As we get deeper into the Holiday Season, we might find ourselves going through the motions, pushing ahead and just checking things off our list. But are we truly embracing the merriment, the joy, the blessings, and a deeper purpose for the holidays that make them more meaningful and magical?
Magical holidays are not about all the decorations, food, and gifts… Though these might add flavor to our celebration. What makes them truly magical is in the embracing the spirit of them. The spirit of giving and loving…
If we were to assess how we are going about our Holidays, are we truly embracing their spirit?
Are we giving and loving generously? And I don’t mean in a materialistic or shallow way, but giving the gift of our presence, our attention, our patience, our kindness, our understanding, our grace, our acceptance, our forgiveness, our all in and full commitment…
Are we giving the gift of our Authentic Self? For this is how we feel the deeper and more meaningful connection and the magic…
Maybe it’s time to take a few moments to reflect on this and decide if we need to tweak anything about how we are going about this End-Of-Year and Holiday Season…
~ Are we being as intentional and graceful as we can be? ~ Are we allowing for transition time, down time, and reflection time to ensure we go about the merriment in the most supporting, honoring, and joyful way for us and our loved ones? ~ Are we bringing our Authentic, Higher Self to our celebration?
I find that sometimes people, and I’m no exception, get caught up in all the doing and material, and lose sight of what is most important to them at the end of the day…
I offer that we streamline our to-do list, creating more down time and space for a slower pace and for activities that are more enriching, delightful, and joyous.
This is when creating our own traditions in our relationship, family, groups and even workplace add to the merriment and to more meaningful holidays.
Create New Holiday Traditions
The way to more satisfying, enriching and meaningful holidays is to add the personal, connection, and memorable factor. Here are areas where we’d want to put in our attention for more magical holidays:
Relationship – DIY a meaningful gift, writing a love letter, creating a recipe book of your partner’s favorite meals, cooking or baking together, having a special romantical holiday dinner, visiting an especially festive site or doing a holiday activity, taking a yearly holiday photo, doing a memory jar with memorable moments on slips of paper to review the following year, babysitting for family members or friends with young children
Family – DIY holiday decorations or ornaments, creating a yearly scrapbook of most memorable experiences to rejoice with at every holiday, creating a holiday treats recipe book, building ginger bread houses, binge-watching holiday movies, shopping for toys and donating them to a shelter, baking pies and donating them to an old folks’ home, or doing other community service, creating a time capsule
Groups and Workplace – Hosting a theme night of singing, movies, games, cooking or baking, facilitating a scavenger hunt, organizing a mystery gift exchange or holiday gift swap, gifting a framed statement of acknowledgement of their unique contributions, hosting a ball or dance party, orchestrating a fun, pretty, or adventurous holiday outing, contributing something special to a gathering
So, what will you cut off your minutiae to-do or material list? How will you create more spaciousness? How will you embrace creating more enriching experiences these holidays?
Here is wishing you more magical and meaningful holidays!
With Much Love & Light!
End this Year with a Bam, Waltz into the New Year!
Check out this month’s Integration Experience~ Available in Recording! ~ The Reset Process for the New Year or for an Anytime Upleveling We are in the thick of the Holiday Season and have only a few weeks left to the year. This is a very special time of year where we get to create magical and meaningful holidays and get to nourish the relationships with our loved ones. But we also get to bring more intentionality into our life to reset for a Grand New Beginning. We can be intentional about how we wrap up the year and start the new one (or any new period). We get to complete things that we have wanted to get under our belt for the year. We get to clear out and make space for the new. We get to think about what we want to create and manifest in our relationship and our life. And we get to tweak how we want do things going forward to help us create and experience what we desire. *This is a work along experience to knock out the process and have it in place to start the New Year right. Access it HERE!
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Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable End-Of-Year and New-Year Planning Process(ENP Process) for making your relationship resolutions, goals and dreams come true and for creating the life you love!
PPS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
Yep, the celebration continues! We are celebrating our Podcast’s 1st Year Anniversary! Love bringing topics and conversations to support you in your Journey. I super enjoy the conversations with colleagues, friends, and experts on topics that I believe would enrich your experience, expand your consciousness, and of course help you make the changes you are seeking in your relationship and your life. We got you!
