Naturopathic and Spiritual Approach to Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing (Ep.26)

Naturopathic and Spiritual Approach to Mental Health and Overall Wellbeing (Ep.26)

There are times in life when we feel amazing and there are times when we don’t feel so hot… This is especially true when we struggle with our mental health and have possibly even been diagnosed with a mental health disorder…

Our relationship and our life can be a real struggle if we struggle with our own wellbeing… For it is difficult to show up with our best self if we are not feeling our best. Anxiety, depression, bipolar and other mood disorders and things like OCD, ADHD, BPD, PSTD, and other diagnoses can really make it challenging to manage ourselves and our lives and how we show up to interactions with our loved ones and others…

But we don’t have to struggle, there are so many approaches and modalities we can utilize to have our own back in feeling optimally and creating our best self, best relationship, and best life! We don’t have to suffer. We don’t have to be on medications that might make things worse. We don’t have to feel limited and miss out on joy and happiness, deeply and meaningfully connecting with our partner, doing the most gorgeous parenting, having a successful career or business, and everything else our heart desires…

In this episode, I have a super resourceful and inspiring conversation with Dr. Serena Goldstein, a Naturopathic Doctor, who is with us for a second time, and this time addressing mental health and overall wellbeing. We discuss a more natural, holistic and even spiritual approach to healing, wellness and feeling on top of the world. Addressing conditions is not just about taking medicines, but about how we do our life experience… 

We discuss a range of modalities and approaches to support your wellbeing.

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.



Dr. Serena Goldstein is a Naturopathic Doctor who guides you to trust and understand what your body is telling you. She has a diverse, deep and growing knowledge base around conventional medicine, natural modalities, energy medicine modalities, and spirituality, where she seeks to find and address the root cause of symptoms with an individualized plan that feels like relief. Dr. Serena works with those experiencing weight gain, hormone imbalance, poor sleep, stress, thyroid, mood, and gut health issues who want to learn more of what their body is saying and needs. She has shared her expertise on outlets such as MindBodyGreen, Forbes, and, has appeared on NYU DoctorRadio SiriusXM, written multiple research articles on mind/body healing, presented at numerous conferences, and serves as an Advisory Board Member for Natural Practitioner Magazine. You can find her HERE.

Find her also here:
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Gift from Serena:
Spirituality in Medicine – Mange Symptoms for Mind-Body Connection


A rich softer approach to mental health and relationship success

Creating a healthy, happy, and successful relationship doesn’t happen by accident. It requires intentionally to create the relationship we desire. It requires we invest in bringing our best selves to our relationship…

As challenging as this might be at times, it is even more challenging when we struggle with our personal wellbeing and mental health…

And nothing happens in a vacuum. Everything is interconnected. So, if we are not feeling well, that will impact our relationship and our life. And if we are going through a rough patch in our relationship and our life, then our wellbeing suffers…

But let’s not get stuck in what came first, the chicken or the egg.

Let’s instead focus on taking care of ourselves no matter what and investing in our relationship as we go… These ensure we can tackle anything life throws at us, and that we live our best life…

We are embracing a practice makes progress approach. No shaming and guilting ourselves about anything!

Then, we implement a soft Self-Love Practice… And a soft Partner-Love Practice… Where we focus on delighting our partnerSoft means not grinding but with compassion, joy, grace, and generosity.

It’s all about the intention behind our rhythms and our lifestyle we choose day in and day out.

Give it a thought, design what days and life you want to experience, and then put in the routines, habits, rituals, traditions, practices to enrich your relationship and your life.

Your investment in your overall wellbeing and your relationship success will reward you with the relationship and life you love.


~~ Related to Episode

Prior Guest Appearance: Demystifying Women’s Hormonal Journey Throughout their Life Cycle w/ Dr. Serena Goldstein (Ep.21)

~~ Watch our related videos on our YouTube channel

~~ Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable Connecting for Change Guidelines for creating a strong partnership with your partner and a life you love!

~~ Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?

Interested in Couple Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Coaching, Individual Therapy or Support Sessions?

