The key to collaboration…

The key to collaboration…

Did you know that Collaboration is super important nowadays? And, I don’t just mean with your team, colleagues and peers… I’m talking about Collaboration with your Partner, or special friend and other loved ones…

When we get on the same page with our partner and create ways of working together, supporting each other and sharing the load in the business of life, ah, that’s the sweet spot.

–This can only happen when the partners show up with their Best Self and have a growth mindset… When they are serious about having a real Human Experience…

–This can only happen when the partners learn themselves, each other and how they fit together, and Why…

–This can only happen when they join forces, become allies and tap into their relationship’s inherent Synergy…

–This can only happen when the partners optimally utilize their complimentary gifts, strengths and passions for the greater good of the relationship, family, community and world at large…

–This can only happen when the partners ongoingly clean up their side of the street, own themselves, improve their self-management and relational skills, mindfully and intentionally go about meeting their and their partner’s needs, proactively set themselves up for success…

We can’t just collaborate… Collaboration is the delicate balance of both partners, parties, contributing significantly to successfully accomplish a shared goal and reach a mutually desired outcome…

The key to a successful Collaboration is:

  • Clearly defining the goal and desired outcome
  • Establishing the full scope of the responsibility, project, or task 
  • Capitalizing on the strengths of each partner and tackling the load accordingly
  • Ensuring both partners are heard, understood, represented, acknowledged and praised
  • Trusting each other to fully show up and honor their commitments
  • Fully showing up and honoring one’s commitments
  • Setting up mechanisms, processes, systems and such to carry out the work
  • Including a debriefing, checking in, reporting protocol for staying current and on the same page

Of course, these don’t have to sound so formal during discussions and when setting up your routines and flow…

It is very challenging to collaborate properly when we have blind-spots, sensitivities and a chip-on-our-shoulder. It is very challenging to collaborate when we lack personal awareness, have an outdated operating system, can’t be vulnerable and have a compassionate heart, and have limited skills and personal resources…

When we operate blindly and with heightened sensitivities, we are easily triggered, can’t see the other’s perspective, are not able to be flexible or compromise, have difficulties being creative, problem solving, making decisions, addressing concerns, etc…

You see how it can be virtually impossible to create a smooth collaboration with your partner, or anyone for that matter, when this is your MO? It is virtually impossible to create a strong partnership when this is how we show up…

So, before you go setting goals and creating systems to Collaborate, take stock of your development level, blind-spots, recurring pattern, self-management abilities, sensitivities, ability to let go and trust, and the like… This will show you your growth place and ability to create a successful Collaboration and Strong Partnership…

Evolving and upleveling yourself is the key to productive, exciting and impactful collaborations… How you show up to the collaboration is the key to your Strong Partnership…

Keep investing in becoming your Best Self!

ASSIGNMENT: Review how you do your days and assess if your current routine is serving you. Do you feel supported and inspired by what’s on your calendar or just merely looking at it stresses you out?

Embrace a Time Chunking approach to take charge of your life, more compassionately manage yourself, and have more productivity, joy, fun and impact in your days…

Make sure you add Time Chunks for your Self-care Practice, Focus Work, Outreach/Connect. Do related activities during their assigned times and honor and protect the chunks.

You’ll see how you’ll become exponentially more productive with a lot more ease and energy!

Making sure you operate optimally ensures you have amazing collaborations that are gratifying and support your life. Your Strong Partnership depends on it.

Complete the Assignment, and share your takeaway, insights, and results with a note in the Comments box at the end! I’d love to hear how you are using this content.

Happy Collaborating!


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Copyright (c) 2020 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple™ content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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