Mapping out meaningful experiences through the next 90 days

Mapping out meaningful experiences through the next 90 days

The next 90 days can make a real huge difference as to how you end up making out for the year. This is the time to regroup so you can reset your focus, targets, and desires…This is also the time to realign against your values and how you want the rest of the year to go. What kind of year do you want to have in all?

How do you want this one to go down in history? How do you want to have made your life better? How do you want to have gotten a bit closer to your Life Vision? The key is in mapping out meaningful experiences through the next 90 days…

You see, I used to be a real grinder… I can still be- I’m highly productive, can work tirelessly for endless hours, and do it without blinking an eye… The difference is that not only have I learned to work smarter and get better support, but now also I prioritize myself and my lovies a lot better and more than I ever used to.

For instance, I have embraced cultivating a Self Love Practice, that goes way beyond my already rich Self Care Practice… These have made such a massive difference in my wellbeing, health, connection, and just in my overall abundance. Not only did this help with safeguarding my energy, mental health, bandwidth, and time, but also with optimizing them…

A favorite tactic that I have truly enjoyed from this practice is Mapping Out Experiences. Since I’ve had such wonderful success with this, I wanted to highlight it here for you so hopefully it has the same beautiful impact in your life.

Because we are starting the last quarter of the year, I wanted to offer something that would have a significant impact on the flavor of your year so it’s more memorable… And usually, things that are memorable have to do with feelings, connection, memories and the like… The softer side of life…

To that end, I want to specifically focus on Mapping Out Experiences through the Next 90 Days. I’m sure you’ve heard that we are moving from the Information Age to the Experiences Age…

So, Mapping Out Experiences it is:

  • This has to do with identifying what kind of person you want to show up as in this world, and expanding your identity as necessary creating the new version of you…
  • This has to do with creating a master working list of experiences that help you stretch
    into, practice, and personify the new version of you.
  • This has to do with creating a seasonal, yearly or life bucket list to inspire you into new
    or repeat favorite experiences that bring you joy.
  • This has to do with identifying interest and pursuits and creating a cadence to engage in them, so they are consistently an inspiration and recharging source in your life.
  • This has to do with creating rituals and upgraded traditions that add more flavor,
    meaning and richness to your interactions and life flow…

Playing with any of the above will improve your life significantly… The key here is to pursue this in moderation yet playing full out. You don’t want to overload yourself and then end up shooting yourself on the foot because your life is so crammed that even the fun things are not enjoyable…

Once you have identified all the awesomeness you want to enrich your relationship/s and life with, then it’s time for Mapping Out Experiences.

Here is to wondrous and meaningful next 90 days!


CATCH THE 90 DAYS PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE: The Next 90 Days & Mapping Out Experiences

GET THE RELATED THEME RESOURCE: Connecting for Change Guidelines

APPLICATION: Complete the experience list/s that made your heart skip a bit when you read it. Which resonated most for you?

~ Review your list/s for the items you’d really like to experience or implement
sooner than later. Mark all that apply.

~ Now go back and prioritize them becoming more selective. You want to
sprinkle these into your lifestyle, not overrun it…

~ Then add one or two interests into your weekly/monthly routine following some sort of cadence.

~ Then schedule fun outings, events or other plans and experiences.

~ Finally, dust your plan with a new ritual or tradition to really take the whole thing to the next level…

Do this for the next 90 days, and keep this as part of your reset to do on a
quarterly basis… And, this is how you keep creating your Best Relationship/s and Best Life… Enjoy!

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed while we do what we are meant to do with our Journey… Make the most of it by intentionally pursuing the things that give you joy and purpose…


Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Complete the Relationship Enrichment Course to help you take your
relationship to the next level!

Whether you need an overhaul or next level inspiration, this course helps you:

  1. Break the impasse, be empowered, feel hopeful and inspired again
  2. Improve your communication and deepen your understanding of each other
  3. Change your patterns and better meet your and your partner’s needs
  4. Enrich your connection, enhance your intimacy and truly enjoy being with each other
  5. Strengthen your partnership, strive towards your Joint Life Vision, role model a radiant and successful relationship

You can access it through our Member Center, FREE with our Radiance Membership
Access it HERE

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Copyright (c) 2022 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

Have a Memoriable Summer!

Have a Memoriable Summer!

As we embark on this long holiday weekend kicking off the Summer, it is the perfect time to ponder upon what kind of Summer we’d like to have… By now most choices for academic and extracurricular activities for the next school year have also been completed, as we wrap up this year.

By now enrollment to Summer camps, programs and the like have been completed. And, by now vacations, trips, and experiences for the Summer have most likely also been chosen and even booked.

So, what’s left to do to enjoy the Summer, you ask? Well, as far as I’m concerned:

Select a Theme or Focus for the Summer – Even though we look at the Summer as a time of leisure, we tend to nonetheless pack it with activities… There is nothing wrong with being active and pursuing fun things. But, as usual, I caution the overpacking it in…

So, even if you have an exceptional funnest Summer Bucket List, don’t kill yourself doing all the items on the list. Use the list as inspiration and idea holder. The Theme or Focus can thus be: Relaxation. Leisure. Ease. Restful. Quiet. Pampering. Open. Free. Under-committed. Unscheduled. (More on Focus Terms™)

Select a Summer Project/s – I find so much inspiration during the Summer months. I believe the more ease, openness and spaciousness (from the usual, anyway) lends itself to more creativity… We get all juiced up to start Autumn and the “new (school) year” reaching for the Stars.

Summer is the perfect time to pursue a creative outlet, personal project, or personal development strategy as we tend to be more personally focused… But even a work, career, business or professional project is fun to take on as repose begets innovation…

Select the Experience to be had – And, by this I don’t mean having an activity type of experience, like going on a Safari (put that on your bucket list!). By this one I mean, how do you want to Feel during the Summer? How do you want to Experience, how do you want it to be like? What kind of memories would you want to make? What would make it memorable? What would make it exceptional? What would you want to be able to Memorialize?

After these, you are truly ready for the Summer. I find that if we are not intentional, time passes us by, and we don’t get to milk our moments for all they are worth. Don’t just saunter in, keep on as usual, and then regret you missed out on more fun. And, again, more fun doesn’t mean being loaded with more activities. It means enjoying the ones you do… Be selective. Be proactive. Be intentional. 

Assignment: Do your Selecting this weekend. Choose how you want to Memorialize this Summer. Check out the Related Issues of Interest below to have a real intentional approach to this Summer.

Now is the time. Set up your Summer approach now and all you have to do later is to Enjoy!

Complete the Assignment, and share your takeaway, insights, and results with a note in the Comments box at the end! I’d love to hear how you are using this content.

Happy Selecting!


~ Some Related Issues

How to make the most of Summer!

Have a Summer Bucket List!

Have a shift with Summer Personal Projects™

Are you ready for your Frisky-Friday™?

Making time for fun and to recharge



   Copyright (c) 2019 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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