Create a couple summer fun tradition and end the summer with a bang
We love summer and all the fun that usually comes with it. But we can make it even better while making our relationship even better. That’s right, we can enhance our lifestyle while enriching our relationship. Yes, you can do all the usual summer activities, time off, and vacations. But you can also create a couple summer fun tradition and end the summer with a bang.
Traditions are wonderful tactics in family and relationship life, in other contexts as well actually, that serve as mechanisms for providing a rich experience for the participants involved.
This rich experiences not only create beautiful moments at the time they take place but provide additional opportunities for connection before and after, as well as a host of other benefits that make traditions special… Of course, being intentional about how one shows up and about savoring it makes a big difference for how we experience it, what meaning we give it, and how we remember it.
~Before the actual tradition is to take place there is the forethought, planning and anticipation of it that can be milked in and of themselves… The dreaming, designing and putting it together offer opportunities to connect, learn each other better, and address needs and desires.
~After the experience took place, there are the memories that were created to draw future enjoyment from… Revisiting the moments captured in our minds and digitally for posterity sake, sharing it with others, and recounting the event and experience make this the gift that keeps on giving…
Traditions Are a Great Relationship Building Tool
Traditions are the thread that weave the family / relationship tapestry…
- Create identity, unity, and a sense of belonging
- Convey, and pass down, values, principles, beliefs, and customs
- Provide comfort and connection
- Offer meaningful pause and reflection
- Help celebrate, honor, and give thanks
- Promote fun and good vibes
All these benefits make traditions and important aspect of our lifestyle and family life.
This brings me to using these more specifically to enrich our relationship.
Couple Summer Fun Tradition
Traditions can be used throughout the year in our family life and in our relationship. We usually have them during holidays and other celebrations. But we might not have them so much as part of changing seasons and during other times in our life.
So, for this writing I want to offer to create a couple summer fun tradition as another way to invest in your relationship – to enrich your relationship and to enhance the connection with your partner.
How might you go about building a couple summer fun tradition?
~ Think about as aspect of summer that you love- an activity, a sport, an outing, a type of food, an event, a location, etc…
~ Think about an “event” that can be created around it that can be replicated every summer. For example, I love seafood- so every summer we get all kinds of shellfish and have special meal that we call having our “seafood feast day”. And we add all the trimmings and treats we both enjoy making it as yummy as possible and treating ourselves to that joint enjoyment.
Now it’s your turn! Select something about summer that you’ll turn into a couple summer fun tradition to end the summer with a bang…
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Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…
With Much Love & Light!
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com.