere? Can you see that what you put in is what you get back? Can you see that you are writing your own story? Can you see that you invite what you get? Can you see that how authentic you are (core you without defense mechanisms!) in your relationship translates to how intimate you can be in your relationship? Can you see that how much you show up in your life dictates the kind of life you have?? Take another deep breath … 

The way you go about doing the Holidays is how you go about doing your relationship and your partner, and how you engage with them during the Holidays is how you usually engage with them … How has this been working for you? 

The challenge I propose today is to do this differently. I want you to plan your Holidays using your Authentic Self, your Being … Bring your Energy to your planning, and give your Doing a break … Get out of your own way and allow the beauty of others to join you … 

Get out of your own way and allow YOUR beauty to show up! If your Energy could speak … What would it say? What would it ask for? What would it set up? What would it give? Remember, your Energy is Love, Nurturing, Compassion, Abundance, Forgiveness, Generosity, Creativity, Flexibility, Patience, Tolerance, Acceptance, Community, Togetherness, Security, Strength, Power, Peace, Passion, Vibrancy, Light, Life …

Your Energy can speak … Your energy is You … Use your Self well. Just show up! In showing up, you have won the war. You have transcended Fear, you have beat the Ego, you rejoice with your partner’s Self, and you are in Communion, and All is well …

Go for it, decide how and where you’ll show up, gift others with your Presence, and stop the mediocracy today!

Complete the MetroRelationship Assignment below to assist you effortlessly do this and immediately start experiencing the relationship you want!   


Happy Showing Up!


~ Your MetroRelationship Assignment

Think on an area of Holiday Merriment that usually creates stress for you. Let go of the practical aspect of this challenge and put it instead into relationship terms … How would you like the big picture to be different? Who would you have to be to belong in that picture? Go for it, embrace your Higher Self and show up as you wish you could … It is that simple …


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com


Do You Know the Role of Thanks-giving?

Do You Know the Role of Thanks-giving?

We have a tendency to focus on the negatives, what doesn’t work, weaknesses and deficiencies, and how much our partner “sucks”. This is the kiss of death in life and relationships. This is a sure way of staying stuck in the status quo for what we focus on persists: we co-create it, manifest it, invite it …

The focus on negativity creates a state of fear which induces a fight, flight or freeze response:

Thoughts -> Feelings -> Action

If you think negative thoughts, what I call “crooked thinking” (not reality based …), you generate negative feelings (pain …), and therefore the resulting actions are meant to swiftly address this pain. But as they are ill-conceived they are in the form of defense mechanisms and reactivity creating more issues and more pain. This becomes a vicious cycle keeping you from moving forward in your life and stuck in a dissatisfying relationship.

I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what happens in relationships when the focus is on the negatives and what doesn’t work … The resulting criticism, complaining, power struggling, and lack and deprivation erode the bond, connection, passion and good will.

As you can imagine this creates a toxic situation that becomes pervasive and impossible to live with. It sucks the life out of your relationship, and your life … You don’t even have to be verbally critical – show disapproval with your body language and facial expressions, or even just in your thoughts … the impact is the same!! 

Fortunately, there is a VERY simple solution to this dilemma and tendency … The antidote to this plague is Appreciation … The brain can not physically, biologically, have its fear and appreciation centers activated simultaneously. This means that if we can figure out how to be in a state of appreciation, we can bypass the fear state and therefore break this cycle!

Here are two methods I teach my peeps to use to enrich their relationship and life:

Appreciation RX: Once the brain’s appreciation center is activated, and the feeling good chemicals are released, its blissful effect lasts for a few hours. Therefore, I devised this intervention where you are “prescribed” to take an appreciation “dose” 3x / day. This can translate into doing appreciations at breakfast, lunch and dinner – just like taking medicine or vitamins!

You can build this into any kind of ritual, or routine, that works for you like being thankful for meals, brushing teeth, drinking coffee, commuting, etc.

Appreciations don’t have to be anything fancy – don’t let this task scare you. Just open your eyes and see the beauty around you… There is plenty to see! Be thankful for what is…

Partner Appreciation: I know that when we are hurt, disappointed or feeling resentful that it is close to impossible to think of what we appreciate about our partner and even harder to share this with them. Herein lies the beauty of this exercise. When you stretch to focus on the positive and notice your partner’s magnificence, and therefore what they bring to the relationship, you are then gifted with their magnificence!

