Upgrade your relationship by keeping the romance alive…

Upgrade your relationship by keeping the romance alive…

It is common for partners to struggle at being partners in their relationship, specially at being partners in Love. They take their love for granted which can fizzle out if it is not frequently stoked… Partners make time for most things in their life, including going out with friends. But they are not great at making time for a self-love practice and for a partner-love practice- for a romantical practice… 

When the connection and romance are not nurtured, the partners feel like just coparents and roommates. They struggle feeling the spark and aliveness in their relationship, and in their life. They might not have a joint vision and approach to life that enriches their existence, and never mind a strong sense of Us… They struggle feeling each other, feeling special and cherished, and like they really matter to their partner… 

But this doesn’t mean that they should never have gotten together/married, that the relationship has run its course, or that this is what happens to mature love… 

This just means that the relationship needs some TLC… It means that the essence of the couple is getting lost through the shuffle of life… It means you are too focused on the mundane, your children and/or other goals instead. It means you are operating through your titles and roles, and not You. 

When your relationship struggles, it means YOU are missing from the equation… Are you showing up with your higher self, with compassion, kindness, and generosity? Are you showing up with your funny, cute, flirty, playful and loving self? Probably not…

It’s time to step up your game of investing in your relationship by delighting, wooing, and courting your partner… That’s right. If you don’t have time for the most important person in your life, then we have other issues. LOL

  • Decide to upgrade your relationship…
  • Set loving intentions
  • Make the time
  • Get in the mood
  • Show up with the Essence of you

It is not enough to be a We in your relationship, you need to cultivate the Us… This is where you each feel special, wanted, desired, cherished, and like the most important person in the other person’s life. 

A strong partnership and a Radiant Us, doesn’t just happen. These need to be nurtured and cultivated:

  • Go the extra mile
  • Be present
  • Put your best foot forward
  • Share your inner world
  • Have different experiences
  • Tantalize the senses
  • Delight your partner

There is no need to overhaul the whole the relationship… Just add in the stuff that matters… 


WATCH THE RELATED VIDEOS: Relationship Enrichment on YouTube 



APPLICATION: Not sure where to start? Look for relationship enrichment experiences… Get to know each other again and connect more deeply…. 

Check out our virtual immersive weekend experience Couples Retreat! 

This is our enhanced and expanded couples work: 

Transcend Your Struggles, Transform Your Relationship
February 17-20, 2023

The experience will help you get unstuck or get over the hump to upgrade anything that is holding you back in your relationship… And, to take your good relationship to the next level! 

You CAN create the relationship you desire.


Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!



PS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life? 

We can help with our private and group memberships:
Sessions Membership
Lifestyle Membership

Look forward to seeing you inside!



   Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.



Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™
with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

You don’t just love your partner on paper, do you?

You don’t just love your partner on paper, do you?

What do you think about the concept of Unconditional Love? I believe this is very challenging for people because of the expectations that exist in the relationship. They equate love with the other showing up a certain way…

If my partner checks off these boxes, then I love them…  Think about this for a second, how crooked is that… We obviously then don’t necessarily love the person but what they do and how they make us feel… How they meet our needs, take care of us, add to our status, and such… So, we actually love them on paper? It seems that way… 

But we know better, don’t we. We just have a philosophical, or practical, depending on how you choose to look at it, issue with the concept of Unconditional Love. Because even though your partner is not perfect, and they might get on your nerves, and maybe are not meeting your needs, you still love them, right?

So then why struggle with the concept of Unconditional Love? Owning this will not make your partner be a worse partner- this is not a get out of jail free card. LOL 

What would happen if you embraced the concept of Unconditional Love? If you really approached your partner and your relationship with this lens on and interacted from this perspective as much as possible. If you didn’t focus on your partner’s imperfections. If you didn’t worry about fairness and supposed doubled standards.

