Do You Wish You Lived in an Alternate Reality?

Do You Wish You Lived in an Alternate Reality?

We meet somebody, we like them, and we entertain their company more and more. Then, we decide we really like them and decide to go steady. Then, we decide we love them and start thinking of a life together. Then, we get wheels in motion to have a life together. And, all along the way we do this haphazardly and by-the-seat-of-our-pants. We think we are planning and deciding, but are we?

We use superficial reasons, using resume-like things, to decide if we should entertain someone, and eventually like them. When there actually are unconscious mechanisms at play deciding for us! Have you ever wondered what two people saw in each other?

Did you ever feel a pull to someone who was not your type? Have you wondered why you stayed in relationships that didn’t work and couldn’t understand why you did? Do you wonder now why you stay with your partner when you feel your relationship is not working?

The reason is because you are not really choosing, or you are choosing for some superficial reasons again… The unconscious glue is beyond the scope of this article, but suffice it to say that this is why we struggle in relationship.

What to do? Two things. One, delve into your unconscious and subconscious processes to understand what’s happening, and then to actively work on reprogramming yourself and accessing your Authentic Self… Two, be intentional about the relationship you want to create.

Being intentional about what you want to create first requires you to know what you want! This brings me back to the fact that we usually do our relationship by accident and not by design… So, let’s not do that anymore. Let’s start creating your radiant relationship.

Letting go of how you experience your present situation with your partner, think on what your ideal relationship (with your partner) would look like? Be careful not to think of how your partner would be different… This doesn’t work! You can’t change your partner.

Take a step back and think about what would it be like if you had the relationship you wanted? I know this is a difficult thing to do, but stay with me.

Pause how you are thinking about this in terms of logic, possibility, and the pragmatic side of things. Suspend logic for a second, which by the way is also Ego… Take a Higher perspective and look at the possibilities in your relationship.

Put your Self and your Partner in a bubble in your mind’s eye, completely detached from really, and see what you can see as possible? Imagine you visit an alternate reality where you have the relationship you want with your partner…

You get to observe this version of yourself and your partner in this world, and this couple can’t see you… You get to fully Witness their relationship… What do you see?

How do they wake up in the morning? What morning routine do they have? How do they nurture each other? How do they go about their day? How do they stay connected if they are not together? How do they transition into the evening, and then the night? How do they interact?

How do they deal with the business of life? How do they make decisions? How do they get things done? How do they set goals and go about achieving them? How do they have fun? What kind of lifestyle do they have? What kind of life are they living? How do they create a legacy? How do they inspire others?

This is where you remain open, curious, intrigued, accepting, receiving, understanding (don’t doubt, begrudge, judge, resent, etc…). Stay in the possibility. Stay fluid. Suspend rationality and observe with acceptance, compassion, heart, Love. See the partner. See their Authentic Self. Know that this is YOUR Partner… This is what’s possible if you allow it…

Know that the other person is you… This is what’s possible if you allow it…

Take a moment to note how you don’t allow these things now… For real, don’t blame your partner for you not being able to be who you want to be, who you are… Stop that now, and own your Self. Think about how you are getting in your way of not having the relationship you want… How are you not fully showing up? How are you still blaming your partner…? Detach from this and sit in Love and compassion for your Self. Accept your Self. Give your Self Love.

Operate from a place of Love, for your self, and your partner, going forward. Operate in the here and now as if you are the version of your Self in your alternate reality… Own the possibilities and make them true!

> Boundary setting and getting needs met:

When people think of boundaries, they think of boundaries they need to put in place for relating with other people… This is true, but there are more important boundaries that need to be addressed first if setting boundaries with others are to be effective…

The other set of boundaries are boundaries you set for yourself… Don’t balk, this is one of the most important things you’ll ever do in life… Aside from focusing on ever improving my own boundaries, I specialize in working with people who struggle with the concept and application of setting effective boundaries (whether they know it or not!). It is usually blatant when people are having difficulties with boundaries.

I’m sure you have seen this as well. But more importantly, I want you to be able to see this in your own relationship, and not only in your interactions but in your own thinking… For that’s where the rubber meets the road…

Most often when partners are frustrated with their partner it’s because they are owning them in some way… Meaning they are thinking how their partner should be, think, feel, behave, etc. They are measuring, judging and criticizing. When you do this, this means you are in your partner’s circle, and therefore owning them.

This disempowers them, and you… Explaining this further is beyond this article, but know that this is the surest way to be unhappy and create a yucky relationship.

The trick is to think and talk intentionally about how you feel and what you need, without telling your partner what to do and how to be (even in your own head!)… This is huge. If this is the only change you make in your life, your life would still be transformed! Give it a try. Clean your thinking and presentation. Own your Self, set effective boundaries on yourself…

Complete the MetroRelationship™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start experiencing your awesome and radiant relationship, and authentic and meaningful life…

Happy Self Owning!


~ Your MetroRelationship Assignment

Select a time to sit with your Self and dream… Make a date and safeguard this appointment.

Use this time to envision, see with your mind’s eye, your Alternate Reality™. Witness it. Explore it. Know it.

Describe and capture what you observe in a recording modality of your choice (journal, computer, other electronic device). Capture characteristics, behaviors, skills, environment, experiences, feelings, thoughts, etc. Capture how you are… What you contribute. How you set things up. How you respond. How you show up. Your brilliance…

Pull a theme that really talks to you from the above, and translate that into concrete behaviors you can introduce now into your relationship… Then just do them, regardless of what your partner is doing!