We cover a range of topics from all things relationship, including changing codependent patterns, to mental health and wellness, to self-love and expanding consciousness… We believe in embracing a relationship enrichment lifestyle and support you in creating the relationship and life you love. Through love and connection, we can create anything we desire…
Our celebration includes special episodes this month of selected segments from each episode we’ve created thus far of key takeaways for immediate implementation and results…
In this episode we cover the second half of the episodes, with topics such as: Embracing interconnectedness, empowering ourselves in relationship, integrating meaningful rituals and traditions, enhancing our sex life, developing parenting of neurodivergent children, implementing health, wellness, and success mindset and habits, considering divorce through mediation.
When you come across a guest you like or a topic that you’d like to hear more on, you can access their full original video episode linked in the list below.
Hope you enjoy this Essentials Compilation!
Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.
Get our Podcast 1st Year Episodes, including our Guests’ Gifts or Special Offers AND our FREE Relationship Enrichment Mini Course!
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Segment: Awakening to Our Consciousness and Interconnectedness From Episode 12: Jeffrey Dunne – Explore Interconnectedness for More Harmony and Joy
Segment: Managing and Owning Ourselves Creates Smoother Interactions From Episode 13: Cinthia Hiett – Refresh Your Relationship with Your Adult You
Segment: Why Rituals Are Important and How they Enrich Our Relationships From Episode 14: Evan Imber-Black – Exploring Rituals to Enrich Relationships and Create Change
Segment: How We Choose to Look at Things Creates Our Reality From Episode 15: Francois Lupien – Small Big Mindset Tweaks to Succeed at Everything in Life
Segment: There are Two Types of Lovers in the Relationship From Episode 16: Deborah Fox – Libido Differences, Rekindling Desire and Sexual Satisfaction
Segment: What’s So Special About Play and Why It’s Important From Episode 17: Polina Shkadron – Parenting Neurodivergent Children: Tantrums, Parenting Styles, Self-Regulation (Pt1)
Segment: A Controversial Approach to Managing Kids Acting Out From Episode 18: Polina Shkadron – Parenting Neurodivergent Children: Transitions, Discipline, and Connection (Pt2)
Segment: Everything in Your Life Has an Impact on Your Wellbeing From Episode 19: Marvin Bee – A Different Perspective on Habits for Overall Health and Happiness
Segment: Even Your Personality Has an Impact on Your Health From Episode 20: Angela Mazza – Connecting Health Issues to Psychological and Relational Patterns
Segment: Your Daily Rhythms and Habits Impact Your Hormones From Episode 21: Serena Goldstein – Demystifying Women’s Hormonal Journey Throughout their Life Cycle
Segment: Creative Ways of Breaking Impasses When Divorcing From Episode 22: Glenn Dornfeld – If You Choose to Divorce, Choose Empowering Settlements with Ease
If we are looking for new beginnings, a fresh start or a rebirth, there is a very special tool that can support this endeavor. And that is the tool of Rituals… Rituals infuse our interactions and relationship with the elixir of life… They bring aliveness, vibrancy, and joy to the special moments in our life. Even in their cuteness and simplicity like coloring eggs for Easter, they are super powerful in conveying meaning, creating connection, and transmitting love…
Rituals demarcate the passage of time, acknowledge special circumstances and life transitions, and help us celebrate our loved ones and our life. They provide a sense of cohesiveness and belonging, a way of cherishing ourselves, they pass on legacy and meaning, they deepen our experiences, and they serve as healing agents.
Rituals are like super foods for the soul!
The thing about them is that they hold us, shape us, sustain us, and connect us. They provide a structure for creating special moments and meaning out of the seeming passage of time. They influence our beliefs and experiences. They nourish us and they create a bond between us.
Embracing rituals in our daily routines, celebrations, rites of passage and life-cycle transitions with our partner and in our family is a powerful and enriching tool that takes our experience to new heights…
The key is to be mindful, intentional, graceful, and compassionate in our approach to creating them. Where everyone’s needs and perspectives get addressed and incorporated. These heal, strengthen, and enrich us, our relationships and our life.
Regardless of our preference for a big to-do or something simple, having everyone involved have a say on how the ritual or experience plays out and contribute in their own way is super validating, transformative, and uplifting.
They provide us with a chance to get out of the material and everyday, into the esoteric realm of meaning, joy, and love. Rituals are a wonderful addition to our refresh helping us upgrade, uplevel and upshift into our fresh start, a rebirth…
In this companion podcast episode, I’m honored to share time with the wonderful Dr. Evan Imber-Black a prominent contributor to the Marriage and Family Therapy profession. We have a lovely conversation about the significance of rituals, their purpose, what makes a great ritual, and how they are impactful in special family and relationship circumstances like step-families and multicultural families.
