As we settle into the New Year, many of us are exploring and integrating our new habits, tactics, practices, and routines… While the cold weather may not be my favorite, I love this season for one reason: It’s the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. And what’s more exciting than the chance to reset, realign, and step boldly onto a Grand New Path?
Failing to be intentional about how we begin a new year, or any significant milestone, is a missed opportunity. This is your moment to course-correct, realign for something meaningful, and set yourself up for your Best Year Yet.
Whether you’ve dabbled in Life Planning, Visioning, Shared Visioning, Goal Setting, New Year’s Resolutions, or simply Setting Intentions, now is the time to uplevel.
Here’s the secret: creating the life we desire boils down to three key steps:
Identifying what we desire.
Aligning ourselves with those desires.
Mapping out a plan to make them a reality.
But here’s the catch: too often, we don’t even know what we’re working toward. We haven’t thought about what kind of life we want to live. We have no idea what our needs are, and we want in our relationship and from our partner… We don’t know or practice what keeps us healthy and what gives up joy…
This is not how we create our Best Life, our Extraordinary Life and Epic Love…
Now, please, I don’t want to hear your thoughts that you are not interested in creating that. That you are OK with an Ok or Ordinary Life… If that were true, you wouldn’t be reading this… Please be honest with yourself and finally Align yourself with your desires, your purpose, your radiant Human Experience… Or, what’s even the point of everything if we are not going for it?
If we are going to Play the Game, let’s PLAY the Game… Don’t sign up for it and then sit on the sidelines… Get me?
Your Blueprint for Success
Now, it is not sufficient to finally own what we desire and create a vision… We need a mechanism for creating the thing… We need a map, a plan, a strategy, a system, a structure of sorts…
Regardless of what mechanism you choose, what you are going for is a way to stay the course, to not rely on self-discipline and will power, to keep you focused, and inspired and motivated…
Here’s how to set yourself up for success:
~ Establish self-care, self-love, and joy practices in your everyday…
~ Be intentional and graceful with how you show-up for yourself, your relationship and your life…
~ Implement aligned, leveraged habits in your daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly routines…
~ Seek support by outsourcing, automating and delegating to create more efficiency and flow…
~ Commit to personal growth and relationship enrichment on an ongoing basis…
By designing a lifestyle that supports your dreams, you’re creating a roadmap to success in every area of life. This is how you win the game of life and experience it as the Grand Adventure it’s meant to be.
So, make it your business to Map Out Your Lifestyle with practices that support the relationship and life experience you want to have.
>> Download our Core Values Guideto align your vision today! Make your relationship resolutions, goals and dreams come true and create a shared life you love!
PPS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2025 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
A brand spanking new year, and the start of a New Quarter Century, #Q2Y2K. Isn’t that something? Big milestone years give me the tingles. I find them super exciting as markers and opportunities for grand gestures, grand plans or intentions, and absolutely for Grand New Beginnings. This is an opportunity to reset ourselves, our relationship, and our life. To set ourselves on a new path, for a new future. We can choose what we want this next segment of time to be like in our Journey… We can design our ideal future. Embracing this perspective is super empowering for having the Experience we desire… Here is to New Year Goals to uplevel our relationship and our life.
But this might feel like an enormous undertaking, intimidating and too elusive to tackle… You might wonder, where do I even start to create such a Grand New Beginning… I hear you.
Fear not, let’s make this accessible, manageable as well as fun!
First off, though we can use great milestone years as measurements of time, big transitions, and give them any meaning we like, as we are doing here as a motivational and inspirational perspective- let’s remember that time is actually non-linear…
In time-space reality, everything we want to achieve or create or experience is already here… Everything is happening right now- past, present, and future. All possible realities. Everything… I’ll spare us even the most basic lesson in quantum physics and the interconnectedness of everything… I’m just a curious quantum physics enthusiast. But you can dig into this on your own if you are also curious about what is possible for our Experience…
So our brain and mind don’t go on the fritz, creating more resistance to change than we might already experience, let’s tackle this from our usual perspective, as if time is linear… But just know that I’ll be tricky and sprinkle in tactics and practices to effortlessly activate us for our Grander Experience… You are welcome.
