Do you live by your most Authentic Self?


Obviously, we keep an eye on our overall wellness and progress throughout the year. We make adjustments and course corrections along the way. We recommit to habits and goals as we go.  Some might have been forgotten and need a little dusting-off. In all, we stay the course to the best of our ability and keep shooting for the stars.

We keep shooting for the stars by continuing to Become our Best Self…

We have covered upgrading our thinking and our mindset.

We have covered addressing our feelings and our state.

We have covered mastering our behaviors and our habits.

These are addressed from different angles throughout the 5 Elements of our Successful Couple Strategy™ and Successful Self Strategy™:

Boundaries (Element1: Context & Mindset – Empower Yourself)

Communication (Element2: Communication & Alignment – Improve Understanding)

Repeating Patterns (Element3:  Clarity & Dynamics – Change Patterns)

Connection (Element4: Connection & Intimacy – Feel Connected)

Collaboration (Element5: Collaboration & Partnership – Become a Team)

Today, I want to take this to the next level. Beyond thinking, feeling and doing… I want us to focus on Being. Don’t you agree NAME, that we get stuck in overthinking, that we let our feelings run the show, and that we are way overcommitted and running around with tons of doing? These are things that I’ve radically addressed in my own life. My agendas used to be insane. They were beyond superhuman… So, when I recognize this in you, I feel for you…

I no longer overcommit myself. I’m MUCH better at not overbooking myself. Certainly, at not overbooking my family and our weekends. Thank goodness I learned this lesson a while ago! I’ve become a lot more productive, with ease… I bring Gusto to everything I do… I always aim to over deliver… And, fully own my nature to Serve…

Why am I sharing this? Because these things don’t happen by accident. They take commitment, intentionally, focus, and discipline. They take shedding our defenses, getting out of our own way, connecting to who we are, clarifying our Personal Brand, embracing and showing up from our Magnificence…

They take practicing and honoring just Being… And, then just Being Our Best Self… This is not easy to do… We get pulled in a gazillion ways if we allow it. And, allow it we do unless we are invested in creating our Best Life, in living our best Journey, in having our best Human Experience.

Taking charge of our life and creating our life by Design requires:

E1 – Setting effective boundaries

E1 – Addressing limiting beliefs and scripts

E1 – Letting go of fears

E1 – Being fully accountable in all we do


E2 – Clearly communicating expectations that honor all parties involved

E2 – Showing up cleanly and resourced to interactions

E2 – Being just, honorable, kind and compassionate when addressing differences

E2 – Making amends after we showed up with our imperfect humanness


E3 – Being intentional about not triggering ourselves and others

E3 – Addressing our defense mechanisms

E3 – Learning better coping, wellness and self-management skills

E3 – Appropriately getting our needs met


E4 – Creating time for connecting with Higher Self, loved ones, the world at large

E4 – Focusing on quality couple time and being fully present

E4 – Showing up with our most Authentic Self

E4 – Enjoying ourselves to the fullest


E5 – Setting up success habits and routines

E5 – Seamlessly collaborating with others

E5 – Being a role model

E5 – Contributing to a higher Cause…

We can do this exceptionally well and with ease when we go at it from our Being… When we are grounded, Transcended, and bring our Best Self, Authentic Self, Highest Self, with our Polished Personal Brand™!, to all we do…

Assignment: So today, I want you to think of (Be with…) who you are. How you will continue to awaken to your full Self. How will you continue to Become more You… How you will connect with and consistently show up with your Best Self… What will all areas of your life look like when you are your full Authentic Self most of the time? Your wellness/health, appearance, personality, home, work, leadership, contribution, Life…?

Sometimes it seems we get mired in the weeds. We miss the forest for the tree. We miss the boat. We miss the point of our Existence… I’m not saying to not give attention to the details of Life, for therein is the Juice… I’m saying let’s look beyond the car in front of us. Let’s keep an eye on the road, the Journey. Let’s pay attention to the ride, let’s Be with the ride…  

Complete the Assignment, and share your takeaway, insights, and results with a note in the Comments box at the end! I’d love to hear how you are using this content.

Happy Living!

P.S. We are here for you! If you need more support to create a shift in your life, creating your successful and meaningful life, we are here to help. Schedule a Get Acquainted Call to connect, and discuss how we can help you and how to get started. Look forward to Connecting with you!


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Step up your communication skills!

Change your repeating patterns and stuckness!

Are you mastering how to connect?

Create your strongest partnership possible


   Copyright (c) 2019 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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Now also categorized by Elements!

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Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci

Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.

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