What are you striving for when you are in the pursuit of Balance in your life? Do you have a visual of a scale perfectly balanced in the middle? Are you looking to work 9-5 and then you are OFF? Are you looking to break down your day into thirds: sleep, work, live? What is balance? I believe striving for balance means finding an equilibrium in our life that is satisfying to us… That honors who we are and what we are about… This is what I call Work-Life Integration…
Work-Life Integration means you intentionally go about your life in a way that pleases you. If you choose to work 100 hours per week, then that’s your choice… The key is that we choose. When we don’t choose and we are at the mercy of our work, our schedule, our load, our responsibilities and our days happen by default, this is when we become resentful and our life is not satisfying…
Work-Life Integration means setting up our life so that our routine, responsibilities, commitments, projects and the rest of it are Aligned with our Purpose, what we are trying to achieve and accomplish. If we haphazardly go about our days putting out fires and not Focusing on what is important to us and our priorities, then we are wasting our energy and efforts everyday… This is when we feel zapped, blah, burnt-out and stuck.
Work-Life Integration means we operate from a cohesive approach of who we are, what we are focused on- because that is important to us and flows from our purpose, and how we go about it, so we have our Best Human Experience.
This means we are super intentional about everything in our lives, and that you maintain stellar boundaries. This means we are in charge of our life. This means we Flow with our life.
Being super intentional doesn’t mean being rigid, inflexible, or harsh. It means quite the opposite. It means you can build into your routine plenty of flexibility, transition times, margin, down-time, self-care, and the like. It just means you fully own how the day goes…
You account for tantrums and fussiness. You account for traffic. You account for your website going down. You account for a sick team member, them going on vacation, or something else out of the norm. You create enough flexibility and cushion to stay the course with ease… And, this means you can actually handle more in your life, believe it or not…
Being super intentional means you take good care of yourself so you can properly show up to your life… This means you build-in and honor consistently, a rich self-care practice. For when you are grounded and connected to yourself, to your Higher Self, you are more resourced, you have more bandwidth, you have more energy, you have more pizzazz! You are your True You!
I know life gets so crazy and hectic that we think we don’t have time to plan things out, set all this up, do the self-care, and such. That we don’t have time to do all the things required to actually have a good life… (sarcasm) We just jump in the deep end and expect to become Olympian swimmers. What we end up doing is barely keeping our head above water…
A little intentionality goes a huge way, you can start with just a few seconds…I know you have that! Even if all you do is set the intention to have an amazing day… Of course, this is the bare minimum. But hey, we start where we are at…
You might already do some wonderful things for yourself but review how they are serving you and if they need to be changed-up or upgraded… Get the most from your investment!
Here is a lovely narration that captures this theme:
When we are in Connection with our Self, with our Higher Self, operating from a resourced state, ahhh this is where you find your juice… If you have been feeling spent, this is the answer…
In connection with our Self, we find Flow in our life… Energy, vitality, motivation, inspiration, creativity, joy, abundance, harmony, ease, love… From this state we seamlessly Flow in our life between personal and work responsibilities. There is really no distinction between them… This might be a bit advanced but stay the course. It’s extremely satisfying to find this equilibrium…
Start where you are at and keep striving for more intentionality and Connection with your Self…
Keep striving for Being in your life…
Before you know it, you are experiencing True Work-Life Integration, Life-Flow…
ASSIGNMENT: Add a Wellness Habit as part of your Self-care Practice in your daily routine that helps you Connect with your Self…
This is it! Connect to your Self and feel the magic in your life…
As we are transitioning into Back2School and the Busy Season, we are to step up our game to keep up with the faster pace, fuller schedules, and additional demands. And, as we are trying to rescue what’s left of 2020… Yet, we are going into the season already exhausted, depleted, and burnt out.
Our surge capacity lasted only so long… Now we have to recharge ourselves to beat this draggy feeling and to turn this thing around. The key is in cultivating resilience.
I’m in love with the word Cultivate. We can use it for anything we are working on, and it’s gentle but yet powerful and sturdy. As I participate in all the things in my life, I hear the struggle people are having with their energy, mood and wellbeing. What is troubling is that they are still focusing on what is happening out there, where we have no control. Where we end up feeling even more zapped…
The key is to focus internally, to generate energy from within… This is how we cultivate resilience. And, the secret to cultivating resilience is to taking charge of the flow of our day – in owning our day… This is how we generate loads of energy, larger capacity, and broader bandwidth… Trust me, I’ve been called the energy bunny once or twice in my life. LOL This is how we increase our wellness and happiness…
This is How we create What we desire, our successful relationship and meaningful life – our Best Life.