How to Set a Vision for the New Quarter Century
Ok, so we don’t have to overcomplicate it, philosophize too much, or make it scary to go for a Grander Experience in our life…
If you find that you are thinking things like: My life is perfectly fine as is. Or, I have no idea of what I want and don’t even know where to start, even thinking about this is too overwhelming. Or, Going for Grander is too much, I don’t have it in me to work harder for more. Or, I’m barely surviving and managing my life and my relationship, never mind this grand idea. Or, some version of these. Then, your mindset needs a little decluttering so you don’t hold yourself back from what is possible for you, your relationship and your life…
Let’s start there and then go for it!
Declutter Your Mindset for Transformation
What got us here won’t get us there… If you are looking to uplevel your relationship and your life, you need to uplevel your approach to them…
These things will no longer cut it: Focusing on what doesn’t work or how unhappy we might be, victimizing ourselves, not believing in ourselves or our worthiness birthright, lacking a vision and goals, stretching ourselves thin and rejecting support or blessings, taking life too seriously and getting stuck in the weeds, lacking strategy and systems, lacking focus, prioritization, and periodization, neglecting ourselves, not cultivating joy, not investing in deepening connections, blaming our partner…
These are a Lower-Self way of operating… They keep us in the grind, in disappointment and pain, symptoms or breakdowns riddled, in repeating dissatisfying patterns, and just experiencing a mediocre relationship and life at best…
Once you feel realigned with a Higher Perspective… and are committed to embracing and practicing a different approach, you can dive into what kind of relationship and life you want to create, experience, live…
This is where you explore your dreams, your heart’s desires. Where you create a relationship and life vision. Where you identify your goals and design a way of life and work to help you achieve them. Where you go for the epic s*t you want to experience and live in this lifetime. Where you fulfill your Prime Directive, your Soul’s Directive, of what it wants to experience and how it wants to expand…
THIS IS WHERE – You explore what is the Highest Potential you can imagine for every area of your life. For if you can see it, envision it, it means that you can achieve it… Your brain and mind can’t fathom the unfathomable. Get creative, go all out, dream big, go for the BHAG (big hairy audacious goal), think about what would make your life superhuman, super extraordinary, and what this means about the person you need to become – how you stretch into the best version of you… You 5.0! Commit to getting on the path for a Journey to that magnificent destination. For if you even achieve 10% of that massive vision, you’ve done better for yourself than if you hadn’t gone for any vision at all…
Here is a list of the life areas to ponder and play with, but you can tweak this list to better fit your circumstance:
Health, fitness, mental health, spirituality
Personal development, personal growth, character strengths
Romantic relationship / partnership
Parenting, family
Social, friendships, communities, networks
Work, career, profession, business
Financial health, income streams, assets, wealth, financial freedom
After we get out of our own way with how we experience and create our life, envision what is possible and commit to having a Grander Experience, then we are ready to create, manifest, what we desire… We can go for a Supreme Reality!
What does this mean? It means we commit to creating our life by design and invest in living the design…
THIS MEANS – We identify the micro processes and choices we need to put in place and make on a consistent basis for the cumulative result of creating what we want. We moderate the grind- we still drill and focus and prioritize and choose intentionally how to live all our moments. But we do not hustle, overdo it, drive ourselves into the groundor neglect what is important in the Journey. We invest in systems and support for a softer approach and a worthy Journey… We cultivate Joy…
So, we make an investment in the top 3 life areas that need the most attention for a leveraged upleveling of our relationship and our life. These are usually: Health, Relationship/s, and Prosperity for people. What are yours? Take an immediate action to start moving the needle forward in them… Implement a new habit, tactic, practice, or have the conversation, set the boundary, make the call, set up the appointment, book the thing, and so on…
THIS ALSO MEANS – Getting on the same page with your partner… Discussing values, dreams, goals, priorities, tactics, habits to design your shared life and how to integrate those elements to create the relationship and life you both love!
