Not sharing expectations leads to disagreements, conflicts, and arguments

Not sharing expectations leads to disagreements, conflicts, and arguments

One of the main reasons couples argue is because they are not on the same page. It’s not so much because they might disagree on something, but it has more to do with knowing and understanding where each partner is coming from. Partners usually make assumptions about what is going on, what their partner wants, and that they both want the same thing… Partners don’t always share what’s on their mind, their wishes, and desires and expect their partner to somehow know… Not sharing expectations with your partner is a sure way to not be on the same page, to have disagreements, conflicts, arguments, and fights.

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Who better to ask about the best podcasts for relationship advice…

Who better to ask about the best podcasts for relationship advice…

What with Summer coming to an end, Labor Day Weekend coming up, and getting ready to be back from Summer Mode, I figured I’d do something a little bit different for you with this post… Because we are transitioning into a new season, a new chapter, a new beginning, it behooves us to get ready to ease into it. And what better way than taking some time to get motivated and inspired to create what we desire. Therefore, I curated a list of love, relationship, and marriage podcasts to draw from. Why not listen to the experts and the experienced on how to create your successful relationship. Who better to ask about the best podcasts for relationship advice than a marriage therapist?

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Vulnerability is at the core of deeper and more meaningful interactions…

Vulnerability is at the core of deeper and more meaningful interactions…

I believe it makes sense that if we do not share about ourselves that others can’t know who we are, yes? Yet, it is common for people to feel like a wallflower, unseen, misunderstood, unappreciated, or not valued even when they choose not to show up, not to open-up, not to share… How are we to be known and connect with others if we are not available? It takes courage to be vulnerable and to fully show up, to be authentic, but it is exactly this vulnerability that is at the core of deeper and more meaningful interactions…

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Focus on removing any toxicity from our interactions…

Focus on removing any toxicity from our interactions…

With Springtime we embrace the chance for rebirth and for new beginnings, a cleansing of what we don’t need, no longer serves us, and holds us back to create space for the new… How about doing more of that specifically in our relationship? How about putting focus on removing any toxicity from our interactions…

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The more authentic we show up the better the interactions go…

The more authentic we show up the better the interactions go…

Plenty of research shows that the way we communicate impacts our relationship’s success, and this is true for all communication across all disciplines and contexts. But do we really need the research to tell us that? Can’t we immediately tell when we are in an interaction with someone else if we are being heard and understood? Can’t we immediately tell if we are connecting and resonating? Yes, we can! If we pay attention, we can see that the way we show up to our interactions impact how those interactions pan out… The more authentic we show up the better the interactions go…

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Cleanse yourself of resistance and friction for new beginnings

Cleanse yourself of resistance and friction for new beginnings

With the start of Spring, a New Season, just around the corner, it behooves us to get ready for a fresh start, so we can ride the wave into a New Beginning… The key is to create the space for this by letting go of the old… That could mean anything from things in our environments, aspects of our routines and habits, commitments and attachments, mindset and limiting believes, even our identity as we covered in last week’s article… But most importantly, cleanse ourselves of resistance and friction for new beginnings…

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Empower yourself by staying in your circle…

Empower yourself by staying in your circle…

The concept of setting effective boundaries might feel a bit played out. But it’s interesting that most people still have no idea what setting boundaries actually means… We don’t set boundaries on others, give them consequences, or punish them… We have no control over others, we are not the boss of them- not even our children and our employees or team-reports! We set boundaries on ourselves… We have to take charge of the things we do have control over, and that is ourselves… We very often disempower ourselves by focusing on what others are doing or not doing… Empower yourself by staying in your circle…

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The best way to create change in your relationship…

The best way to create change in your relationship…

We can twist ourselves into a pretzel to get everything right in our relationship. We can wait for our partner to change. Or we can manipulate or control our partner into doing what we want. But none of these tactics work for creating our radiant and successful relationship, and joy in our life. The best way to create change in our relationship is to use connection and compassion…

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About Emma

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of MetroRelationship.com a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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