Use end of august magic to inspire change in your relationship
Yes, we love Summer and some of us might not be too happy to see Summer come to an end. Yep, that’s me. You too? But we don’t have to let the end of Summer put a damper on our mood, fun quotient, outdoor time, and the rest of it. It is up to us to bring what we love about Summer with us as much as we can. And it is important to recognize that there is beauty in all the seasons for varying reasons. I say for now we take in what’s magical about the end of August and savor every morsel. Use end of august magic to inspire change in your relationship.
As things really slow down during this time, this gives us an opportunity to give our body, mind and spirit a respite from the usual pace we keep, which could be phrenetic for some… This space allows us to shift gears so we can better tap into our creativity, our desires, and our dreams…
When we take a break from our routine, rhythm, and the usual, when we slow down and are not run by our list of to-dos, when we allow ourselves to just be, tune in, and attune- ahh… This is when we become more aware of all the blessings, the beauty, the love, the possibilities… Believe it or not, in relaxing we expand, evolve…
~ Did you ever notice that when you are running around, are multi-tasking, have a crammed agenda and packed schedule, that this is when your partner gets on your nerves the most?
~ Did you ever notice that when your children are taken cared of, your phone is nowhere to be found, and you have nowhere to be, that that is when you enjoy your partner the most?
~ And did you ever notice that when you really slow down, bask in nature, and just chill that that is when all the solutions, great ideas, and inspiration strikes? Not to mention the health and the well-being…?
Mm, right? What does that tell us?
The End of August Magic…
When we realize that we have a different experience that gives us joy, inspiration, connection, love, and happiness, let’s pay attention to what’s different about that experience… In this case the call to disconnect and slow down, and quiet-down might I add, is like a blaring siren. We’d be remiss to not take notice…
I love the end of August, exactly for this reason. It gives us a chance to:
- Disconnect from the hustle and bustle, the noise, the devices- from being plugged in
- Relax, rest and recharge
- Reconnect with our desires and dreams
- Get inspired for what’s next
- Reset for the new chapter
This is a great opportunity to synchronize with your partner about your life and your relationship.
When you disconnect and slowdown, you give your relationship the opportunity to thrive. For this is when you can better mind your energy, how you show up, how you nurture, how you respond, how you play, how you invite your partner to create the relationship and life your desire…
During this last two weeks of August, you get to feel each other more, play differently, dream your dreams, and refocus on one another and what you’d like to create.
Whether you are away, off, or just cruising for the next two weeks, you might consider setting time aside to bask in nature and each other’s company:
~ Show up with chill energy, curiosity, and interest
~ Show up with playfulness and openness
~ Show up with the intention to connect more deeply and expand your love
Before you know it, you’ll be inspired for What’s Next in your relationship and your life and become aligned in creating it…
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Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…
With Much Love & Light!
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PSS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com.