>> Download our Core Values Guideto align your vision today! Make your relationship resolutions, goals and dreams come true and create a shared life you love!
And, my Lovelies, is how we start this New Year on the right foot on the right path for a magnificent Journey this New Quarter Century! What will your relationship and your life look like in 25 years if you made a dent in your Vision this year…? Good stuff, right?
Let’s commit to staying the course. Get whatever support you need to help you along- let’s do this!
With Much Love & Light!
Want to take your relationship and your life to the next level? Want to:
Stop the fighting, easily get on the same page, change repeating patterns, deepen and expand your connection and intimacy, and create a strong collaborative partnership?
Create a harmonious, joyous, and loving relationship and home?
👉 Get Started with an Initial Session- now at 25% OFF, use code NEWYEARS, and get a BONUS SESSION when you enroll to work with us! Get it Now
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Download our Core Values Guideto align your vision today! Make your relationship resolutions, goals and dreams come true and create a shared life you love!
PPS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2025 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
As we get deeper into the Holiday Season, we might find ourselves going through the motions, pushing ahead and just checking things off our list. But are we truly embracing the merriment, the joy, the blessings, and a deeper purpose for the holidays that make them more meaningful and magical?
Magical holidays are not about all the decorations, food, and gifts… Though these might add flavor to our celebration. What makes them truly magical is in the embracing the spirit of them. The spirit of giving and loving…
If we were to assess how we are going about our Holidays, are we truly embracing their spirit?
Are we giving and loving generously? And I don’t mean in a materialistic or shallow way, but giving the gift of our presence, our attention, our patience, our kindness, our understanding, our grace, our acceptance, our forgiveness, our all in and full commitment…
Are we giving the gift of our Authentic Self? For this is how we feel the deeper and more meaningful connection and the magic…
Maybe it’s time to take a few moments to reflect on this and decide if we need to tweak anything about how we are going about this End-Of-Year and Holiday Season…
~ Are we being as intentional and graceful as we can be? ~ Are we allowing for transition time, down time, and reflection time to ensure we go about the merriment in the most supporting, honoring, and joyful way for us and our loved ones? ~ Are we bringing our Authentic, Higher Self to our celebration?
I find that sometimes people, and I’m no exception, get caught up in all the doing and material, and lose sight of what is most important to them at the end of the day…
I offer that we streamline our to-do list, creating more down time and space for a slower pace and for activities that are more enriching, delightful, and joyous.
This is when creating our own traditions in our relationship, family, groups and even workplace add to the merriment and to more meaningful holidays.
Create New Holiday Traditions
The way to more satisfying, enriching and meaningful holidays is to add the personal, connection, and memorable factor. Here are areas where we’d want to put in our attention for more magical holidays:
Relationship – DIY a meaningful gift, writing a love letter, creating a recipe book of your partner’s favorite meals, cooking or baking together, having a special romantical holiday dinner, visiting an especially festive site or doing a holiday activity, taking a yearly holiday photo, doing a memory jar with memorable moments on slips of paper to review the following year, babysitting for family members or friends with young children
Family – DIY holiday decorations or ornaments, creating a yearly scrapbook of most memorable experiences to rejoice with at every holiday, creating a holiday treats recipe book, building ginger bread houses, binge-watching holiday movies, shopping for toys and donating them to a shelter, baking pies and donating them to an old folks’ home, or doing other community service, creating a time capsule
Groups and Workplace – Hosting a theme night of singing, movies, games, cooking or baking, facilitating a scavenger hunt, organizing a mystery gift exchange or holiday gift swap, gifting a framed statement of acknowledgement of their unique contributions, hosting a ball or dance party, orchestrating a fun, pretty, or adventurous holiday outing, contributing something special to a gathering
So, what will you cut off your minutiae to-do or material list? How will you create more spaciousness? How will you embrace creating more enriching experiences these holidays?
Here is wishing you more magical and meaningful holidays!
With Much Love & Light!
End this Year with a Bam, Waltz into the New Year!