If you didn’t get hang up on whether your partner apologized. If you didn’t go into your partner’s circle and told them how to be, feel and do. If you didn’t try to make your partner do things the way you would, or the way you want. If you didn’t have expectations of what you should get out of this relationship. And so on… 

~ What if you just loved your partner because they are awesome. 
~ What if you just loved your partner because they are on this Journey with you. 
~ What if you just loved your partner because they are a fellow Human Being existing in this now and in this relationship with you…

What if you became aware of, if you are not already, to the fact that you are actually an energetic being that appears solid and living in this meat suit because we live in a 3D reality and our experience is limited to what we pick up with our senses… 

And, as this energetic being you are actually beyond your mere body, you are actually one with all that is… And so is your partner… AND, as such you are actually ONE… 

You are actually part of the whole Universe, you are part of Unity Consciousness- Love Consciousness…

Do you see the implications of this? There is so much here… For now, let’s highlight this, if you are One, 

~ When you judge, criticize, scorn, control, reject, or shun your partner, you are doing that to yourself as well… 

~ When you don’t like something in your partner, you don’t like that in yourself- might not even be aware you have that…

As soon as you give your partner compassion, acceptance, and freedom- Love, you’ll feel these for yourself…

As soon as you focus on giving yourself compassion, acceptance, and freedom- Love, you’ll feel these from your partner! 

When we open ourselves to this inquiry and possibility, and let go of a lower-self experience of lack (we are missing something), attachments (we need certain outcomes), and control (we need to make the things happen) this is when our suffering ends…

This is what the Practice of Letting Go is about… This is about Trusting… About having Faith… 

These mindsets, egoic patterns…, just create the struggle we are trying to overcome… These are what hold us back from being able to embrace the Unconditional Love we are capable of and that would make everything so much easier… 

~ Lack is driven by believing we are separate and not whole, which leads to sadness, grief, loneliness, aloneness, hopelessness, depression and so on which lead to focusing on fairness and double standards, judging imperfections, self-numbing [flight response…]

~ Attachments are driving by believing we need certainty and certain outcomes which leads to let down, disappointment, resentment, frustration, anger and so on which lead to demanding apologies, owning the other, and getting stuck on expectations [fight response…]

~ Control is driven by believing that we have to make things happen and have to do all the doing which leads to fear, stress, overwhelm, exhaustion, anxiety and so on which lead to over-functioning, micromanaging, doing everything ourselves, not accepting help [freeze response…]

So you see, when we get in our own way with our limited mindset we impact how we feel and experience ourselves, our partner, and the world… Not to mention our nervous system and the rest of our biology and hence our health, and our overall energy and what we are able to manifest… 

Addressing these egoic patterns allows us to more easily embrace Unconditional Love and make our relationship, and whole Human Experience, much more satisfying- more radiant, more divine… 

Here is to embracing Unconditional Love more this month and going forward…


WATCH THE RELATED VIDEOS: Relationship Enrichment on YouTube 


APPLICATION: Set time aside to contemplate and meditate on the concepts of Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness… 

~ Did you feel peace, joy, love, Oneness? 

~ After you quiet yourself down, explore how you might still have limiting mindsets. Observe your lack, attachments and control patterns of thought, feelings and behaviors… 

~ Identify which of the three is more prominent for you and decide to gently address these and let them go…

~ Share your discovery and commitment with your partner, with no strings attached… 


When we reprogram and release our egoic patterns, it is easier to create / manifest what we desire in our life experience… It is much easier to embrace Unconditional Love and enjoy the Journey… 


Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!



PS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life? 

We can help with our private and group memberships:
Sessions Membership
Lifestyle Membership

Look forward to seeing you inside!



   Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.



Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™
with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

Empower yourself by staying in your circle…

Empower yourself by staying in your circle…

The concept of setting effective boundaries might feel a bit played out. But it’s interesting that most people still have no idea what setting boundaries actually means… We don’t set boundaries on others, give them consequences, or punish them… We have no control over others, we are not the boss of them- not even our children and our employees or team-reports!