The secret to cultivating resilience is in your daily routine. There is no magic pill to take, unground cult to join or a move to the Tibetan Mountains required for you to feel and do great in your life. It is actually quite simple, just requires a bit of focus and intentionality…
Creating our daily routine is an opportunity and a responsibility. Most people have a very vague approach to their day- they might choose a wake-up time and get themselves to whatever commitment they have for the day, then get haphazardly sucked into that commitment for a chunk of time, to then stumble into their evening, dinner and night time.
They hustle throughout the day, they lose time, they don’t get their priorities completed and they don’t feel accomplished, at ease, happy and connected throughout the day and as it winds down… There is no joy or inspiration.
But it absolutely doesn’t have to be this way. You can for sure have more energy, be in the flow, have inspiration, motivation and creativity day in and day out… You can accomplish anything with gusto. You can enjoy your self, your loved ones and your life!
Again, it just takes a little bit of focus and intentionality in designing, implementing and honoring a daily routine that serves and supports you and your dreams.
Here are 5 Significant Factors to consider when Designing, and tweaking, your Daily Routine:
1- Your daily routine starts the night before! Do a brain dump of all the noise running through your head, think of 3 things you are grateful for from the day, identify your top priority for the next day, go to sleep a bit earlier than your usual
2- Choose an earlier time than your usual to get up in the morning, don’t snooze – just get up!
3- Use the extra time in the morning to enrich your Self-care Practice (hugely important!). Have it include any form and combination you like of meditation practice, exercise, journaling, and learning. It doesn’t have to take long and create stress to get this in. Any investment in yourself pays huge dividends. This is the key – you have to invest in yourself!
4- Go into the rest of the day with the Intention to stay focused and stick with your plan/routine. Plan out your days to include focus time to crank on your priority, transition and margin times to flow with ease and stay present and connected to yourself and others, bio/physical needs time – including having nutritious foods following from your diet choice, and to mindfully transition into evening time.
5- Have an enriching evening routine to tend to your personal life and intentionally wrap up the day
Each of these items can be as rich as you’d like them to be. The key is to keep the framework simple yet strong, and to work it with focus and intentionality. You can add Wellness, Connection and Success Habitsin there to flow with ease and create the results you want.
If you do this, there is no way that you won’t feel well and increase your resilience… Get working it, get cultivating!
ASSIGNMENT: Review how you are currently doing your days and identify your weak points when compared to the Best Life Daily Routine™ formula. Select the area that zaps you the most or doesn’t support you the best and focus on rehabilitating and sprucing up this area. Go all in, change that thing up! This can be a bit unsettling at first but pull off the band-aid and commit to making a change. Hang in there and you’ll soon be seeing amazing results!
Hey, I say you fully go for it. What are you waiting for to create your Best Life? You can do it now!!
Copyright (c) 2020 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com
Often times we say we want to do such and such, make this change, implement a new habit or routine, yet we don’t follow through or stick with it. This is because we are grabbing ideas out of thin air as they sound cool or as a result of a frustration.
The impulsive nature of this approach almost guarantees we won’t stick with the idea. Regardless of how ingenious and awesome it is. To make changes and create what we want, we have to be driven by our Values.
Usually we are not aware of our true values and what is really important to us. We go about our life by default, putting things in it by chance, haphazardly, and on whims. What happens is that we end up filling up our days with things that are not that important, that create noise, that don’t move the needle and that at the end of the day are actually detrimental to creating our Best Life.
We end up with jammed packed calendars and agendas of things and commitments that don’t give us much satisfaction, reward or make an actual difference in our lives. We end up squandering our time, energy, bandwidth and sometimes even financial resources. We run ourselves ragged and don’t make a dent in creating what we desire,if we even own what we desire…
The key to creating what we desire, living our Best Life, having our Best Human Experience, has to do with owning our What, what we desire, and owning our Why. Our Why influences our Values and our values drive our desires, our dreams, and our goals. But when we are operating blind, we set up our world by default creating a big gap between our current experience and our dreams. We don’t focus on the right things!
When we operate blind and unaware of our Why and Values, everything gets skewed. Our focus, how we operate, our dreams and our goals are off. How are we to create our Best Life and have our Best Human Experience, if we are totally going about life the wrong way?
If we are chasing the wrong dreams and setting up the wrong goals, and that is if we even do that and don’t live completely by default… How are we to set up our days to really support us if we are sleep-living, not awakened…?
Identifying our Values is extremely important as they serve as a filter in our life helping us stay focused on what is truly important to us and operating in Alignment. Life is then more peaceful, joyous and abundant… This is why I’m very intentional at operating from my Values, personally and professionally. Here are mine:
All the things that are important to me and the way I operate are captured with these 5 Core Values… In a nutshell:
Connection to higher power, self, family and other loved ones, community and the world at large.
