15 Days of thanksgiving with the 3 dimensions of appreciation
I know that at the beginning of November many like to start Gratitude Challenges to honor the Thanksgiving Holiday and to get the Holiday Season off to a wonderful start. This year though we had a tentative start to the month with the elections, strange weather patterns, and natural disasters, but we are still called to be grateful…
Our gratitude might sound trite at times if it is superficial, prescribed, and automatic if it doesn’t have depth and feeling. If it is forced with a must or should feel to it.
Genuine gratitude comes from a deeper place. Not from just all the things we love and appreciate. But from place of meaning, impact, and reverence…
How often do we connect to this feeling of gratitude when it comes to our partner? Probably not very often… We usually focus on what they do for us and what we get instead, or how they disappoint us… We have a strong negativity bias… This is especially true when we are experiencing relationship struggles. We lose sight of the blessing that is our partner in our life…
But maybe this Thanksgiving, and for going forward, we can reprogram this apathy for a more meaningful holiday, more wellbeing, peace, and joy, and creating change in our relationship…
Embrace the 3 Dimensions of Appreciation
Embracing an intentional approach to Appreciation, having a strong Gratitude Mindset, and an inspired Gratitude Practice will have a huge impact on the quality of your relationship. It will help propel it to the next level. The 3 Dimensions of Appreciation (see how to get the full protocol below!) guides you in how to truly experience Thanksgiving.
Giving Grace
We stop being so critical, demanding, judgy and harsh. And instead we allow for imperfections, mistakes and offness… We appreciate the quirks and differences… We have their back… We give more grace…
Embracing Gratitude
We start to truly and deeply appreciating the gift and blessing that is our partner, the reason why they are a part of our Journey… And everything they do contribute to our life… We give more gratitude…
Expanding Generosity
We step it up a notch with how we show up to our relationship. We stop being greedy, self-focused, and stingy… We are more present, attentive, nurturing, supportive, affectionate, etc… We give unconditionally… We show more generosity…
So if we are looking to feel better, get along better, love better. If we are looking for an easier life. If we are looking for a more lovely lifestyle. If we are looking for a more amazing relationship. If we are looking for a rocking human experience. Maybe we gotta upgrade our Gratitude Mindset and embrace a higher level of Appreciation…
Here is to a season filled with magic and blessings!
Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…
With Much Love & Light!
Embrace 3 Dimension of Appreciation with ease!
Check out this month’s Integration Experience ~ Available in Recording! ~
Broaden Your Gratitude Practice, Rekindle Loving Vibes
A gratitude practice brings along a multitude of benefits for ourselves, our relationship, and the world at large… Ranging from increasing resilience and improving mental health to engendering collaboration and peace. We tend to focus on this during the holidays and more specially around Thanksgiving, but by having such a narrow focus we are cheating ourselves of this super practice’s gifts. We can make it easier to do this practice on a consistent basis, by learning more about its benefits and broadening its definition and application. And, by applying it specifically to our relationship for a transformative effect… Embracing our 3 Dimensions of Appreciation Protocol does the trick!
Access it HERE!
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PS: Related Articles
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Expanding Generosity (Thanksgiving Series Pt3) (VIDEO)
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com.