We set boundaries on ourselves… We have to take charge of the things we do have control over, and that is ourselves… We very often disempower ourselves by focusing on what others are doing or not doing… Empower yourself by staying in your circle… 

So, let’s put this into the proper context. Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. It means we decide what we allow to be in our life. Be it in our thoughts, our environment, our relationship, our work, our life in general… 

When something is not working for us, we don’t set a boundary on the other person- we don’t tell them what to do. We set a boundary on ourselves, we decide what we’ll be willing to allow to continue. We decide to change our thoughts and how we look at things. We decide how to feel and how to respond.

We decide what our actions, habits, and routines are. We decide how we want to show up to a conversation. We decide what is acceptable behavior, treatment, responses, outcomes, and such. We decide everything we allow… 

How does this play out in interaction with others? Beautifully… For when you fully own all of you, your needs, your desires, your expectations, how you show up, how you respond, how you set things up and such- things can’t but go smoothly… 

You take care of yourself, you exude confidence, you are responsible for your results, you clearly express your expectations in a way that others can respond positively to them, and you appropriately address when the expectations are not met. 

And this doesn’t mean punishing people- this doesn’t mean nagging your partner or giving them the cold shoulder. This doesn’t mean yelling at your children. This doesn’t mean berating your employee. 

Addressing unmet expectations means you share how you were impacted, how you feel and how this doesn’t work and why. It means you address what might gone wrong for the other that they let you down.

It means you put something in effect to address what happened and a preventative measure. It means you consider the other person’s needs, skills, abilities, and such so your expectations can be met. You address the situation for a win-win. 

We never set a boundary at the expense of another. They might not like your boundary of what you will not put up with or tolerate, or what you will no longer do. But you will never tell them to do something harmful or against themselves, nor tolerate this for yourself… And you are not to tell others what they need to do or not do, feel, or think. That’s in their circle… 

This obviously applies to our relationship with our partner. We co-create with them, we inspire each other, we address our needs so we are both taken cared of. We don’t tell our partner that they can’t have an affair. We inspire our partner not to have an affair… We address our side being fully mindful and conscientious of theirs. We do not live in a vacuum. We do not do things at their expense, never.

Even should you be getting a divorce, you are still a fellow human being with a heart. Always go for the win-win… Always keep your side of the street clean. Always take the higher road. You are the one that has to live with themselves at the end of the day… 

Even with our children – we don’t own them. Our job is not to control them… Our job is to discipline them- which by definition means help them learn… We teach, guide, set them up for success, and support them… We honor their feelings. We show them how to fully own and expand themselves… 

Even with our employees. They have a job description, they have processes to follow, and milestones or goals to achieve. They know when they are not performing to what is expected. That is the conversation. We can’t “manage” people, we can inspire and “lead” them… Sometimes words are limited to fully convey a message, but I think you get my drift. 

Even when we lovingly release a partner or an employee… It’s ok if they don’t like your boundary, they can choose what they need to do to meet themselves and you to continue to take care of yourself. 

Everything that happens, happens FOR us- remember that… There is always a solution for the higher good of all… 

This applies to everything in our lives… It’s ok if they don’t like that you will no longer be folding and putting away all the laundry. Decide what works for you and offer that. You can take the other’s preferences into consideration and together come up with a plan that works for both of you. But at the end of the day, you will no longer be folding and putting away all the laundry…

If the other is not cooperative, you always still do your side with the best of intentions for the highest good of all to the best of your ability… Honoring yourself is an act of self-love and imperative for a wonderful and magical human experience. When you operate from this place others cooperate, fear not… 

Partners often want to start by having their partner change… They love being in their partner’s circle, then they wonder how come their partner is resistant or uncooperative. Wrong approach my friend! Always focus on your side and the other will follow suit, I promise…

Remember to set your boundaries in alignment with your values… Then they are more meaningful and a lot easier to honor them… 

Get the FREE 1-Page Downloadable to help you easily and quickly identify your Values! 


WATCH THE RELATED VIDEOS: Developing a Self-Love Practice on YouTube 


APPLICATION: Compile a list of annoyances and things that don’t work for you in your life… Write it with compassion and grace. Don’t judge yourself or others. They have all served a purpose… Now it’s time to no longer put up with them. 