PSS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
The concept of setting effective boundaries might feel a bit played out. But it’s interesting that most people still have no idea what setting boundaries actually means… We don’t set boundaries on others, give them consequences, or punish them… We have no control over others, we are not the boss of them- not even our children and our employees or team-reports!
We set boundaries on ourselves… We have to take charge of the things we do have control over, and that is ourselves… We very often disempower ourselves by focusing on what others are doing or not doing… Empower yourself by staying in your circle…
So, let’s put this into the proper context. Setting boundaries is an act of self-love. It means we decide what we allow to be in our life. Be it in our thoughts, our environment, our relationship, our work, our life in general…
When something is not working for us, we don’t set a boundary on the other person- we don’t tell them what to do. We set a boundary on ourselves, we decide what we’ll be willing to allow to continue. We decide to change our thoughts and how we look at things. We decide how to feel and how to respond.
We decide what our actions, habits, and routines are. We decide how we want to show up to a conversation. We decide what is acceptable behavior, treatment, responses, outcomes, and such. We decide everything we allow…
How does this play out in interaction with others? Beautifully… For when you fully own all of you, your needs, your desires, your expectations, how you show up, how you respond, how you set things up and such- things can’t but go smoothly…
You take care of yourself, you exude confidence, you are responsible for your results, you clearly express your expectations in a way that others can respond positively to them, and you appropriately address when the expectations are not met.
And this doesn’t mean punishing people- this doesn’t mean nagging your partner or giving them the cold shoulder. This doesn’t mean yelling at your children. This doesn’t mean berating your employee.
Addressing unmet expectations means you share how you were impacted, how you feel and how this doesn’t work and why. It means you address what might gone wrong for the other that they let you down.
It means you put something in effect to address what happened and a preventative measure. It means you consider the other person’s needs, skills, abilities, and such so your expectations can be met. You address the situation for a win-win.
We never set a boundary at the expense of another. They might not like your boundary of what you will not put up with or tolerate, or what you will no longer do. But you will never tell them to do something harmful or against themselves, nor tolerate this for yourself… And you are not to tell others what they need to do or not do, feel, or think. That’s in their circle…
This obviously applies to our relationship with our partner. We co-create with them, we inspire each other, we address our needs so we are both taken cared of. We don’t tell our partner that they can’t have an affair. We inspire our partner not to have an affair… We address our side being fully mindful and conscientious of theirs. We do not live in a vacuum. We do not do things at their expense, never.
Even should you be getting a divorce, you are still a fellow human being with a heart. Always go for the win-win… Always keep your side of the street clean. Always take the higher road. You are the one that has to live with themselves at the end of the day…
Even with our children – we don’t own them. Our job is not to control them… Our job is to discipline them- which by definition means help them learn… We teach, guide, set them up for success, and support them… We honor their feelings. We show them how to fully own and expand themselves…
Even with our employees. They have a job description, they have processes to follow, and milestones or goals to achieve. They know when they are not performing to what is expected. That is the conversation. We can’t “manage” people, we can inspire and “lead” them… Sometimes words are limited to fully convey a message, but I think you get my drift.
Even when we lovingly release a partner or an employee… It’s ok if they don’t like your boundary, they can choose what they need to do to meet themselves and you to continue to take care of yourself.
Everything that happens, happens FOR us- remember that… There is always a solution for the higher good of all…
This applies to everything in our lives… It’s ok if they don’t like that you will no longer be folding and putting away all the laundry. Decide what works for you and offer that. You can take the other’s preferences into consideration and together come up with a plan that works for both of you. But at the end of the day, you will no longer be folding and putting away all the laundry…
If the other is not cooperative, you always still do your side with the best of intentions for the highest good of all to the best of your ability… Honoring yourself is an act of self-love and imperative for a wonderful and magical human experience. When you operate from this place others cooperate, fear not…
Partners often want to start by having their partner change… They love being in their partner’s circle, then they wonder how come their partner is resistant or uncooperative. Wrong approach my friend! Always focus on your side and the other will follow suit, I promise…
Remember to set your boundaries in alignment with your values… Then they are more meaningful and a lot easier to honor them…
APPLICATION: Compile a list of annoyances and things that don’t work for you in your life… Write it with compassion and grace. Don’t judge yourself or others. They have all served a purpose… Now it’s time to no longer put up with them.
