Legal Matters of the Heart, from Prenups to Divorce, and Beyond (Ep.27)

Legal Matters of the Heart, from Prenups to Divorce, and Beyond (Ep.27)

We are totally in love and decide to go exclusive, move in together, get engaged, get married, have children… But wait, we have to consider what’s the best way to go about the practical side of these steps… When we fall in love and are feeling all mushy, we don’t usually consider the practical strategies that might be helpful to have in place to create a smooth and harmonious life… We don’t consider what might be needed to be protected against unfortunate events and to create safety in the relationship.

Prenups, postnups and the like might get a bad rap for representing cautiousness about the partner and what their future might hold.

But there is so much more that goes along with creating legal documents and having financial strategies in our relationship. The documents and strategies don’t exist in a vacuum. They are part of a more meaningful conversation and a larger plan that protects the partners and their future.

What I love about this topic is that having these adulting pieces in place creates emotional security as well. The relationship dynamics are no longer informed by possible powerplays, doubt, fear, distrust, lack and so on. Everyone knows where they stand and the status of things, and are off on equitable and transparent footing. Which actually is a healthy way to start a joint life… 

In this episode, I have a phenomenal conversation with Leona Krasner, a Family Attorney, about all the different legal needs throughout the lifespan of a relationship. We cover dating to post divorce if that’s the couple’s fate, and special circumstances that might arise. We have a lighthearted and very warm and mushy conversation considering the topic.

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.




Leona S. Krasner, Esq., MBA is founder and Managing Partner of Krasner Law, PLLC, a family law firm helping folks in New York and New Jersey with their family law needs. Leona works to ensure that she and her team provide compassion, solution-focus, and flawless execution for each client. When not practicing law, Leona enjoys helping students attain merit-based scholarships through her company Krasner Review, PLLC, organizing concerts for children through her nonprofit organization Tunes for Tots & Teens, and having adventures with her husband and 2-year-old. You can find her HERE.

Find her also here:
LinkedIn | Blog

Gift from Leona:
Free legal consultation


Some deconditioning, evolving and adulting to do this year-end…

We dream of meeting the love of our life. We start dating. We fall in love. And then we think about how to move forward with the relationship, without necessarily giving much thought to the practical side of things. Or we do but ignore any seeming incompatibilities or red flags because we love our partner.

We yearn to get the ring if we are the woman or more feminine-energy partner in the relationship as we value closeness and togetherness. But the man or more masculine-energy partner is more cautious as they value their freedom and individuality or separateness.

This might create friction for the couple and so they embark in a dynamic around their level of commitment… The focus might become so pervasive that they might not properly explore their desires, expectations, and compatibility enough. 

They bank on their attraction, attachment, and love not realizing that these are mostly driven by unconscious and subconscious programming

If the partners don’t have sufficient personal awareness and if they are under social pressure to get married or find their person plowing through regardless of redflags, they might be setting themselves up for a very challenging relationship and heartache. Their future might become bleak.

It is important for the partners to take their time doing their own personal development work, to really learn each other, and get on the same page, even do premarital sessions, to make sure they set themselves up for a successful relationship and to start their marriage right

They are to get a clear understanding of what they each desire from each other, the relationship, and the life they want to create. So they can chart their course from the beginning to avoid undo stress, headaches, and any misalignments later.

They can have a vision of the life they want to create and a plan for how to go about it. This can be fluid and of course can change overtime, but at least they start off on shared ground and with shared goals and dreams.

This helps them map out their course and put in place any practical legal, financial and other matters needed to ensure as smooth of a Journey as possible. The Journey then becomes about the Journey, and the partners don’t get distracted by any noise they might experience because they were not intentional about how they set up their life…

Regardless of what stage of relationship you are in, have a chat with your Lovey about dreams, goals, expectations, plans, and the practical of life to make sure you are or get on the same page and create the relationship and life you love.

Happy Chatting!


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DISCLAIMER: This content is meant to support your Journey and not as a replacement for professional assistance. Additionally, the ideas and resources provides by our guests are their ideas and recommendations alone and not necessarily a reflection of mine.

Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.

The Masterful Part (2of3) (VIDEO)

The Masterful Part (2of3) (VIDEO)

We are knee deep in setting ourselves up for an amazing New Year! Do you usually give this much thought? Do you do personal End of Year and New Year Planning? Do you take the time to be with yourself and get inspired to design the life you want and map out how to make it happen? I do, and I know that those who do also create Masterful Lives…

Therefore, I’ve added the Sparkling Step to my planning process to help you do it as well. Today, we are covering The Masterful Part of this step (2of3).