Addressing one at a time:
~ Explore how those things have contributed to who you are today and how you’ve gotten here
~ Identify what no longer works about them 
~ Feel the impact they’ve had on you, feel it in your body, breathe through it
~ Thank them for what they have provided you and let them go
~ Identify a practical step to address the things and take an action step towards them today 


Taking full ownership and empowering ourselves is not for the faint of heart. If you are serious about Becoming your Best Self, creating your Best Relationship, and living your Best Life- this is not an option. This is how you do it! 

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always… 

With Much Love & Light!



PS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life? 

We can help with our private and group memberships:
Sessions Membership
Lifestyle Membership

Look forward to seeing you inside!



   Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.



Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™
with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

How to have your Best Year yet

How to have your Best Year yet

The New Year, is a New Beginning and an amazing opportunity for a reset, course correction, and realignment… We want to be intentional about how we start the New Year to set ourselves up to have our Best Year yet… Let’s not set up a bunch of habits, strategies, and routines for the sake of setting stuff up…

The key is for your New Year plan to be thorough yet simple and powerful, and to infuse it with your Essence. We want our new year plan to feel exciting and tantalizing. We a want to have habits, practices and a daily routine that enrich our life and our soul.

We want our days to support us Becoming our Best Self and manifesting our Best Relationship, and Best Life… Here is how to have your Best Year yet… 

For starters we must know who we are trying to become and what we want to create/manifest… 

We want our life to be made up of what gives us joy, helps us become more ourselves, and supports us in our Journey. 

We need a North Star, a Life Vision, to work or walk towards… This serves as our guidance system- we wouldn’t spend a ton of money on an extravagant trip or gift if we are saving to buy a home that is part of our vision, as an example. 

If we know what we are trying to create and manifest in our life we can line ourselves up against it, so we are not going upriver, shooting ourselves on the foot, or leaning the ladder against the wrong wall… You get my drift. 

We also need to know what we value, appreciate, and prefer in our lives so that we can set ourselves up to have our life reflect that… 

When we are planning our upcoming year, or doing any reset for that matter, it is also helpful to revisit our values to make sure we align all our choices and preferences against them. 

Get the FREE 1-Page Downloadable to help you easily and quickly identify your Values!

If we have habits that get in the way of us becoming our Best Self, if we set up our days to run rugged and neglect ourselves, if we go about our interactions from a depleted state, we are not likely to be creating the life we want that honors us… 

Then taking a look at your Life Vision, choose your three Life Areas to focus on upleveling, or what you’d like to accomplish or experience, this upcoming year… And set up habits, tactics, and commitments that when done consistently they help you achieve what you desire.

This is where the rubber meets the road. We want to keep these simple yet powerful for the most impact. Yes, you can have a gazillion-billion tactics but if you can’t stick with them, you won’t get results.

Even if you stick with them, you might be spending a lot of time, energy, and other resources in getting results with a complex plan that can easily be achieved with a much simpler plan and your resources can be better allocated elsewhere…

Be selective about the habits you choose to help you live your Journey as you like. 

Your habits need to be integrated into a routine for them to stick… So, intentionally map out your daily routine to include your habits, tactics, rituals, and commitments. 

Your choices can have a theme/s to them that culminate Practice/s to fully honor who you are becoming… For example: Mindfulness Practice, Self-Love Practice, Feminine Practice, Creative Practice, Writing Practice, and so on. 

Keep in mind to TimeMap to build in open/buffer, transition, quiet, and such times in your daily, and weekly routines, to easily embrace more Being and less doing in your approach to life… 

Remember that at the end of the day, you want your days to feel joyful, peaceful, harmonious, connected, loving, creative, and the like. 

Identify what kind of flavor you want your days to have and how you want to Be in your life, and then set everything up to allow for that to happen… 

Be intentional about your approach to your relationship and your life to create what you desire. To allow you to show up more with your true Essence becoming your Best Self, and creating/manifesting your Best Relationship and your Best Life… 

Here is to your Best Year yet! 


