Who better to ask about the best podcasts for relationship advice…
What with Summer coming to an end, Labor Day Weekend coming up, and getting ready to be back from Summer Mode, I figured I’d do something a little bit different for you with this post… Because we are transitioning into a new season, a new chapter, a new beginning, it behooves us to get ready to ease into it. And what better way than taking some time to get motivated and inspired to create what we desire. Therefore, I curated a list of love, relationship, and marriage podcasts to draw from. Why not listen to the experts and the experienced on how to create your successful relationship. Who better to ask about the best podcasts for relationship advice than a marriage therapist?
Let me tell you, it was not easy compiling this list. But I’m super excited with what I came up with, and to share some of my favorites. I loved listening to these podcasts about marriage and relationships. You may think that after helping couples professionally for over 20 years and working as a licensed marriage therapist every week that I wouldn’t find these interesting and insightful, but I did. And I really enjoyed the variety of topics and the production of the shows.
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did- you can give a listen while driving in the car or commuting, doing chores or exercising, or lounging by a poolside. Podcasts offer an easy yet powerful way to gain relationship-building insights for enriching your relationship, and you can tune in to your favorite platform from anywhere. You can add listening to podcasts to your relationship enrichment activities…
The right podcast can inspire you, give practical advice, and also go behind the scenes to show you how a successful marriage is created and nurtured. My favorites have hosts with either years of professional training and experience and is able to help you navigate the intricacies of marriage, or podcasters with relationship wisdom and successful relationship experience.
There are podcasts for every stage of your relationship. Whether you are now starting to get involved in a committed relationship, preparing yourself for marriage, or looking for ways to sustain a marriage over time there is something for you. You can learn how to rekindle the passion in your relationship, foster a friendship with your partner, and help your marriage thrive than merely just survive.
I have found podcasts that help handle finances, share household responsibilities, manage stress, overcome infidelity, and even blend families through remarriage. I chose a few to share with you that I felt would be the most impactful. They cover a nice range from podcasters to relationship experts themselves and some others in between. I listed them with their descriptions for your convenience. You are welcome.
Best Relationship Podcasts
Here are my top podcast recommendations for gaining wisdom, perspective, and tools to enhance your most important relationship, that with your partner.
*Note of caution, I share these for motivation and inspiration and are not intended as replacements for psychotherapy and professional support.
Hot Marriage, Cool Parents
Are you looking for someone to share their deepest, darkest secrets on keeping their marriage spice? Are you like, “puhhlease DISH on how to be a cool parent.. because, yeah… I dunno!” Well Jamie Otis and Dough Hehner have got all you hubbies and wifeys – and mommies and daddies – covered, because each week they find a guest who will SPILL all their dirty secrets! Because we all wanna keep our marriages hot and our parenting cool!
One Extraordinary Marriage Show
Is your marriage everything that you want it to be? Are you ready to make a change? Join Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo to create a strong marriage so you can have mind blowing intimacy inside and outside the bedroom. Marriage is not always easy but it’s so worth it. Come and make your marriage EXTRAORDINARY!
The Empowered Wife Podcast
The Empowered Wife Podcast is all about fixing your relationship without your man’s conscious effort, even if it seems completely hopeless. Guests share how they fixed their marriages to men with anger issues, narcissism, alcohol abuse, verbal abuse, midlife crisis, affairs, physical abuse and more using the Connection Framework and the 6 Intimacy Skills. Every show reveals the very common mistakes that everybody seems to be making and show you exactly what to do instead to have a playful, passionate relationship. You can stop feeling lonely, exhausted and unloved and start feeling desired, taken care of and special again.
Small Things Often, by The Gottman Institute
Give your relationships a boost in 5 minutes or less with Small Things Often from The Gottman Institute. We provide simple, proven, quick tips to help you deepen and enhance your relationship.
Foreplay Radio – Couples & Sex Therapy
Sex podcast to help committed couples keep it hot! Find hope to keep your marriage and committed relationship emotionally connected and sexually erotic. Certified sex therapist Dr. Laurie Watson is joined by George Faller, LMFT for an expert, frank and fascinating conversation about sex, love, therapy, relationship dynamics, healthy couples and marriage. They discuss everything from best sexual techniques and solving sexual problems, to building the emotional intimacy necessary for great sex in your relationship. Two therapists bring you sound, concrete tools to reframe your relationship problems and learn how to fall-in-love again, build trust, and feel desire.
Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel
Every Monday morning step into the office of iconic psychotherapist Esther Perel and listen in as real people in search of insight bare the raw, intimate, and profound details of their stories. From breakups and open relationships to workplace conflicts and fractures in the family, it’s a place to hear your own stories reflected in the lives of others. So.. where should we begin?
Relationship Alive!
Neil Sattin interviews John Gottman, Sue Johnson, Harville Hendrix, Peter Levine, Stan Tatkin, Dick Schartz, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Diana Richardson, Terry Real, Wendy Maltz – and many others – in his quest to dig deep into all the factors that keep a Relationship Alive and Thriving! Each week Neil brings you an in-depth interview with a relationship expert. Neil is an author and relationship coach who is enthusiastic and passionate about relationships and the nuts and bolts of what makes them last.
Had you heard any of these before? What do you look for in a relationship podcast? You can now create your own relationship podcast list!
Let’s get ready for the upcoming season with more tools, knowledge, motivation, and inspiration to enrich our relationship and our life. See you there!
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Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…
With Much Love & Light!
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PSS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com.