Uplevel your relationship with summer couple fun


As we turn toward the summer months, I’m sure you have already planned your trips and vacations for your summer fun and leisure. But have you planned your summer couple fun yet? You might be wondering what the difference is. The difference is the focus on the couple and not on the actual activity… If you want to uplevel your relationship this summer, focus on summer couple fun… 

Hey, I’m not saying the trip, the vacation or the beautiful settings are wasted. They can certainly contribute to the unplugging, relaxation, refreshing, recharging, inspiration, joy and fun. But I’m talking about taking this a step further, whether it’s on your vacation or at home!

The key is connecting on your experiences real or imagined… 

I know that the best vacations and trips we’ve had stand out in my mind the most not for the trip itself but for the connection I experienced with my husband. One can make a case that it is easier to connect while on vacation as there is more time together and less distractions. Sure, I’ll grant that only if there is little intention about connecting at home, and if you are great at connecting on vacation… 

I know that you can have amazing connection at home.
I also know that you can have the worst trip ever. 
Just saying… 

So regardless of your actual summer plans, let’s build-in some summer couple fun for deeper connection and more awesomeness in your relationship. 

This will sure uplevel your relationship this summer! 

Summer Bucket List- Take turns adding activities to your summer bucket list, make sure to add a special touch or different flavor to them, and share why you’d like to do said activities. Share why it’s special, intriguing, meaningful, fun and the like.

Then play full out at doing items from your list. *Add recurring events to your calendar to do your seasonal bucket list with your partner at the change of every season… The activity is fun in and of itself and you’ll have your future-couple’s back as well.

Summer Dream- Select a weekly time for the next 4 weeks to dream with your partner. This is a time to share your dreams, life vision, goals, and deepest desires… Be detailed, dream it up. Empty your brain of your ideas and wishes. Have a big old brainstorm. This is a time to be super curious about each other’s life intentions, desires, and preferences. Discuss if you wish to take any action on anything that came up and what that is…

Summer Transformation- As everything slows down in the summer, this is a great time to explore, experiment, engage, enjoy, expand, enrich, engineer, execute something different… This is a great time to create a shift… Share how you feel about your Journey. And what character strengths you want to cultivate to stay the course on becoming who you are… Discuss how you can support each other and take an action to that end. 

Summer Manifestation- Discuss what would make this your Best Summer Yet and why. What would you wish to experience and/or accomplish? What would you want to feel? What would you focus on? What do you need to support your wish? What is a next action step to get the ball rolling on this and who will take it? What else needs to happen to get the results you desire? How will you know you manifested your wish at the end of the summer? 

Summer Passion- When was the last time you talked about your intimacy? How did that go? What changes have you made since then? Have a discussion about your emotional and physical intimacy, with compassion, grace and understanding… Decide where you are on the passionate relationship spectrum and how you’ll like to proceed towards creating your epic love affair with each other… 

If you want to create anything in your life, you have to go for it! 

This does not mean white-knuckling your way through it or forcing anything. But it does mean dreaming it, engaging with it, sharing it, enjoying it- even before it’s here, focusing on having it and enjoying it, and of course taking inspired action towards it… 

The tactics provided help you create your best life, co-creating it with your partner and having fun doing it… This is how you uplevel your relationship, and your life!



GET THE RELATED THEME GUIDE: 30-Day Challenges List 

APPLICATION: Start switching gears to have fun this summer with your partner… 

1 ~ Choose your Summer Couple Fun tactic
Summer Bucket List – Discuss the fun activities you want to experience  
Summer Dream – Share your life vision, dreams, and desires  
Summer Transformation – Explore Character Strengths you want to cultivate
Summer Manifestation – Brainstorm tackling summer projects
Summer Passion – Consider how to expand your intimacy repertoire

2 ~ Play full out with your chosen tactic 
Add events to your calendar, set reminders, make reservations, integrate new habits into your routine, sign-up or enroll for classes or supportive services, tweak your environments, and such…  



Here is to the best Summer Upleveling™ yet! 

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Masterclasses

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~ Create an Epic Love Affair with Your Partner Addressing the struggle and upleveling your relationship to create your epic love affair

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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

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Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of metrorelationship.com a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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