WATCH THE RELATED VIDEOS: New Year, New Beginning, or Reset on YouTube 


APPLICATION:  Review or create your New Year’s plan to make sure you really have your back this upcoming year! 

Tweak or add these elements as structured or flexibly as you need… 
~ Design Life Vision and identify Values to guide you for best alignment
~ Choose Life Areas or Desired Experiences to give you focus
~ Select Habits, Tactics, Rituals, Commitments, and Practices to help you stay focused
~ Design Routines to help you feel grounded 
~ Utilize TimeMapping to help you integrate and balance what’s important to you


Remember this whole thing is for you and a collaborative tool to Align with your Partner as well… 

This is to help you more easily do your life, Become who you truly are, and support you in your Journey. This is to gently and beautifully create/manifest with your Partner… This is to have your backs and create your Best Life, and your Best Year yet. 


Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!



PS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life? 

We can help with our private and group memberships:
Sessions Membership
Lifestyle Membership

Look forward to seeing you inside!



   Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.



Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™
with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

Have a Summer Bucket List!

Have a Summer Bucket List!

I’m still on the theme of Milking the Summer… LOL I had this fantastic experience when checking my google email social tab not long ago. It was bombarded with Summer treats of all sorts. Too much email can be annoying, but the Summer theme made reviewing mine rewarding. I found some pretty cool treasures in there from Pinterest.

Yes, you guess it. This included a barrage of Summer Bucket Lists. How fun!!

So, why not? I’m starting a compilation of fun Summer activities, outings, experiences and delights to inspire you in case you are looking for some ideas:

  1. Picnic, BBQ, cookout, clambake, dining alfresco
  2. Lemonade, iced-tea, pinacolada, sangria, mojito, margarita, mimosas
  3. Icecream, slushies, floats, milk-shakes, popsicles, frozen chocolate covered fruit
  4. Smores, zeppolas, pies, popcorn, trifles, funnel cake
  5. Botanical garden, butterfly garden, zoo, aquarium, amusement park, water park, fair, carnival, festival, outdoor concert, antiquing, labyrinth walking, drive-in movie, arcade, art show
  6. Hang gliding, rock climbing, hot air balloon riding, horseback riding, quad riding, water skiing, white water rafting, cannoning, snorkeling sailing, jet skiing, deep sea fishing, camping, paint-ball, ziplining
  7. Fly a kite, watch fireworks, garden, catch fireflies, hike, bike, hold a garage sale, watch sunsets, watch sunrises, star gaze, have an outdoor slumber party, paint / draw / color outdoors, outdoor yoga
  8. Chilling on a park bench, on a hammock, on porch rocking chair, on a swing, on a lounge chair, on a beach chair, on the grass, on the sand, by a campfire
  9. Build a treehouse, fort, bike-ramp, sandcastle, shed, workbench, easel
  10. Do a cannonball, run in the sprinklers, use the watersides, have a water balloon fight, swimming in any body of water, dance in the rain, make-out in the rain
  11. Collect seashells, rocks, sand, flowers (dry and scrapbook)
  12. Play board games, do a 1000 piece puzzle, learn to knit, make a homemade pizza, plant an indoor herb garden
  13. Get your palm, aura, chakras, cards read
  14. Make it a mission to visit: national parks, different cuisine restaurants, museums, fruit picking farms, farmer’s markets, beaches, playgrounds, wineries, monuments, tourist attractions
  15. Color mandalas, journal, meditate, start a gratitude journal, play the Tibetan flute as ambient music, get Tibetan singing bowls

Pick any that grab your attention and add to your repertoire. Would love to hear any treasures on your bucket list!

Remember to complete the MetroRelationsip™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start creating your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life…

Share your experience by leaving a comment below!

Happy Bucketing!



~ Your MetroRelationship™ Assignment

Do create your Summer Bucket List!

Highlight the must not miss items and stay focused on activities, outing, experiences and treats that make your heart sing.

Add this to your Tool Kit…



   Copyright (c) 2018 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:  Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com


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