Add this to your Tool Kit…


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


The 5 Elements of the Successful Couple Strategy™

The 5 Elements of the Successful Couple Strategy™

We know being in relationship and managing a joint life is not easy specially when both partners have busy and demanding careers or commitments. Life can feel like a challenge everyday…

I created the Successful Couple Strategy™ (the Successful Couple Process™ revised) from the work I do with couples assisting them create their successful relationship. It incorporates key concepts from established clinical theories and therapies, wellness and success insights and principles, and my proven processes, techniques, and tools.

It helps intimate partners easily get on the same page, become a stronger partnership and increase their connection, intimacy and fun. Partners get to fall in love with each other again, and enjoy peace, joy, and love in their home and create a life of meaning.

The Strategy flows from my MetroRelationship™ Philosophy where the Relationship is the cornerstone of our Life… There is inherent synergy in our partnership, which usually goes untapped… Our partner is our life Partner… Our partner is a Gift for our own evolution… They are the mirror to show us how we are being so we can see how we need to change.

They are the playmate in the playground that is our relationship. They are the sand in our clam. They are the perfect match to trigger our sensitivities so we now have another chance to get what we didn’t get growing up. When we get our core needs met, we heal. When we stretch to meet that of our partner, we grow.

As we evolve together we can create something amazing, of amazing impact… We do this through role modeling and being inspiring as a couple, through our (co)parenting, and through taking on a Cause for larger impact to humanity. But this can’t take place if we don’t crack the code on how to do our relationship well!

Partners have the tendency to go about their relationship with blinders on missing out on the opportunities for healing and growth. They miss the forest for the tree. They get stuck in their perspective and their usual MO in their interactions, viewing and treating each other like enemies as opposed to using this as the vehicle of possibilities that it is…

The key is to approach our partner as an ally, as our Partner, from a heart-centered place… From here we get that we are in this together, for a reason, and that being vulnerable and working together makes all the difference. Therefore we can have compassion for our mutual experience… This is the essence of our Human experience…

When we miss this, we are not really living our Life… It’s time to Awaken and live the life you were meant to live!

The Successful Couples Strategy™

The Strategy is comprised of five core Elements that when assimilated and integrated into the relational approach create a transformation, not only for the relationship but also for the overall quality of life of the partners and the couple. The more the Elements are embraced the quicker and more profound the change…

Element 1 – Context: Empower Your Self
Do you feel stuck and yearn for more in your relationship?
Shift your relationship mindset and break the impasse

Element 2 – Communication: Be Heard and Validated
Do you experience frequent misunderstandings?
Effortlessly get on the same page and better get each other

Element 3 – Clarity: Get Your Needs Met
Do you have recurring conflicts and disagreements?
Understand why you have recurring dissatisfying interactions and change the pattern

Element 4 – Connection: Become More Connected
Do you feel lonely, taken for granted, and unappreciated?
Reignite your love, deepen your intimacy and enhance your passion

Element 5 – Collaboration: Create Your Dream Life 
Are you carrying the brunt of the responsibilities in your home?
Create a sustainable rock solid partnership and enjoy a peaceful, loving and inspiring home

Each Element addresses a significant relationship factor that when operating haphazardly and unintentionally tends to undermine the wellbeing of the partners, the couple and their success. How is your relationship foundation? Are your core relationship factors established purposefully and intentionally? Or is your relationship built on a house of cards and running on fumes?

It’s time to pay attention and add some intentionality to your relating. Make sure your Relationship Succeeds!

> Boundary setting and getting needs met:

Take a step back and analyze your relationship for the Gift it’s supposed to be for YOU.

Do you get how it’s a gift? Do you see what it’s supposed to do for you? Do you see how you can use it for your healing and growth? Do you see the opportunities for these day in and day out? Do you see how your partner is your life Partner?

When you get beyond the minutia of life and break the impasse in your relationship, what do you think you’ll see as the purpose of your union? What higher calling might be involved? What action can you take today to honor that?

This line of thinking is not for the faint of heart… If this is beyond your capabilities right now because of the status of your relationship, don’t worry you are not alone. Just know that miracles do happen, and this too shall pass. Just be open to the idea that this is just a bump on the road, and that awesomeness is in store for you.

Also, make sure you do what you are supposed to do to make changes in yourself and your relationship… Make sure you own what you contribute to the status quo and move mountains to change your side!

Complete the MetroRelationship™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start experiencing your awesome and radiant relationship, and authentic and meaningful life…

Happy Transforming!


~ Your MetroRelationship Assignment

Identify what Element of the Successful Couple Strategy™ needs your attention:

Element 1 – Context: Empower Your Self
Shift your relationship mindset and break the impasse

Element 2 – Communication: Be Heard and Validated
Effortlessly get on the same page and better get each other

Element 3 – Clarity: Get Your Needs Met
Understand why you have recurring dissatisfying interactions and change the pattern

Element 4 – Connection: Become More Connected
Reignite your love, deepen your intimacy and enhance your passion

Element 5 – Collaboration: Create Your Dream Life 
Create a sustainable rock solid partnership and enjoy a peaceful, loving and inspiring home

Explore ways to bring this Element to par. Select one and create an actionable item around it to implement immediately and start your transformation!

Add this to your Tool Kit…


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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