We can help with our select memberships:
Radiance Membership – Transformational content and experiences subscription (only $29 per month!)
Success Membership – Private sessions and Radiance Membership access! (start with an Initial Session)

~~ Interested in being our Guest? Interested in having Emma be a Guest in your Podcast?

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DISCLAIMER: This content is meant to support your Journey and not as a replacement for professional assistance. Additionally, the ideas and resources provides by our guests are their ideas and recommendations alone and not necessarily a reflection of mine.

Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.

Experiential Awareness for Repairing, Connecting and Relating Beyond Words (Ep.25)

Experiential Awareness for Repairing, Connecting and Relating Beyond Words (Ep.25)

Even though words are important sometimes they are overrated… Hence, we say things like, A picture is worth a thousand words… And in this case, there is so much more communication going on between partners than what words can say…

We know we communicate in a lot of different ways, including non-verbal communication and body language… But what if I told you that those are also very basic. We connect at other levels that we usually don’t take into consideration…

Like through being interconnected and using our intuition and knowing… 

And, like using our felt body, our sensing abilities, to feel into our selves, our partner and our relationship…

There is a ton of information available through sensing that we usually use automatically. But what if we were to tap into this intentionally and leverage it for a more authentic, deeper, and meaningful connection?

In this episode, I have a lovely and inspiring conversation with Carmela Bennett, a somatic psychotherapist, who shares about what somatic and experiential relating is and the benefits of relating from a sensing place, how to use it to manage and repair conflict, how it’s healing and repatterning, how it enhances interactions with deeper emotional and physical intimacy, and how to use it for enriching and upleveling our relationship.

We discuss over a dozen practices partners can use immediately to elevate their relating…

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.





Carmela Bennett has been a psychotherapist for the past 25 years and maintained a private practice for individuals, couples, and families in NYC since 2016. She has a Doctorate in Leadership, a Masters in Marriage in Family Counseling, Somatic Experiencing training and holds a CASAC addiction specialist certification. She blends years of training and experience with holistic, somatic, experiential, and psychodynamic modalities and specializes in working with relationships, addiction, anxiety disorders, PTSD and developmental trauma treatment using somatic experiencing. Her lifelong participation in the expressive arts, especially dance and movement, inspires integrating creativity, imagination, and intuition into all aspects of her life and work. She considers our basic human need for connection and individual purpose a fundamental resource for meaningful change. You can find her at

Find her also here:



We don’t need words to create a radiant relationship

We use our words to get on the same page, resolve conflict, repair, connect, and collaborate, and so much more. But a lot of times, we get entangled in words… Even though we try to align and connect, sometimes we create a drift…

We make things worse. Wrong words can be used. Words can be misinterpreted. Meaning and intentions can be totally lost in translation… This is why we invest in honing in our communication skills and tools.

But there is another way to “communicate” that’s beyond words and the usual communication skills… We can use it to repair, connect and enrich our relationship… And, it has to do with Sensing…

We don’t realize how much we know through our sensing… This is a totally taken for granted human technology that’s right under our noses… We know more through our sensing than not… Yet, we don’t intentionally use this gift.

~We can sense our partner…

~We can sense the relationship- the space between us…

We can leverage the information we draw through our sensing… We can use it to make repair, to connect more deeply, and to enrich our relationship.



~~ Related to Episode

Book – How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It
Blog Post – Communication Skills and Tools are a Must
Blog Post – Remove Roadblocks to Great Communication

~~ Watch our related videos on our YouTube channel

~~ Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable Connecting for Change Guidelines for creating a strong partnership with your partner and a life you love!

~~ Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?

Interested in Couple Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Coaching, Individual Therapy or Support Sessions?

We can help with our select memberships:
Radiance Membership – Transformational content and experiences subscription (only $29 per month!)
Success Membership – Private sessions and Radiance Membership access! (start with an Initial Session)

~~ Interested in being our Guest? Interested in having Emma be a Guest in your Podcast?

Contact us about a possible collaboration!



Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.

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