Personal, professional and business development and growth.
Fully accountable, proactive, dependable, intentional and responsible to others.
Honorable, truthful, trustworthy, loyal, fair, and transparent.
Highest level of wellness, performance, efficiency, aesthetics, value provision, and Service.
These help me make decisions in all areas of my life including things like relating, commitments, activities, projects, etc. Values are not mutually exclusive, static or live in a vacuum. I like to look at these as enhancing each, so I experience mine as Leveraged Values™.
Hey, we are “cooking on gas” now (love that phrase!).
Once you have identified your Core Values, review your life from this lens. How does it measure up? What is out of whack? How are you operating out of Alignment? This creates significant dissonance for us that can lead to Mental Health issues along with a very dissatisfying life if not addressed…
So, let’s get you more Aligned… Now is the time to design the life you want flowing from your Why and your Values… These should inform everything you allow to take up space and time in your life…
I love to teach Life Design through creating our daily routine to fully honor and support us. For what is life but an accumulation of days… Our job is to live intentionally and make each day amazing!
To create our Best Life and our Best Human Experience, it’s incredibly important to Connect to our Why and identify our Core Values letting them guide how we live…
ASSIGNMENT: Use the right fuel to better drive your life!
Have your Why handy
Identify your5 Core Values
Review your life for any dissonance and misalignment, and make a list of everything that is out-of-whack
Pick the one thing that is the most out-of-whack and address it immediately
Playing with this concept is so enlightening, liberating and empowering. Living an Aligned life is key to creating Life-Work Integration, and living our Best Life and Best Human Experience…
Copyright (c) 2020 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include:
Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com
Have you decided how you want the rest of the year to go yet? Yes, this is a decision… Regardless of what the world is doing out there you still have control over your mind, your feelings, your actions, your home, your work and the rest of it…
This is a hard concept for some to accept. Some might get hang up on how challenging things will be with Back-2-Sschool and Back-2-Hecticness regardless of what form that will take, what will happen with the election, what will happen with the economy, etc.
There are plenty of external factors always at play in our world… Unprecedented pandemic and all, there is always something going on…
Our job is to choose what we want for ourselves, our loved ones, and our lives regardless of external circumstances.
Some things are just that bottom line – who you are as a person, how you want to love your loved ones, and the impact and contribution you want to make. These things hardly change, regardless of what is happening out there…
These are the areas you need to explore, clarify, and own… For when you are clear on these essentials, they serve as a filter and a guide. The rest flows from there… This is how you stay the course, find motivation, stay focused, feel amazing and inspired, and create awesomeness.
Borrowing Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle concept, we can inspire ourselves and others to action, innovation, and creation by understanding our Why.
I love the concept and want to help you use it for yourself to transcend your current world and its next chapter, and create your New World, your New Reality… I want to help you take your life to the next level – in spite of the pandemic, actually as a result of the pandemic. Take that to the bank, Covid-19!
First, decide on the Whatyou want – What kind of person you want to be (become who you truly are), what kind of relationships you want to have (partake in), and what kind of life you want to live (create) – Self, Relationship, Life…
This in and of itself can stump people. Some have no idea, or haven’t owned, what they want… So, give it some good thinking, pondering and kicking around.
Once you know the What, then you can play with and figure out the How to make what you want happen… This is where people usually get stuck. Because they don’t know how to do something or how to create what they want, they give up or don’t even start going for it…
This is because they don’t know the Why they want what they want, their What. Without a Why, there is no compelling reason to start or stick with something, to figure it out, to be all-in to create the What. The Why is the Purpose, the belief, the drive, the energy, the spark. It is usually what makes our What special and different. This is why we get up in the morning.
So, after you have your What think about Why you want it. Give this some good thinking and percolating time. Once you have your answer, ask yourself Why that answer, and then again, and again, until you really get to your Core Why. Your Core Why needs to move you to tears. If it doesn’t, you haven’t gone deep enough yet. Keep going…
Once you have the Why, then you are ready to play with the How… We can tweak and entertain the ‘How’ to nauseam. There is an infinite number of ways to get our results, our What… We can keep trying things until we crack the code, or until we feel like changing things up again. Trust me, I know. LOL
This is what makes life, our Human Experience, so fun and interesting. It is for us to own, play with and enjoy!
So, you see if you are not clear on What you want and have no clue as to your Why you want it, how are you to figure out How to create it especially when the tough gets going. It’s very easy to lose focus and motivation, to feel beat, and to give up. We don’t have what it takes to figure out the How if we don’t have a strong Why…
It behoves us to crack the code on our Golden Circle so we can stay the course and enjoy the ride!
ASSIGNMENT: Explore these to inspire, empower and motivate yourself, and others, to create your Best Human Experience!