This is an amazing feat not only because we have the tendency to look for negatives and deficiencies, because in partnership we trigger each other for the purpose of growing and healing, but because our ego is threatened. To be able to transcend all this and truly see your partner, and then share it with them – WOW! When you start doing this, you start experiencing the relationship you want! 

It IS that simple!  Focus on what your partner contributes, things you like about them, things they’ve done that touch you, notice the effort they put in and how they are trying (yes, they are trying their own way…). Appreciate this, and lo and behold!

Don’t let your relationship continue to suffer at the mercy of negatives. Implement one of the methods now, and start creating changes. Hey, do both for good measure and maximum impact! Go for it, give them a try.

Do the MetroRelationship Assignment below to assist you effortlessly implement this and immediately start experiencing the relationship you want! 

Notice the good, acknowledge the gifts, be Thankful – express your Appreciation! 


Happy Appreciating!!


~ Your MetroRelationship Assignment

Share this concept with your partner and commit to having an appreciation session (10 min) once a week at a mutually agreeable time.


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com


Are You Giving Enough to Your Honey?

Are You Giving Enough to Your Honey?

Are you generous in your relationship? Do you freely give from your heart with no strings attached, tit-for-tat, score keeping, need for acknowledgement, manipulation, or any other funny business?

This may appear as an obvious rule to follow in our relationship but I actually find that it’s not, especially for couples that are struggling. I come across much crooked logic around how partners choose to interact and give. They create so much suffering.

Partners have different ways of withholding. Withholding comes from a fear of self extinction, not existing, annihilation, and the need for self preservation … The giver has to make sure they also get for in getting they know they exist …  Also, being stingy gives the false impression of security, keeping reserves, and being safe or protected. 

These create a power struggle, conflict, drama, and pain in the relationship. Partners experience this as being taken for granted, abandoned, neglected, and punished. In their stinginess they stifle the natural flow of abundance, aliveness, love, passion – thereby keeping themselves and the relationship in a state of deprivation, paralyzed, stuck …

However you are withholding is obviously not conducive for creating the relationship you want.  There are two paths you can follow to rectifying this.

1) Psychological: Address the underlying driving motivation for your choices, the fear of self extinction and need for self preservation, in more healthy and productive ways … (Beyond today’s topic)

2) Practical: Make a commitment to creating an awesome relationship, and start giving from the heart effortlessly by replacing your giving style with laser beam targeted loving guaranteed to touch your partner!

When you choose to put your funny business aside and genuinely and fully commit to making your relationship work, magic starts to happen. I’ve seen it, and I’m no Tinker Bell!

When you make this kind of commitment, you start operating from a heart-centered place – becoming open minded, flexible, patient, understanding, accepting, compassionate. You begin to understand and accept how your partner wants to be loved, and what touches them. You can begin to give from the heart and do informed giving.

Sometimes, even though we have the best of intentions, and come from a very loving place, our efforts still do not touch our partner’s heart, nor do we know what would. This might feel hopeless, but there is no need to despair. A little curiosity, investigating, and mindfulness goes a long way.

The tip is to identify your partner’s love language (refer to the list below, and you can refer to The 5 Love Languages) and to make sure you give to your partner in the way they prefer to receive love… You can give laser beam targeted loving! 

Below are the 5 ways for giving targeted loving to match your partner’s love language preference, and at the end is your MetroRelationship (sm) Assignment to help you get started:

Acts of Service – Do things for them, help with tasks, take care of things that need doing, offer to help with projects, surprise them by fixing, buying, planning, etc. without  their asking, take charge and lead gently

Time Together – Spend quality time together, plan dates, join in activities, tackle projects together, create new rituals, synchronize your routines, plan special couple moments

Physical Intimacy – Do a lot of touching, caressing, hugging, holding hands, kissing, cuddling, other forms of affection, and enrich your sensual and sexual repertoire

Words of Acknowledgement – Shower your partner with compliments and praise, show appreciation for their contributions, give validation for their experience, give credit for their efforts

Material Gifts – Know what kinds of things your partner likes (when in doubt fish around or ASK!), tailor your gifts to their personality, style, profession, talents, interests, needs, celebration, milestones, etc.

It’s time to be more generous, start giving from the heart, give laser beam targeted loving for maximum impact! Let your partner feel your love!

Embrace your generosity today!

Happy Giving!!


~ Your MetroRelationship ™ Assignment

Invite your partner into a discussion about your Love Languages and how you each like to receive love. Identify and share with each other your own primary love language, and then explore how you each can give love to the other in their love language so they can feel your efforts.


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com


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