Things might not be working right now but they can…

Things might not be working right now but they can…

Do you feel like life is a struggle? Are you having a hard time in your relationship? Do you find that you can’t seem to get along with your partner? That no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to get on the same page? That you can’t create and sustain connection? That you can’t make headways in creating the life you want? Do you feel stagnant, stuck, hopeless? If so, you are not alone. Unfortunately, these are common in a lot of relationships. Things might not be working right now, but they can…

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3 Steps to master the art of fulfillment

3 Steps to master the art of fulfillment

One of the key characteristics of a great life is that it is fulfilling, that it has meaning. A life of insignificant tasks, strained relationships and devoid riches is an empty and unfulfilling life. This is the life that feels life something is missing, or something is wrong. That’s because it’s true. We are meant to have fabulous lives, to figure out how to and to create fabulous lives…

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Quantum leap into your desired reality…

Quantum leap into your desired reality…

We too often let our negativity vias rule the day. We are wired for survival- our ancestors benefitted greatly from our vias to look out for danger. But we no longer are so dependent on this programming. If anything, it hinders us. Any threat to the status quo and up in arms we go… We get in our own way of getting out of our comfort zone, stretching, and evolving… And this is unfortunate because this is where change occurs, how we create the reality we desire. In exploring the unknown and embracing risk is how we experience the Magic and Magnificence life has to offer…

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For us to thrive we need to let go of the old first…

For us to thrive we need to let go of the old first…

Things are changing rapidly nowadays in this almost Covid-19 post pandemic, or near endemic, world. We are entering a new phase where we are creating the Next Normal… I still prefer the term Better Normal over New Normal and now the Next Normal… Regardless, this is the time to move beyond what was into what could be… We’ve experienced a lot of upheaval in the past 2 plus years, and as we choose where we go from here we have to let go of the old to fully embrace the new possibilities. Who we were pre-pandemic is at this point beyond outdated. For us to thrive we need to let go of the old first… Here is to embracing a letting go practice…

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Do less and make more changes with self-fathering…

Do less and make more changes with self-fathering…

We are working on changing patterns… We can tackle this from many different angles as it’s obvious from the topics of our blog posts this year… I love making Summer a time for concentrated focus on personal growth, as we have a little more leisure time to utilize for this endeavor. As Father’s Day is this weekend, let’s play a bit more with the concept of reparenting ourselves for reprogramming and changing patterns… Why not? Do less and make more changes with self-fathering… Here is wishing all Fathers a terrific weekend, and thank you for being our rock star.

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Use 30-day challenges to change your patterns…

Use 30-day challenges to change your patterns…

Have you noticed that when you think you want to make a change, that something happens to undermine it and make you go back to the old ways? This is your ego on overdrive at protecting you. It makes excuses and sabotages things to keep the status quo as the known is safer than the unknown… Unfortunately, this protection keeps you small and holds you back from your evolution and from your best life. Use 30-day challenges to change your patterns…

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Make this a Summer of upleveling

Make this a Summer of upleveling

Summertime offers the opportunity to really slow down and be with ourselves and all that is important to us… I find this to be a magnificent time to play at self-growth and relationship enrichment to uplevel our lives. When we think of personal development, self-growth, relationship enrichment, and such as a focus, it might feel like a dense project… But this couldn’t be further from the truth… Let’s make this a Summer of upleveling.

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Reprogram yourself with self-reparenting

Reprogram yourself with self-reparenting

This month we celebrated Mother’s Day, this upcoming month we are celebrating Father’s Day. These are gorgeous reminders to celebrate our elders. We tend to live with blinders on forgetting where we come from… But most importantly these can serve as reminders that though our past might inform who we are, that it doesn’t define who we are unless we let it… I invite you to explore what informs who you are and to have a say in the matter! ReProgram yourself with self-reparenting to change your patterns.

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About Emma

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of metrorelationship.com a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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