Expanding Generosity (Thanksgiving Series Pt3) (VIDEO)

Expanding Generosity (Thanksgiving Series Pt3) (VIDEO)

Thanksgiving is about really appreciating everything in our lives… A grateful heart is like a magic pill… There are so many ways to embrace a Gratitude Practice and being Thankful. When we appreciate our life in its full glory, the challenges and all- as they are for us, then we are abundant…

From an abundant place we can genuinely be generous to enrich the life of others, and in turn our own. Today, let’s focus on Expanding Generosity (Thanksgiving Series Pt3).

In Part1 of this series we covered Giving Grace.

In Part2 of this series we covered Embracing Gratitude.


Expanding Generosity

No matter how we cut it, there is always someone who has less than us or has it worse than us… And helping alleviate their suffering or making their lives better in some way not only does it help them, but it also helps us…

Being generous is a lovely character strength that add to who we are… It helps us have a fuller human experience. It enriches our lives. And it helps us make the world a better place in the process…

Generosity is a Win-Win affair.

Cultivating being generous is super fun and super rewarding.

Learn 3 unique ways of Expanding Generosity…


Watch the video to learn three unique ways of Expanding Generosity and rock the Season of Giving…


APPLICATION: When we expand how we show our generosity is permeates the fabric of our life. Our generous nature shines through touching other’s hearts and in turn making us feel good.

I – Identify the area where you haven’t been as generous as you’d like:
With yourself, with your loved ones, with others at large…

II – Make a commitment to become more generous in that area

III – Embrace Expanding Generosity with GUSTO:

Yourself – It’s easy for us to run ourselves into the ground and forget our basic needs if we are not careful… Recalibrate your calendar (Time Map) so you create a gentler approach to your days… Build in: Buffer Time, Transition Time, Me Time. And use these times as designated… Don’t allow them to get sucked up by other demands…

✔️Make sure you milk Me Time! Add what nurturing activity you’ll do for yourself during that time…

Your Loved Ones – Some tend to be nicer to strangers… How about we are more generous with those we love? Be very intentional about the language you use and use kind and gentler words as much as possible. Make a list of nicer words you’ll use, nurturing gestures you’ll sprinkle into your days, and different ways and times you’ll give more affection…

 ✔️Make sure you get creative with your words, gestures, and affections- delight your loveys!

Others at Large – When we think of giving, we usually thing of contributions and donations. Which, of course, are absolutely fine and if that’s what you do please continue to do so.

But being generous with others goes beyond specific “giving”, it has to do with showing up with a generous heart the rest of the time as much as possible. How about giving more generous tips, more compliments, and being present with your eye contact and attention?

✔️Make sure you take this on to a degree that the receiving person takes note of the generosity!

Notice how good it feels to be generous and kind to yourself and others…


Generosity is not just about giving money or donations to charities or special causes. Generosity starts with having an open and kind hear with ourselves and those around us…

Expand Generosity with gusto!  

Wishing you much joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!



PS – Check out past Holidays posts to help you Start Your Season Right!

Thanks Giving for a Satiating Relationship
Are You Giving Enough to Your Honey?
Do You Know the Role of Thanksgiving
Appreciation, Gratefulness and Thanksgiving
Peacefulness, Abundance and Giving
Giving, Meaning and Success
Letting Go, Productivity and Meaningful Holidays
Rituals – A Fantastic Couple Success Tool


Copyright (c) 2021 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

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