Addressing one at a time: ~ Explore how those things have contributed to who you are today and how you’ve gotten here ~ Identify what no longer works about them ~ Feel the impact they’ve had on you, feel it in your body, breathe through it ~ Thank them for what they have provided you and let them go ~ Identify a practical step to address the things and take an action step towards them today
Taking full ownership and empowering ourselves is not for the faint of heart. If you are serious about Becoming your Best Self, creating your Best Relationship, and living your Best Life- this is not an option. This is how you do it!
Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…
With Much Love & Light!
PS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
The New Year, is a New Beginning and an amazing opportunity for a reset, course correction, and realignment… We want to be intentional about how we start the New Year to set ourselves up to have our Best Year yet… Let’s not set up a bunch of habits, strategies, and routines for the sake of setting stuff up…
The key is for your New Year plan to be thorough yet simple and powerful, and to infuse it with your Essence. We want our new year plan to feel exciting and tantalizing. We a want to have habits, practices and a daily routine that enrich our life and our soul.
We want our days to support us Becoming our Best Self and manifesting our Best Relationship, and Best Life… Here is how to have your Best Year yet…
For starters we must know who we are trying to become and what we want to create/manifest…
We want our life to be made up of what gives us joy, helps us become more ourselves, and supports us in our Journey.
We need a North Star, a Life Vision, to work or walk towards… This serves as our guidance system- we wouldn’t spend a ton of money on an extravagant trip or gift if we are saving to buy a home that is part of our vision, as an example.
If we know what we are trying to create and manifest in our life we can line ourselves up against it, so we are not going upriver, shooting ourselves on the foot, or leaning the ladder against the wrong wall… You get my drift.
We also need to know what we value, appreciate, and prefer in our lives so that we can set ourselves up to have our life reflect that…
When we are planning our upcoming year, or doing any reset for that matter, it is also helpful to revisit our values to make sure we align all our choices and preferences against them.
If we have habits that get in the way of us becoming our Best Self, if we set up our days to run rugged and neglect ourselves, if we go about our interactions from a depleted state, we are not likely to be creating the life we want that honors us…
Then taking a look at your Life Vision, choose your three Life Areas to focus on upleveling, or what you’d like to accomplish or experience, this upcoming year… And set up habits, tactics, and commitments that when done consistently they help you achieve what you desire.
This is where the rubber meets the road. We want to keep these simple yet powerful for the most impact. Yes, you can have a gazillion-billion tactics but if you can’t stick with them, you won’t get results.
Even if you stick with them, you might be spending a lot of time, energy, and other resources in getting results with a complex plan that can easily be achieved with a much simpler plan and your resources can be better allocated elsewhere…
Be selective about the habits you choose to help you live your Journey as you like.
Your habits need to be integrated into a routine for them to stick… So, intentionally map out your daily routine to include your habits, tactics, rituals, and commitments.
Your choices can have a theme/s to them that culminate Practice/s to fully honor who you are becoming… For example: Mindfulness Practice, Self-Love Practice, Feminine Practice, Creative Practice, Writing Practice, and so on.
Keep in mind to TimeMap to build in open/buffer, transition, quiet, and such times in your daily, and weekly routines, to easily embrace more Being and less doing in your approach to life…
Remember that at the end of the day, you want your days to feel joyful, peaceful, harmonious, connected, loving, creative, and the like.
Identify what kind of flavor you want your days to have and how you want to Be in your life, and then set everything up to allow for that to happen…
Be intentional about your approach to your relationship and your life to create what you desire. To allow you to show up more with your true Essence becoming your Best Self, and creating/manifesting your Best Relationship and your Best Life…
APPLICATION: Review or create your New Year’s plan to make sure you really have your back this upcoming year!
Tweak or add these elements as structured or flexibly as you need… ~ Design Life Vision and identify Values to guide you for best alignment ~ Choose Life Areas or Desired Experiences to give you focus ~ Select Habits, Tactics, Rituals, Commitments, and Practices to help you stay focused ~ Design Routines to help you feel grounded ~ Utilize TimeMapping to help you integrate and balance what’s important to you
Remember this whole thing is for you and a collaborative tool to Align with your Partner as well…
This is to help you more easily do your life, Become who you truly are, and support you in your Journey. This is to gently and beautifully create/manifest with your Partner… This is to have your backs and create your Best Life, and your Best Year yet.
Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…
With Much Love & Light!
PS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.
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