But, first a quick recap – End-Of-Year & New-Year Planning (E.N.P.):

🌟 Decluttering and minimalism (Step1-Clearing)
🌟 Closure, clearance, and celebration (Step2-Celebrating)
🌟 Vision, strategy, and intention (Step3-Contenplating)
🌟 NEW: Enrichment and meaning (Step4-Candescenting)
The Inspirational Part

The Inspirational Part covered how to get in touch with your Essence and bring it forth more…

Today’s Masterful Part covers how to capture and integrate better habits and activities for more efficiency, productivity, ownership, empowerment, focus, presence, harmony, joy and enjoyment in your life…


The Masterful Part

To have a Brilliant Human Experience™ we have to Live our life… This might mean different things to different people. To some it might mean achieving great success professionally and making an impact.

To other it might mean mastering themselves, physically, emotionally, etc. To others it might mean partying it up every weekend. To others it might mean going on great adventures a few times a year. And, yet to others it might mean a combination of these and other essential experiences and masteries.

It is up to us to create our Best Life, a life we love. And a life well lived at the end of the day that truly represented our essence and how we wanted to have lived it…

From the work we’ve done so far, we already know what we are working towards. Now we’ll add how we want to go about making it happen. How we want to do the Journey…

Watch the video for 5 Tactics to help you Masterfully enjoy your Journey…


Download the End-Of-Year & New-Year Planning Process

APPLICATION: This process just gets more and more fun from here. Woot!

A note of caution first, you really need to do Steps 1-3 of the End-Of-Year & New-Year Planning (E.N.P.) process if you haven’t yet… This is you guiding North Star… You can sprinkle all the sparkle you want into your life and still not create your Best Life if you don’t know what you are creating at the end of the day…

Again, set time aside to play with this process, work through the steps in order, though 1 and 2 can be swapped depending on your situation.

And, now on to the Tactics of The Masterful Part…

VERY IMPORTANT: Don’t create the lists below in a vacuum. They need to flow from your vision, goals, and tactics to support your overall approach and desires for the New Year… They are additional ways to help you create your vision and achieve your goals. They are the icing on your cake. They are not meant to be miscellaneous extra things to overload you…

 🌟Stop/Start ListCreate a list all the minutia, redundancies, and painful tasks you do. Add to this list the negative habits, commitments, and anything else that just suck your life energy out of you. This is the Stop part of your list. Now make a list of skills, healthy habits, and activities you want to add to your life to recharge you, enrich your experience and create more efficiency and joy. This is the Start part of your list.

Select a couple from each to tackle Q1 of next year. Weave the Start items into your flow, time map, routine, calendar, schedule, to ensure you fully execute this; remove the Stop ones as you go (scrap, automate, delegate, outsource) … 

 🌟Life RulesCreate a list of rules to live by. This is about setting more effective boundaries in your life… This has to do with you fully owning yourself and taking charge of your life… Of not being a push over, people pleaser, codependent, and generally being at the bottom of your own list… What will you no longer tolerate, put up with or get sucked into in your life?

Select a handful to master in Q1… Diligently set out to have the necessary conversations or take the action steps to establish your boundaries.  

🌟Spend for Happiness Create a list of things you’d like to purchase that you believe will bring you more joy and happiness… Create a Spending Plan to map out your purchases for the year.

Pick out the ones for Q1 and implement your savings tactics to enable your purchases. This will keep you focused on your saving strategy and make your spending more intentional… This tames the consumerism bug, supports minimalism and essentialism philosophies and supports a more meaningful lifestyle.

 🌟Special DaysCreate a list of the types of Special or Theme Days you’d like to have, like: Declutter or deep clean day, life admin day, shoot day, content planning day, reset day, inspiration day, me day, celebration day, feel good day, hooky day, and such.

Next, schedule those into your calendar for Q1. Woot!

 🌟ChallengesMake a list of 30-Day Challenges you’d like to do to stretch yourself, develop character strengths or personality traits, install better habits, improve some aspect of your life, stay intentional and engaged in your life daily, or just for kicks and conversational content. Here is a cool collection to inspire you.

 Select the 1-3 you’ll tackle in Q1 (1 per month at most…) and schedule prep-ahead-time for each to launch into them seamlessly.

 🔔Once you finish integrating these into your lifestyle, set up a reminder in whatever app makes sense in your life to grab another set of these to tackle in Q2, and so on.


