Stop striving for work-life balance

Stop striving for work-life balance

As we move into another hectic season, some are worried about picking up the pace again and juggling changing work expectations with other preferences in their lives. Life just has a different flavor now… What was once an acceptable way of life, no longer serves us. We got a taste of freedom and now we want to embrace that more.

The problem is that we don’t know how and think the answer is in work-life balance, embracing a “quiet resignation” position… Sorry to break it to you, but that’s not it. Stop striving for work-life balance.

Work-life balance is an illusion, there is no such thing. Imagine being on a seesaw and you strike a balance- how long does that balance last? It’s a constant pursuit to be enjoyed fleetingly. We can put our energy to better use…

We think that striking that balance will allow us to have a better life, to enjoy more free time to pursue endeavors that make our heart sing. We want to put in our time and get out to enjoy our life. But isn’t our work a part of our life? We are wasting all that time if we just look at it as a black hole. If we don’t enjoy and bring our gifts to our work…

What if we were to approach this topic from, how do I create my best life and enjoy all of it? Why do we separate work from the rest of our life? It doesn’t make sense…

With industrialization and other world phenomenon we’ve learned to clock in and out. Where our work is no longer a part of our life. We consider our life to be outside of work…

But what if we were to claim our whole human experience, all our time?

What if we were to expect that our work be just as fulfilling and fun as our time not working? What if we were to expect that we could show up to our life, to any part of it, and enjoy what we were doing in the moment?

What if we were to expect that we could design how we use our time in any way we like and loved all of it? Such as working and playing whenever we want and as much as we want? What if there were little distinction between the two? What if we designed how we use our time and workflow in terms of energy flow?

I remember when I used to work for foster care agencies and feeling that I was trapped- that I had to put in time because I was hired to be there from 9-5… I got paid for being there… I got paid the same amount regardless of if my work ethic, caseload, and success rates were higher than others’…

At least some other jobs or professions provide incentives so one gets compensated for what they produce and how much value they provide. The same goes for business owners if they leverage their business model and work from their unique brilliance. Otherwise, they create a j.o.b for themselves and are in the same predicament of being tied up

I want to offer you something different than striving for work-life balance. Please, just throw that pursuit out the window. I implore you to upgrade your mindset here so you can shift into creating your best life ever.

I’m offering you instead the concept of Integration… Where you operate from Flow, where you dedicate your time to meaningful pursuits that engage your passion, skills, and brilliance. Where you use your time as you wish. Work more or less, for it doesn’t matter. There’d be little distinction in how you feel pursuing work or non-work activities. They all feel great, and you produce more than enough with minimal effort to create your best life.  

Before you come up with reasons (excuses) as to why you can’t or get hang up on the how of it, focus on first things first.

The first thing to do is to embrace this concept as a possibility… Continuing to view and do things as usual doesn’t work for creating our better life. To truly live our best life and have our best human experience, we are to fully own our life. We are to use our gifts and brilliance to its fullest potential. We are to fully engage in our life in all we do…

For when we fully show up to our life and live in the flow, we generate the amazing energy of love to then enjoy and share with our partner, loved ones and the whole world…


WATCH THE RELATED REEL ON IG: Embracing silent resignation?

GET THE RELATED THEME GUIDE: Relationship Collaboration System


APPLICATION: There is no need for the silent resignation in a pursuit of work-life balance… Instead strive for Integration where you access your awesomeness and show up with it in all you do… Then work and play become interchangeable… They both feel amazing and you can do them to any degree you choose…

KEY1 – Connect with yourself every day to access your gifts, talents, brilliance, intuition, creativity, guidance and expansiveness…

KEY2 – Set up your work situation so that you get to contribute with your awesomeness and doing things that light up your heart 

KEY3 – Set up your personal situation so that you care of yourself, pursue personal interests, and share your radiance with your loved ones

Note, following these keys might require changing our priorities, focus, habits, routines, scheduling, responsibilities, workflows, commitments, and the like…

It takes courage to go after the life we want. It takes courage engaging our partner in collaboration to create our best joint life…

Let’s set ourselves up for a rocking upcoming season and for the rest of the year!

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

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