How to get over winter blahs
I like to get into Spring Mode early to extend the warmer seasons as much as possible… It’s harder to do when the weather wants to continue to show its winter colors though. LOL But it’s nothing that a Spring Bucket List can’t fix! Are you with me? Let’s leave winter behind regardless of what is happening out there.
I did some research on Spring Bucket Lists to prepare for this issue and found most of them a little basic and dull. I think you and I can create our own much better list. Are you up for it?
I created a Bucket List Design Process™ for this purpose. Note, the mere exercise of doing this is super empowering, recharging, motivating, inspiring, exciting and just plain FUN. Give it a go!!
Use the structure listed below to come up with things you want to do, accomplish, or experience in each area. You can play with all 10 areas, coming up with 5 things for each, or you can choose to focus on specific areas as you like, with the idea of ending up with your Spring Bucket List: 50 Ways of Living Life to the Fullest this Spring
Here is the list structure with areas to cover to help you create an amazing list, with a couple of examples for each:
1.Personal Physical – health, fitness, grooming and pampering, appearance and look, personal brand, treatments, healthy habits
- Expand your skin care routine
- Do a detox
2.Wellness – self-care routines, wellness and success habits, personal development practices or focus, treatments, supportive resources, tools and techniques
- Start a Partner Appreciations Journal™…
- Join or start a Personal Development Master Mind Group™
3.Relational and Social – activities, outings, entertaining, experiences, adventures, service, joint project, hobby, or interest, connection habits, relationship enrichment behaviors, celebrating
- Subscribe to Blue Apron to cook original nutritious recipes together
- Commit to Saturdays Date Night™
4.Home and Other Indoor Spaces – decluttering and organization, making functional, refreshing, beautifying
- Marie Kondo Your Home… (keep only things that Spark Joy!)
- Commit to Fresh Flowers Fridays™
5.Outdoor Spaces – yard, functional structures, activities structures, variety of gardens, fun nooks, special touches, experiences
- Plant a fruit tree
- Create a Yard Labyrinth
6.Indulgences – baking and other treats, aromas and scents, experiences, getting that little something that’s been on your wish list
- Bake lemon treats
- Start / expand your aromatherapy oils collection
7.With the Kids – crafts, their rooms, activities, outings, experiences, service, new skill, new hobby, new interest, new life skill
- Visit an arboretum
- Build a bird house
8.Creative – writing of any kind including music, painting, drawing, designing, decorating, dancing, creating, inventing, photographing, crafting, singing
- Write a collection of poems
- Photograph the blooming season
9.Philanthropical – add charities to your repertoire, help plan an upcoming Gala, help in local fundraisers, contribute to a charitable endeavor, donate your time to your population of choice, start a cause
- Sign up to read to children at afterschool programs or hospitals
- Volunteer to be a Mentor at your local High School
10.Nature/Seasonal/Different – visiting beautiful locations, being with animals, doing outdoor activities, playing outdoors, being outdoors, outdoor sports, exploring and witnessing nature
- Participate in the Blossom Kite Festival on 3/30 in DC!
- Plant a butterfly garden
Just writing this was energizing and fun! Juices flowing, so inspired… Yay! It’s your turn, brainstorm ideas to recharge, motivate, move forward, have fun, and enjoy the season. Inspire yourself and Spring Forward!
Remember to complete the MetroRelationsip™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start creating your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life…
Share your experience by leaving a comment below!
Happy Springing!
~ Your MetroRelationship™ Assignment
Create your Spring Bucket List. Select a batch of items from your list you want to enjoy first. Start planning out how to make them happen.
Keep doing the same for the rest. The goal is not to stress out to have them all done, but to enjoy the process and doing as many as you like.
This is an exercise for stimulation, inspiration and enjoyment!
Add this to your Tool Kit…
Copyright (c) 2019 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple™ content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com.