The beauty of this Part is that the tactics support our achieving our goals and make the process more tangible and fun. They help us uplevel our life experience on their own right.

Wishing you much joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!


PS – Check out past Holiday posts to help you Thrive this Holiday Season and start the New Year right!

Letting go, productivity and meaningful holiday
Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments
Intentionally plan your holidays and year-end
Giving to yourself for ultimate success
Give the Gift of Understanding and Compassion…
Giving, meaning and success
Have a 100 year plan…
Why you need Purpose in your life?
Do you have clarity?
Let your Values rule your life
Live by your Character and Practical Strengths



Copyright (c) 2021 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

The Inspirational Part (1of3) (VIDEO)

The Inspirational Part (1of3) (VIDEO)

In my ongoing quest to do our life better and enhance our wellbeing, I started paying closer attention year-in and year-out to how to we do this Season… What has developed over the years is my End-of-Year & New-Year Planning (E.N.P.) Process (condensed from its original version which can be found here). I’m so excited for its sparkling newest Step and its rich parts. Today we are covering: The Inspirational Part (1of3).

End-Of-Year & New-Year Planning (E.N.P.):

🌟 Decluttering and minimalism (Step1-Clearing)
🌟 Closure, clearance, and celebration (Step2-Celebrating)
🌟 Vision, strategy, and intention (Step3-Contenplating)
🌟 NEW: Enrichment and meaning (Step4-Candescenting)

We’ve covered Steps for clearing, celebrating and contemplating and now we are on to candescenting, to adding Sparkle…

I am adding this new step to add more Sparkle into our life…  This is what this step is all about. We tend to focus on work, grinding, and what’s wrong in the world. We usually don’t acknowledge the good things or focus on how to better do leisure, fun, recharging, taking care of ourselves, and enjoying the finest things in life.

Our Human Experience needs to be more well-rounded…

⚡️Most people don’t dream of their future.
⚡️Most people don’t set goals to achieve their dreams.
⚡️Most people don’t develop a plan to achieve their goals.
⚡️Most people don’t design their flow (routines) to work their plans. 
⚡️Most people definitely don’t add Sparkle to their flow…

These people are at risk of their life being dull and a grind… You might recognize yourself in all the above, or some. Don’t worry I’ve got the antidote in adding Sparkle into our life…

 The first part in the Sparkle Step is Inspiration…


The Inspirational Part

When our life is monotonous, when we tend to grind, when we don’t recharge ourselves, we dull ourselves. We are like a house that hasn’t been dusted in a while and the surfaces no longer sparkle. We lose our sparkle…

It is our job to figure out how to do our life well, so we have our best human experience, a Brilliant Human Experience™

It is up to us to draw inspiration and flow from inspiration as much as possible. This is a wonderful estate of Being to aspire to on an ongoing basis…


Watch the video for 4 Tactics to help you find and fuel your Inspiration…

Download the End-Of-Year & New-Year Planning Process

APPLICATION: If you haven’t completed Steps 1-3 of the End-Of-Year & New-Year Planning (E.N.P.) process, do those first! The parts of Step 4 are the Sparkling icing on that magnificent cake!

Set time aside to play with this process, it’s so worth your investment. Work through the steps in order, though 1 and 2 can be swapped depending on your situation.

For Step 4 – Here are the tactics for The Inspirational Part:

Personal Brand – Decide how you’ll continue to evolve in the coming year. Who is your Authentic Self, what are they all about? How will you become more You? What parts do you need embrace or develop? How do you need to stretch? What can you put in place to practice Being more of who you are? Choose an Identity Phrase™ or word to capture your personal brand and what you are aiming to become…

For example: Conscientious, adventurous, learner, connector, risk-taker, nature lover, wellness obsessed, turn everything to gold, and such.

Intention or Focus Term™Set an Intention for the upcoming year of how you’ll want to feel, what you want to experience, or who you want to be more. Choose a Focus Term™ to capture the essence of the intention to serve as your mantra, lens, filter or focus throughout the year…

For example: Ease, intentional, proactive, receptive, spaciousness, excellence, abundant, generous, confident, playful, self-care, courage, and such.

Theme – Explore what you want your overall focus to be for the year. What kind of things do you want to experience, accomplish, achieve? What life area will you be focusing on primarily and what aspects of that life area do you want to target? Name your Theme to add another layer of focus and filtering for the year.

For example: Health, fitness, romance, parenting, adventure, legacy, reading, self-care, self-love, spirituality, and so on.

