Master your mind, master your day…
What is the key to an awesome day? Yes, we can say that all kinds of good things happening to us would make the day awesome. But I dare challenge that notion as we don’t want to be at the mercy of good things happening randomly to us for us to have an awesome day. When good things happen, let’s of course enjoy them and be grateful for them. But let’s not hang our hat on that. Let’s instead create our awesome day- become the of Master your day! As usual, the key is to own your day…
I’ve covered this concept from the idea of Designing and Owning our day:
-Of owning it by knowing and operating from our What, Why, How and by being Connected with our Higher Self to fuel it all…
-Of owning it by taking charge of our time, through Time Mapping and Time Chunking.
-Of owning it by creating amazing Daily Routines that really support us and our Journey…
-Of owning it by upgrading our Habits…
These are all tactics that give us more and more control of the make-up of our day, that keep us in Alignment and flowing, that keep us focused and seamlessly cranking. These are tactics that empower us in creating awesome days, and ultimately an awesome life as life is but an accumulation of days…
We run into trouble when we don’t first take the time to Design our day and fill it with all the things that contribute to it being awesome. We run into trouble when we don’t have the right mindset to really own our day…
We run into trouble when we don’t have the right mindset to implement our design. When we don’t have the right mindset to be always improving our design and tweaking our implementation. When we don’t have the right mindset to be persistent and dedicated in striving for excellence and striving for the gold. When we don’t have the right mindset to drink the kool-aid, to be believers, to have Faith that we can create and have what we desire…
So, today’s angle is slightly different by focusing on owning our day by owning more how we look at things, how we own our mindset… This is mega powerful!
As you can imagine because of my line of work I come across many stories on a daily basis of how people look at the world and how they experience it. It is so very interesting to have two individuals go through the same event or together be part of a situation, and yet they have very different experiences…
Our experience is influenced by who we are and how we choose to experience things… We can be at the mercy of our unruly mind… We can look at something as the glass half-full or half-empty… We can let our usual limited lens color the whole experience…
And yes, we can choose. We can tame our mind. We can train ourselves how to think better. We can reprogram our operating system.
The are several layers of work that can be done here to become an expert at minding your mind and better owning how you look at things… In taking charge of your mind and how you experience things, you are better able to fully own your day and become the Master of it. No longer will you be at the mercy of blowing with the wind!
-Tame your mind – Teaching your mind how to get quiet and increasing your awareness, not allowing run-away trains or adding wood to your fire, taking charge of having a clutter free mind… For starters, this involves embracing a mindfulness practice… Meditation doesn’t have to be hard…
-Think more positive thoughts – Focusing on what worked, went well or what you liked, finding the silver-lining, identifying built-in opportunities, noticing growth places, embracing the lesson to be learned. For starters, this involves creating good thought-habits…
-Clean your dirty thinking – Identifying your thought patterns and addressing any distortions you indulge, and hugely important – taking ownership or responsibility for all the results in your life… No more blaming, pointing fingers or making excuses! For starters, this requires you set more effective boundaries for yourself…
-Edit your go-to scripts – Becoming aware of the running stories you tell yourself about yourself, your partner, the world… And, addressing the underlying unresolved wounds, pains, issues or such that still has a hold on you and taints your lens… For starters, this involves identifying the theme of what rents space in your head…
-Reprogram your limiting believes – Identifying the fears holding you back and the blueprint of your life and removing their hold on you. For starters, this requires building courage and increasing vulnerability…
Embracing these provides a more empowered approach to how you look and choose to experience your days, and your life… Once you own your mind, you own your day. Owning your day allows you to have a more peaceful, harmonious, joyful, creative, productive, connected and happy life!
Let’s get better at Owning ourselves!
ASSIGNMENT: Decide which of these 5 types of mindset resetting makes the most sense for you right now.
-Note, there is a saying, “New Level, New Devil”. So, even if you’ve done some of this work before it might need to be revisited…
-Also, if you’ve been going through challenging times, you might be raw, triggered or just got dirty… It’s part of the Human Experience after all…
Be open minded about what you need, leave arrogance to the side. This is for you. Be truthful and own what you need… There is no shame in having to do this work or having to revisit this work. If anything, kudos to you for being here and investing in your personal-relational development.
-Tame your mind
-Think more positive thoughts
-Clean your dirty thinking
-Edit your go-to scripts
-Reprogram your limiting
Select the one that resonates the most and make a commitment to playing with the tactic until you feel the reset… You will notice a difference in your brain, in your mood, in your thinking habits… And, you will notice a difference in the results you get in your life…
Start owning your mind more, start owning your day more, start becoming the Master of your day and life…
Happy Mastering!
PS – Related Posts:
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