To be free…

To be free…

There is a multitude of ways in which we don’t embrace our Freedom… We can certainly imprison, subjugate and de-self ourselves with how we choose to live our lives.

We pigeonhole ourselves through our mindset, perspectives, habits, lifestyle, job, career, marriage, home, community, religion, appearance, everything… We don’t realize that everything about us is a choice… Everything about us is a decision we made, or didn’t make, along the way…

We have a choice in everything about us… We just don’t usually look at ourselves and our life in this way…  Every choice we make has an impact and a result in our life. Everything we think, feel, say, do, etc. is a choice, is created by us…

The life you have, you created and continue to create… Don’t shoot the messenger!

It is always striking to look at actors in movies and how they can change their appearance to be somebody completely different… They could have chosen to look like that for themselves in real life, or anything else they desire. We all have the same ability. The way we dress, how we do our hair, how we choose to speak, how we interact, etc. these are all choices.

Do I have certain genes, biology, temperament, and the like? Of course, I do. But I choose how to use what I have… And, I can make all kinds of different choices with what I have…

The way our life is – how we place furniture in our home, our daily routine, who we interact with, what we work on, what we have for dinner – we choose ongoingly… We can make different choices on anything at any time…

There was a morning last week when my husband came to me, and in a conspirational tone asked me, Did you see Vanessa’s (our daughter) room yet? Literally overnight, she rearranged her whole room even readied her fish tank for a new undertaking. She moved her bed, packed bookshelves, rugs and other furniture without making a peep.

He was floored by her ability to seamlessly carryout this project and create a whole new environment. This is the same kid who takes a week to get a load of laundry done. LOL

We can create whatever we want, whenever we want. We don’t have to suck up the status quo. We don’t have to have short or long hair. Be under- or over-weight. Have this or that career, or business, or home or anything for that matter. We created and continue to create our life.

There is Freedom in this awareness, and empowerment in the owning of the concept. You can get up at 5 a.m., you can eat low-carb, you can exercise every day, you can educate yourself on whatever you want, you can be nice to your partner, you can live somewhere else, etc…

So, whatever is giving you grief, whatever is troubling you, whatever is dissatisfying, whatever is a thorn in your back you have made decisions and choices that created that, or put you in the situation that you are in… And, all those things you can do something about (yes, regardless of the pandemic!).

First, own that you created what you have, or don’t have… Check your mindset, your perspectives and what thoughts you are entertaining…

Second, start owning your life! Start by owning every single choice you make or don’t make. Start making intentional ones, that honor who you are and who you want to be. That honor who you are Becoming. That honor you Becoming your Authentic Self, your Best Self.

When we operate more and more from our Authentic Self, we are more and more in Alignment and therefore more and more Free… Whatever we choose and create from our Authentic Self will always be Inspired and right for us… It will never imprison, subjugate or de-self…

The more we own our every choice and become more Aligned, the more we have our own back and can’t go wrong… So, start with every choice, start with the small ones… Just start Liberating yourself from your own imprisonment!

ASSIGNMENT: Plan for this weekend to find a quiet time/space for yourself to sit with yourself.

  • In your Journal, make a list of all the Freedoms you enjoy and all the choices you make that Align with your Authentic Self
  • Then, make a list of all the decisions and choices you’ve made, or didn’t make, that are restricting your freedom in your life…
  • Finally, pick one item from the 2nd list that you will address this week. An item where you will make a better decision or choice about it. Add an event to your calendar to address your item.
  • Note, what comes up for you. Take a moment to sit with the discomfort. Soothe yourself with deep breaths, and let it go…
  • Decide how you will celebrate the courage to take that action and add that to your calendar as well… Enjoy!!

Our lives are created one choice, one decision, at a time… Make yours good!

Complete the Assignment, and share your takeaway, insights, and results with a note in the Comments box at the end! I’d love to hear how you are using this content.

Happy Liberating!


PS –  Related Posts:

How your self-discipline gives you freedom…

How your feelings give you freedom…

Freedom to live your life by design

Freedom – perspective & choice




   Copyright (c) 2020 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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