Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 12-22  (Ep.24)

Special 1st Anniversary Essentials Compilation – Episodes 12-22 (Ep.24)

Yep, the celebration continues! We are celebrating our Podcast’s 1st Year Anniversary! Love bringing topics and conversations to support you in your Journey. I super enjoy the conversations with colleagues, friends, and experts on topics that I believe would enrich your experience, expand your consciousness, and of course help you make the changes you are seeking in your relationship and your life. We got you!

We cover a range of topics from all things relationship, including changing codependent patterns, to mental health and wellness, to self-love and expanding consciousness… We believe in embracing a relationship enrichment lifestyle and support you in creating the relationship and life you love. Through love and connection, we can create anything we desire… 

Our celebration includes special episodes this month of selected segments from each episode we’ve created thus far of key takeaways for immediate implementation and results…

In this episode we cover the second half of the episodes, with topics such as: Embracing interconnectedness, empowering ourselves in relationship, integrating meaningful rituals and traditions, enhancing our sex life, developing parenting of neurodivergent children, implementing health, wellness, and success mindset and habits, considering divorce through mediation.   

When you come across a guest you like or a topic that you’d like to hear more on, you can access their full original video episode linked in the list below.

Hope you enjoy this Essentials Compilation!

Hope this information serves you and helps you get on the path to your Successful Relationship and Meaningful Life.




Get our Podcast 1st Year Episodes,
including our Guests’ Gifts or Special Offers
 AND our FREE Relationship Enrichment Mini Course!


Segment: Awakening to Our Consciousness and Interconnectedness
From Episode 12: Jeffrey Dunne – Explore Interconnectedness for More Harmony and Joy 

Segment: Managing and Owning Ourselves Creates Smoother Interactions 
From Episode 13: Cinthia Hiett – Refresh Your Relationship with Your Adult You  

Segment: Why Rituals Are Important and How they Enrich Our Relationships  
From Episode 14: Evan Imber-Black – Exploring Rituals to Enrich Relationships and Create Change

Segment: How We Choose to Look at Things Creates Our Reality
From Episode 15: Francois Lupien – Small Big Mindset Tweaks to Succeed at Everything in Life    

Segment: There are Two Types of Lovers in the Relationship 
From Episode 16: Deborah Fox – Libido Differences, Rekindling Desire and Sexual Satisfaction

Segment: What’s So Special About Play and Why It’s Important
From Episode 17: Polina Shkadron – Parenting Neurodivergent Children: Tantrums, Parenting Styles, Self-Regulation (Pt1)

Segment: A Controversial Approach to Managing Kids Acting Out 
From Episode 18: Polina Shkadron – Parenting Neurodivergent Children: Transitions, Discipline, and Connection (Pt2)

Segment: Everything in Your Life Has an Impact on Your Wellbeing
From Episode 19: Marvin Bee – A Different Perspective on Habits for Overall Health and Happiness     

Segment: Even Your Personality Has an Impact on Your Health   
From Episode 20: Angela Mazza – Connecting Health Issues to Psychological and Relational Patterns    

Segment: Your Daily Rhythms and Habits Impact Your Hormones
From Episode 21: Serena Goldstein – Demystifying Women’s Hormonal Journey Throughout their Life Cycle      

 Segment: Creative Ways of Breaking Impasses When Divorcing 
From Episode 22: Glenn Dornfeld – If You Choose to Divorce, Choose Empowering Settlements with Ease       


~ Watch our related videos on our YouTube channel

~ Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable Relationship Collaboration System for creating a strong partnership with your partner and a life you love!

~ Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life? Interested in Couple Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Coaching, Individual Therapy or Support Sessions?

We can help with our private and group memberships:
Success Membership
Radiance Membership

~ Interested in being our Guest? Interested in having Emma be a Guest in your Podcast?
Contact us about a possible collaboration!



Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.

Your relationship doesn’t have to be over until it’s over… [VIDEO]

Your relationship doesn’t have to be over until it’s over… [VIDEO]

We’d do anything for our partner and our family, we love them to death… Have you heard yourself say these words in your head or to others? But is that sentiment and approach to our relationship, family and life actually serving us and them?

When we love too much, we get in the way of our love…

Let me explain. When we love too much, we do for others what they can and ought to do for themselves. We let them off the hook. We enable them to underfunction, not be accountable or responsible, not to step up, and to not honor us or show up for us. Everything becomes about what they get, which doesn’t really support them at the end of the day, and at our expense to boot…

This is not love, this is codependence. This eventually leads to disease for one of both partners. To children with behavior and other problems. To large amounts of debt or financial struggle. To risky behaviors with other consequences… To conflict, dissatisfaction, and boredom in the relationship. Life becomes blah, if not hell…

Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable Codependence Quiz to identify if and how you are impacted by codependence in your relationship- do you love too much?