Check out this month’s Integration Experience~ Available in Recording! ~ The Reset Process for the New Year or for an Anytime Upleveling We are in the thick of the Holiday Season and have only a few weeks left to the year. This is a very special time of year where we get to create magical and meaningful holidays and get to nourish the relationships with our loved ones. But we also get to bring more intentionality into our life to reset for a Grand New Beginning. We can be intentional about how we wrap up the year and start the new one (or any new period). We get to complete things that we have wanted to get under our belt for the year. We get to clear out and make space for the new. We get to think about what we want to create and manifest in our relationship and our life. And we get to tweak how we want do things going forward to help us create and experience what we desire. *This is a work along experience to knock out the process and have it in place to start the New Year right. Access it HERE!
Don’t have a Membership with us yet? Get Access it and much more through our Radiance Membership! (at only $29 per month) Get Enrolled NOW!
Get our FREE 1-pg downloadable End-Of-Year and New-Year Planning Process(ENP Process) for making your relationship resolutions, goals and dreams come true and for creating the life you love!
PPS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2024 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
What is your tradition for wrapping up the year? What kind of bow do you like to put on it? Have you acknowledged all your accomplishments and experiences you’ve had this year? Have you wrapped up anything you don’t want to carry into the New Year? What else are you leaving behind? Do you have any other special transition practices to glide into the New Year? How are you having your Future Self’s back? How are you resetting and realigning for your New Beginning? Now is the time to give all this some thought to have a magnificent and smoother transition into the New Year…
And what does resetting and realigning mean?
~ They mean that you revisit what who you are and how you become more your true self… ~ They mean that you revisit what kind of partner you want to be and what kind of relationship you want to create… ~ They mean that you revisit what kind of lifestyle you want to live and what kind of life you want to create…
Tall order? Maybe, but this doesn’t have to be intimidating. You can focus only on the area that resonates most for you if you want to streamline your process. The key here is that what we focus on grows- or becomes, or we create… By giving attention to what we desire, not what we don’t desire mind you, we energize it and make it so… I know, not very scientific but I’ll spare you those insights for the sake of getting to the crux of it here for you.
Our Signature Planning Processcan help you get all this under your belt. A key concept as you do your planning is that it requires some dreaming. This is the fun part in my opinion, aside from setting up the actual strategyof course… (Yes, I can be nerdy- don’t judge me! LOL) Do dare to get in touch with your big dreams. Go big, why not? What would light up your heart should that thing come to be?
Remember, that accomplishing some part of a big dream is a lot more that accomplishing all of a small one or nothing from not having one… Don’t let your dream, or your partner’s intimidate you. The other thing is to then find a way of making those a shared dream. This is where the juice is- togetherness, meaning, purpose, synergy, joy, happiness… Have fun with this!
In today’s video, I share about Element 5 of our Successful Relationship Strategy™- Collaboration & Partnership, where we align with our partner to become a strong partnership and to create the life of our dreams…
PSS: Do you need support taking yourself, your relationship, and your life to the next level- actually living a healthy, happy, harmonious and overall abundant life?
Copyright (c) 2023 Emma K. Viglucci. All rights reserved.
Want to Use this Article in Your Own Website or Publication? Be our guest! Here is how, you MUST include: Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT is the Founder and Director of Metropolitan Marriage & Family Therapy, PLLC, a private practice that specializes in working with couples, she is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Couple Strategy™ that assist couples succeed at their relationship and their life. Stay Connected™ with Emma and receive weekly connection notes in your inbox with Personal Development and Relationship Enrichment insights and strategies, visit:
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Emma K. Viglucci, LMFT has been in the mental health profession in varying capacities for the past 20+ years. She is the Founder and Director of a psychotherapy and coaching practice specializing in working with busy professional and entrepreneurial couples who are struggling getting on the same page and feeling connected. The work helps couples create a radiant and successful relationship and meaningful life by becoming a strong partnership and increasing their connection, intimacy, and fun. Emma is the creator of the MetroRelationship™ philosophy and the Successful Relationship Strategy™.
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