What kind of human (body/mind/spirit) do you want to be, and WHY?
What kind of partner, parent, family member, friend, team member / boss, leader, entrepreneur, citizen do you want to be, and WHY?
What impact and contribution do you want to make, and WHY?
Get in the know with these. Get clarity. Get inspiration and motivation. Get juiced up. Get aligned. Get on your own page…
From here you can pretty much do anything, from here you can go with the flow in this crazy world and still come out on top.
From here you can master back2school and back2hecticness with ease and transcend the nutty to end up with a fabulous 2020 in the end!
Happy Mastering!
Copyright (c) 2020 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com
The time has come to decide who you really are, who you are meant to become, what kind of relationship you want and what kind of life you want. This is it! Do you want an extraordinary life?
Have you noticed that more and more systems are breaking down and revamping (deconstructing and reconstructing…)? We are at a moment of truth. This is our chance to barely hang in there by a thread or to take matters into our own hands, to take our existence to the next level. The choice is ours.
If we continue to look at everything from a survival stance, that’s what we’ll do. Just merely survive. If we want to live our extraordinary life, we have to accomplish extraordinary things. We cannot have an extraordinary life and accomplish extraordinary things by doing the minimum and the basics, and then hoping for the best…
To accomplish extraordinary things, we have to have extraordinary thoughts and take extraordinary action…
Have you noticed that the most successful people in the world have extraordinary visions and accomplish them? That doesn’t happen by accident. They groom and fully own how they think, their mindset, their habits, their self-management, their calendar, their word, their actions, their commitments, their investments – EVERYTHING…
Not only do they fully own themselves, but they stretch themselves and go big… They develop themselves to handle bigger.
To take advantage of the inherent opportunity built into our current world situation and reconstruct with extraordinary results, we have to embrace things differently than we usually do…
The version of ourselves that got us this far can only get us this far… If you are Ok with your status quo, then you are good. But if you are striving and pivoting for a better life, if you want to live your Best Life, if you want to have an extraordinary life, you have to take yourself to the next level.
You can’t settle for your current version of you and expect to do better… never mind extraordinary.
I’m imploring you to embrace a growth and personal development approach to your life so you can go big and do extraordinary things. So you can join the movement of creating a New World… So you can leave a legacy and have a positive impact. For you right now extraordinary can just be accomplishing more than you have been, and that’s perfect.
Whatever your goal or next level, it is vital to your future that you improve your present… This requires you to think differently, to make a mega commitment to your endeavor, and take massive action. If this sounds like too much work and not for you, that’s Ok. You can stay where you are. But if you want more, this is what it takes…
Assuming you are on the Journey to more with me, today we’ll add another concept to our repertoire. This is not a new concept; you might already be familiar with it. I don’t usually write about it so it’s fairly new here. It’s the concept of implementing The 10X Rule…
This means that whatever you want, envision it as 10X more, bigger, better… For when our vision is this large, we approach the related goals, projects, tasks, and what it takes very differently.
Don’t let the hugeness scare you. For if you come up short on a 10X goal, you’d still be better off than if you accomplished 10% of that goal…
The beauty is in the hugeness of it, for it requires different strategies, tactics, systems, resources, support, and the like. It also requires more and sustained discipline, focus, dedication, stamina, and resilience to stay the course – hence my ongoing focus on personal development…
We’d approach a project much differently if we are planting a forest that just a tree… You see the difference of what we are able to accomplish depending on what we set out to do?
So, the key to an extraordinary life is to 10X what we want. We 10X the vision and we 10X our approach in turn… We don’t stop after we plant 1 tree. We have a plan for planting a forest.
And, this doesn’t mean we kill ourselves working. This just means we apply ourselves differently… In the end the effort is the same, but the results are nowhere in the same ballpark!
ASSIGNMENT: Take stock of your current life and where you are going. What are you shooting for?
-Are you trying to merely survive? Are you trying to get ahead? Are you shooting for Mars?
-What is your approach to your life? Are you invested in having an extraordinary life, or are you settling for average? The key is to make a choice. If you desire an extraordinary life, you have to approach your life with that intention in mind. Don’t be trying to have an extraordinary life by making an average investment… LOL
-If you want more than average, take a look at what you are working on and how you are going about it. Now 10X that! 10X what you are shooting for and 10X the actions towards achieving it… And, note that you don’t need to do all the work yourself… Ha! This is where people starting on this journey get hung up…
-Take one action today to get on the Extraordinary Life Track!
Think big, go big, create big! You can do it, just set your mind to it!!
Copyright (c) 2020 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication?
Be our guest! Here is how you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples to succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly Connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit: www.metrorelationship.com.
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of metrorelationship.com a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.
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