The partners either grow really apart or become so entrenched in their fighting that they can’t see any other way out but actually getting out.

Before things get this dire, it’s imperative that partners get support to heal wounds, change their patterns, address limiting beliefs, stories and scripts, and the rest of it that gets in the way of the partners creating, sustaining, and enjoying a deep, meaningful and beautiful connection with each other…

This support comes in the form of therapy for couples- we offer the best online marital counseling in new your city and the best couples therapy online nyc. If you are looking for this support, we are here for you. Please don’t wait until it’s too late, do something about your situation now.

I know that when couples do too much damage with their stuck patterns and dynamics, that it gets really difficult to come back from that. Of course, it is always a couple’s prerogative not to continue their relationship, but please don’t choose not to continue because you’ve created so much drama that you can’t see a way out. This is totally preventable and even reversible.

Give your relationship a good try!

And if you are at the end of the rope and no longer willing to invest in turning your relationship around, then please pursue conscious uncoupling. There is no need to continue to create drama, headaches, and heartaches…

In today’s episode, I’m glad for the conversation I have with Glenn Dornfeld, Esq. about the different ways couples can pursue getting divorced and how to go about a drama free, expedient, and less expensive process by using mediation. Please check it out.



Watch our related videos on our YouTube channel

Wishing you all the joy, connection and love today and always…

With Much Love & Light!


PS: Related Articles
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PSS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?

Interested in Couple Therapy, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Coaching, Individual Therapy or Support Sessions?

We can help with our private and group memberships:
Success Membership

Radiance Membership


Look forward to seeing you inside!


   Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™
with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com

How to Get Support from Your Partner

How to Get Support from Your Partner

When couples struggle it is very common to find that the partners have not yet found a way to honor and support each other in genuine, compassionate and generous ways. Partners share that they have tried it all and are tired of not getting anything back, getting their needs met, nor being able to create an awesome relationship.

They participate in their relationship with an ego (fear-based, selfish, and self-centered) approach. These partners have difficulties letting go and trusting their partner…

This is when partners are controlling, overfunctioning, overwhelmed, frazzled, accident prone, chaotic, exhausted, and rundown. They have poor boundaries, take on too much, can’t say no, can’t seem to implement and stick with self-care routines, have no clue as to how to delegate, are stingy about investing in support, and get in their own way of success and embracing their magnificence.

It gets as bad as impacting their finances, household ambiance, and personal appearance. They are possibly even facing health issues and might be dealing with infertility. This is not a fun way to be in relationship and live our life!

So, if our relationship and our life are so miserable, why do we keep doing more of the same? I’m sure you know that by doing more of the same we get more of the same results. I find that partners want to create a different relationship without stretching, growing, healing and changing…

They prefer to focus on what is wrong with their partner, working on changing their partner or waiting for their partner to change…  They dig their heals in, in the name of “this is who I am… take it or leave”. For things to be different, YOU have to change!

We of course do not want to change the core you, your Authentic Self, who you ARE. What we do want to change is your not owning your Authentic Self, your not honoring your Self! And, your funky approach to your life and your relationship that at the end of the day is not serving either of you… We want to change how you are with your Self and with your Partner.

Do you find that you abandon your Self…? That you are not there for yourself and don’t appropriately take care of yourself? Be careful how you answer these questions. A lot of times we think we are taking care of ourselves but instead we are either doing more of the same which hasn’t been working, shoot ourselves in the foot, or are being reactive and not honoring…

How can we trust others to be there for us, when we are not even there for ourselves? We can take this a step further. How can others love us, if we don’t love ourselves…?

Mind your ego… I’m sure it is telling you that your partner can’t support you, that you’ve tried that with horrible results. And, the like… Stop that line of thinking right now. Don’t host a dinner party for your ego. I’m sure your partner supports you in ways that you don’t even recognize… I’m sure your partner is willing to support you better… This is the moment of truth. Do you want to have an awesome relationship? If so, give your partner a chance!

Complete the MetroRelationship™ Assignment below to help you effortlessly implement this, make changes and immediately start experiencing your awesome relationship, and Authentic Life… Please share your takeaways on our Blog!

Happy Supporting!


~ Your MetroRelationship Assignment

Get support now!

From your Self – implement a meditative practice, NOW! This is a direct channel to your Authentic Self, your Soul. This is the easiest way to stop the abandonment and build connection with your Self. This is the fastest way to honor and know your Self. This is the best way to attune with your Life’s purpose…

From your Partner – identify one behavior your partner does to support you that you haven’t recognized and acknowledge this to your partner. Select a supportive behavior you would like from your partner and responsibly, appropriately, and clearly ask for it.

Add this to your Tool Kit…


   Copyright (c) 2016 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.


Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? 

Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: 
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship philosophy and a variety of Successful Couple content that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection Notes in your inbox with Personal Growth and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com


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