Vision Board – And now you get to make it pretty! Capture the work you’ve done for Step 3 and in this Part of Step 4 into picture form. For this, Pinterest is your friend. You can create your board anyway you like.

For example: Print the images and glue them into a posterboard, tack them to a corkboard; or go with an electronic version by creating a background for your desktop or your phone in Canva.

The key here is to capture who you are becoming and where you want to go. Make sure you give yourself the gift of time and attention to really honor your Self and take care of Future You.


This Step is so fun. Make sure you do the leg work of steps 1-3 to really set yourself up for success for the rest of the year and for the upcoming year. Then dive in and have fun with this Step!

Wishing you much joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!


PS – Check out past Holiday posts to help you Thrive this Holiday Season and start the New Year right!

Letting go, productivity and meaningful holiday
Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments
Intentionally plan your holidays and year-end
Giving to yourself for ultimate success
Give the Gift of Understanding and Compassion…
Giving, meaning and success
Have a 100 year plan…
Why you need Purpose in your life?
Do you have clarity?
Let your Values rule your life
Live by your Character and Practical Strengths



Copyright (c) 2021 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:

How Do You Show Your Commitment?

How Do You Show Your Commitment?

I find that most couples do not have a vision of their future in place. They do not know where they are going in life. They deal with things as they come up, live pay-check-to-pay-check or floating their lives on credit cards, putting out fires, and mechanically going through their days.

They cannot benefit from their inherent synergy and gifts because they do not have a vision of how they want their future to be, never mind a plan for getting there. Going through life without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map, you will not enjoy the ride! 

This is a complete waste of a perfect partnership! And yes, you are a perfect partnership even if it doesn’t seem like it at the moment… You are a perfect partnership in that you complement each other, you trigger each other creating opportunities for growth, and have a vested interest in seeing each other (your “team”) succeed. No other partnerships meet these criteria to their full extent.

Not utilizing the partnership with your lovie to its full potential is such a crime! Everything you need is already built in. Your job is to learn how to use it for maximum results. And, the first step is to know how you want things to be. Have a very clear picture of this for now and for the future.

I know that this may seem unbelievable when you are struggling in your relationship. This might seem far-fetched and unrealistic. But, the way to go about this is to take a look at your relationship by being removed from it by looking AT it and not from within it. This enables you to see the bigger picture.

This allows you to see what is holding you back from your vision… Why is there a struggle in the relationship? If your struggle could talk, what would it say it is trying to teach you? What are the lessons in the struggle? What is the stretch? How does it push you to grow up, own yourself, learn new skills, address unresolved issues, change patterns, etc.?

For you see your relationship is a path to becoming your Authentic Self. When you start addressing, learning, resolving, growing, healing, etc. you become ready for creating your vision. You achieve the means for manifesting your Authentic Life

I understand how challenging this is for those of you who can’t even see a future with your partner. I implore you to not worry about deciding on the status of your relationship, nor to worry about the possibility of this. Instead, put that in a box on a shelf to be addressed at a later time.

In the mean time, as long as you are still with your partner… I want you to focus on Being with your partner… Give it your all! This is the only way – you will either create an awesome relationship or know sooner than later that this is no longer a viable path for you. So, don’t torture yourself “deciding”, you will know…

What does it mean to give it your all? It means you do targeted investing in your relationship – not “crooked trying”. I hear all the time how partners “have tried it all”… When exploring this – the partners did the same old over and over, stuck with their ego, waited for their partner to change, and in a nutshell didn’t really do much investing but wasted time and resources… No wonder they are tired and feel hopeless!

I want you to go at this from a different place. Stop your usual and give to your partner how they prefer to be given, how they like to receive… Focus on what you contribute, what you need to change and improve. Give this your full attention. Tweak and tweak. Do a “Groundhog Day” on your approach to your relating. You will crack the code.

You have the opportunity and all you need right now to go at this for ultimate results, manifesting your vision – creating your Authentic Relationship and Life. Don’t over think it! Just go for it!

Complete the MetroRelationship™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start experiencing your awesome relationship, and Authentic Life… Please share your takeaways on our Blog!

Happy Tweaking!  


~Your MetroRelationship Assignment

If you are questioning your commitment: Stop it! Go at your relationship as if you are committed… Give it your all. If you are struggling: Take a moment to look AT your relationship, and look for how you need to be in it differently… If you want to make things even better: Create a relationship vision and a plan of action for investing in and nurturing it, and your Life… Add this to your Tool Kit…


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:


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